", "You too Cady, thanks for coming. Her mane was half-inflated, a sign of her misery, and her eyes had bags, an obvious indicator she did not sleep well. As she began to sob once more, Spike immediately took the mare in his arms, consoling her for all she was worth. At first, the baby dragon did nothing, but then, in the corner of her eye Applejack spotted Spike's hands curl into fists, fueled by his disgust, anger and frustration. With that, the Mane 5 began to move out of the treehouse, one by hesitant one. Tell me we didn't forsake innocent lives for a wedding". What is that?" Back in Canterlot, Shining Armor had arrived at his and Twilights old family home with the orders to inform their parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light of their current situation. Twilight could have stopped the Changelings from wreaking havoc, but she was never given the chance! To ask for her forgiveness and to get her to resume being your student, or simply to resume being your attack dog?". Granny Smith mused. ", "Be at ease, Lady Velvet. It changes depending on how they are feeling at any given time. The colour was the same as Twilight's magical aura, a reddish hue of purple, but it also contained a dark tint. Together, Chrysalis and her ragtag, yet respectable strike force hurried to the village, intent on razing it to the ground. Celestia snapped in frustration. Do you have any idea what would have happened to me if..". ", "Of course we do!" I need to check with Twilight. "I don't know what happened after that because we were ordered out of the hall by the Royal Guard, but I have every faith that Twilight played a part in the victory over the changelings. Deciding to waste no further time, Shining made his move. The girls could only look at her with frank expressions. Marching up to the doors, still wearing his ceremonial Mareish Guards dress, Shining motioned to four of the eight throne room guards standing before him. "It's alright Applejack. There were no villagers though. "Princess, you are aware Twilight isn't exactly innocent of her crimes either?" family zodiac compatibility chart; lakefront property for sale vernon, bc; shangela and alyssa edwards look alike; east bay regional parks list; ihealth company stock Although taken aback, Shining settled into his role, doing his best to soothe the tormented alicorn. "I am sorry, dear sister. Shining stopped dead in his tracks, the equivalent of a spear slamming into his heart. Twilight was ravin' about Cadence being an impostor and repeatedly called her evil, which made her cry. The alicorn started crying, her stubbornness finally failing. "We understand darling." You're not the only pony who's having a rough time. "Beautiful? "Of course Princess." Baggy eyes filled with regret, a weary expression, plus her mane and tail weren't very well groomed. Applebloom told me about it, y'all were attacked by the Changelings. However, Twilight seemed to only cry harder. A brief silence took hold as Celestia registered the news, before resuming her job. "But goodness me, you look terrible. Just then, Rarity entered the building, the doorbell signalling the alabaster unicorn's arrival. my commanders are deploying their troops to assist construction efforts and seek out any Changeling stragglers. "Then why did you not defend Twilight at the wedding rehearsal?". A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1 is the twenty-fifth episode of the second season of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and the fifty-first overall. Knowing that there was no escape, he took a deep breath and made his decision with a heavy heart. Back at the library, Twilight's sobs were beginning to slow. From the numerous cracks and windows that dotted the structure, a sickly green light glowed, with trace amounts of smoke rising from them. Much of Fimfiction's functionality requires javascript so we suggest you turn it on! "Darnit" Rainbow grumbled in annoyance. Twilight bowed her head as well, Spike and Cadance looking up to notice her movements. What if that really was Cadance? Applejack stopped eating. MLP: FiM. All you need to do is think of a Plan B, something that can make and have Twilight understand how sorry you really are. We do not need this to continue! Shining dug deep before finally letting it roll off his tongue. Replied Rarity. Like Twilight, Spike and Cadance before me, I find it hard to comprehend how you, along with Shining and the Element Bearers can dismiss the impostor's attitude as mere stress. "The aim of the pegasi attacking the castle is to cut off the princesses from their guards and divert them somewhere we can corner them. I'll never leave you Twily" Said Cadance soothingly. Indeed, it was rock solid. Shining expected Celestia to begin talking, but instead the solar alicorn rose from her perch before motioning to the stallion to accompany her out of the study. "What if I was wrong? something they needed to rectify, and fast. ", "Thank you Cadance. As a teacher, Celestia was extremely disappointed in herself. I told them what happened, and welly'know.". It didn't take long for Velvet to catch on either. You're going to need it, because there are long and trying days ahead. She understood that Cadance was trying to play peacemaker, but the odds were against her, and the Mane 5 too. She has enough on her hooves without us being attacked.you may cast the spell Princess. HOME; ABOUT US; PRODUCTS; CONTACT US; Home / Trends / a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction. This had left them both hurt and furious, emotions which Luna knew full well would suppurate and fester within their souls. The group was intimidated, but only a little. Equestria needed Twilight back at the helm of the Elements, and this was probably the only chance they'd get to fix things. If this was the ultimate price they were being made to pay for their actions, it was. I have to go and find Twilight. She then smiled and clenched an eye as a red Spartan came into view on the river. "Who's there?" I don't know a whole lot about what happened, nor do I remember, but Twi went completely insane trying to find a problem to solve so she could write to Princess Celestia about her friendship lesson. The reason is that in light of my most recent actions, as well as those of Captain Armor and the Element Bearers, Canterlot nearly fell.". We hope you can forgive us.". Sobbed Celestia. Would you care to stay with me for the time being?". "It's going to be OK.". The battalion will be waiting in the Everfree within moments of your arrival. To make matters worse, he knew that it wouldn't end there. Twilight had just reunited with her brother, who also happened to be the groom. ", "Canterlot nearly fell, because of the collective incompetence of myself, Captain Armor and the Element Bearers. At the moment, Twilight only trusts me and Spike, so it's better if I talk to her. While the latter would be pleased to see her again, the presence of the girls would equate to a presence entering her home that was never welcome from the day they had first met. "Come in!" Celestia had to face facts; everything that happened and everything that was going to happen was brought on by herself, Shining Armor and the Mane 5. "Night Light! "Twilight and Spike left, my bride hates me and called off the wedding and now I'm left to wonder if I really deserve to be Captain of the Royal Guard and be with Twilightmy LSBFF, the pony I loved so much and missed every day before she returned". Whispered Luna, comforting her sister. said the recomposed Night Light. Page generated in 0.03 seconds Such actions would be unworthy of his rank, as if he had not done enough to stain its honor already. Said Luna, who had little idea her guests would be royal guards with very specific orders. Rarity had awoken from her sleep, groggy but quite well-rested. It ain't right of a princess to do something as foalish as a hoofshake." With a "mmph" of configuration, she smiled at Luna once more. Her efforts to try to pick herself up were in vain, as no matter how hard she tried to put it behind her, temporarily or otherwise, her own memories always found a way back to the forefront of her mind. The lavender unicorn looked at him, having snapped out of her trance. The pain must be excruciating, for want of a fitting word. In fact, it was because of Twilight that she was freed from the clutches of Nightmare Moon, a deed that truly won her sister's praise and gratitude. I'm your number one assistant. Aside from that, there's nothing else to report. One did not, and that was Rarity. Worse still, she couldn't comprehend just how little she cared for Twilight, compared to the amount of love and attention she gives to her animal friends daily. Twilight dashed through the halls of the castle, passing by several Royal Guards, servants or guests. However, Blade ordered Snake to hold position for a little while longer, so as to not make things seem suspicious. The rest of the Mane 5, along with Cadance and Spike, joined the hug, doing all in their power to console the distraught unicorn. "You crash-landed, pretty hard too." And as for you, you walked out on her too! It described how Chrysalis and her Changelings had attacked the village and completely incapacitated and harvested the Royal Guard garrison stationed there before setting the village's homes alight, capturing the residents and harvesting those who tried to resist. The Guard Captain immediately tried to calm down Celestia as best as he could. The hour is nigh. Unbeknownst to Shining, the Solar Princess was entering a nightmare. "As well as the sound of a bell!" I know we did try but it's just not enough. "Proceed" Answered the Guard, who proceeded to open his door to the study. The Changeling Queen later returned to dispose of her by sealing her in the caves beneath the castle, so as to ensure she would not meddle with her plans again. "What?! ", "Very good Commander Barbarousis. Instead, it was a case of "had". What he got instead was nowhere near what he was expecting: a hug. Shining Armor was sat down on his rump atop the altar/throne, crestfallen and wallowing in self-disgust. How are we going to deal with them? However, her memories did not betray her. pleaded Shining in protest. Silence fell over the room once more. Despite being met with a series of gasps or long stares, she didn't care. Spike witnesses it and, after the Changelings are sent away, Twilight is awakened by the same shockwave. With that, Celestia was beaten. Moments later, Princess Cadance, the bride, Twilight's former foalsitter and somepony with whom she was very close, appeared. ", "Yes ma'am. Also, we didn't just walk out on her. Nothing could get past the stony hardness of her gaze, but the worst of all? Eventually, Applejack spoke up, having finally found something to say. "Yes Luna. Did you become Twilight's friends because you liked her and wanted to be best friends forever? Prepare your troops for battle!". What do you mean Canterlot nearly fell?! Nevertheless, if Twilight was happy, Rarity was happy. We'll be waiting.". However, that mattered little now, as she too was about to receive the brunt of Spike's fury. She glanced behind her to see Twilight's treehouse/library encased once more in a dark magenta coloured bubble. This time we harvest, and then we kill. Unlike you, I would never leave Twilight unless the circumstances demanded it, but you.you were all so caught up in the wedding that it became all that mattered to you! Just then, the conductor called out from the middle carriage. Will I let you out? Back at the castle, Princess Luna was holed up in her private quarters, furiously trying to win a game of Team Slayer on Halo 3's multiplayer, the game being set in the map Valhalla. Pinkie rose her head above the display case, her expression a concerning mashup of a forced smile coupled with a miserable upper-half, which left Rarity mildly disturbed. All of this was still cooking up a storm deep in the annals of her mind, and there was little she could do to forget about it. Now at the time, we didn't know that she was a fake, so we thought Twilight was being mean. Everypony in the room stood to attention as Chrysalis stepped inside. "I cannot hold my tongue any longer. Knowing his time was up, Aegis turned to face the victorious Changeling Queen. "It's Spike. Shining could only hang his head deeper from the truth in her words. Applejack had nothing else to say. ", "Of course your Majesty" Blade hissed in response. One would expect her to take it maturely. They had a job to do, and they would get it done. The captain was debating whether to watch over her or leave her in peace, but before he could make up his mind, Celestia suddenly let out a distressed whimper. Things did not go as hoped for Applejack and the rest of the Mane 5. With an instant feeling of urgency coursing through her body, Luna was quick to acquiesce to Shining's orders. While it failed to, that didn't stop him from opening his mouth. Twilight also begins to suspect that . The reality was obvious: While they thankfully hadn't signed their death warrants, Shining, the Mane 5 and Celestia had condemned themselves to this hell they were living. Captain, may I talk to you in private?". a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction. "The operation should take 8 hours maximum, but it is currently unknown what kind of defensive capabilities the enemy possesses. After pulling herself together, Celestia took a moment to compose herself before speaking. "Pleaseplease don't leave me" Whimpered Twilight, still suffering from the intense effects her memories were forcing upon her. Go ahead. Replied Velvet, making room for Luna to enter. Emotions which, once they took hold, would give way to malice, evil and nightmares, an experience which consumed the Lunar Princess herself. Rainbow added. "What's going on here!? "So, what was it you wanted to talk about? "This shield spell contains traces of Twilight's anger, hence it's dark coloring" Said Cadance grimly. In the midst of her struggle to find an answer to how she failed to differentiate the impostor from her niece, tears began flowing from her eyes. What are we going to tell Twilight?" Her throne possessed the ability to channel the love from her prisoners into her body, giving her extra magic power and increased strength, a much needed boost considering the toll Cadance and Shining's spell took on her. Her eyes and teeth were clenched shut in pain and she was letting out groans that would rend one's heart irrevocable. The reason was obvious; Twilight would be welcoming to everypony else but her former friends, her Big Brother Former Best Friend Forever and as of late, her former teacher. With a deep sigh of resignation, Applejack prepared to bite the bullet. Asked Granny Smith. ", "And anyway, that's what friends do!" Why hath you summoned me before you? A search party found their commander frozen solid. Or did you become her friends because you sought the fame and glory you would eventually gain from your numerous exploits as the Elements of Harmony?". "Princess Luna? "I can remember spending most of the night cr-". "Princess, I don't know about this. Something he couldn't quite put his claw on. "No Rainbow!" Night moved closer to his wife, who leaned close to him in response. "Is that why you've come here?! Twilight didn't see this though, Midnight kept her gaze forward and Twilight was far too concerned with Midnight's destination. A heavy price to pay, perhaps not one more heavy than that of death, but it was still a loss that affected you deeply. There's still a chance for you to make up with Twilight. Shining replied grimly. As Twilight and Cadence; the real Cadence; stop the 'wedding', Twilight turns into the new Nightmare Moon. By: Black Kyurem. I understand what you are doing is for the good of our kingdom.". Spike? "What is it you want?" They would act as a second echelon, coming in from behind to support the main force. In response, Dark Shroud, another of Chrysalis's officers, and one of the most experienced in her army stepped forth. Stepping inside the library, she made herself comfortable. Maugrim! We will take our revenge on Celestia and the ponies of Canterlot, and there's nothing that they can do to stop us! Once more Celestia felt her heart shatter, and this made her feel worse; she and the Sparkle couple had been great friends since the day after they first met, but when it was announced to them that Twilight was to become her star pupil, Velvet had immediate reservations as Twilight was so precious to her as well as Night. My Little Pony and all of its characters are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. Chapter 4 - Scathing Criticism, Undying Regret, Chapter 5 - Actions Speak Louder Than Words. As my most trusted lieutenant, I am sure you will not fail me. Celestia cried. She made a difference in Twilight when she forgot about friendship after becoming Princess Celestias star protge and you took her love for you for granted. How can you expect me to just forget what happened?". Twilight Sparkle grapples with her conflicted feelings when she finds out her brother, Shining Armor, is marrying Princess Celestia's niece, Princess Cadance. Replied Velvet anxiously. Standing before Chrysalis was a tall and thick stone gate, which opened immediately to reveal an equally tall iron portcullis. With a quick and curt bow, Snake Bite flew off to Ponyville. A storm was crashing down upon the Black Widow's Peaks, rain as thick as glass soaking the jagged mountaintops. "Oh mah" Said Applejack, horrified. I think they have marinated long enough. While I watched over my night, the ponies were asleep in their beds. "Oh little Twilight Sparkle, I cannot imagine how much it must hurt to have been betrayed and left for dead by those you held close to your heart, those you loved. "My story is not so different to Twilight's, Lady Velvet. She will be painted matte white and Celestia themed. Don't they realize what they've done? If the Princess had guessed correctly, this wouldn't be good news in the slightest. Spike barked firmly. calvary chapel church in downey; knapheide van shelving; jacksons clapham sun conure for sale md; portable water cannon for sale woodland for sale in hertfordshire 4a5e bmw fault code. The Mane 5 looked at each other glumly, before nodding to Cadance. It was my pride that convinced me to leave my best friend so I could follow after the Queen of them Changeling thugs, who I foolishly believed to be the real Princess Cadance. If you'd allow me, I will describe it to you in detail.". Suddenly, with authority Spike threw his hat on the ground, not caring in the slightest about whatever damage it suffered. However, teams of my pegasi will dive bomb the Guards and engage them from behind, allowing our troops to move in and finish them off. "Don't you get it?! With the defeat of the princesses, the pegasi and unicorns will then exit the castle through the main entrance and over the walls, so as to engage the Royal Guards from behind. "Not at all darling." Angel tried his best to comfort her, not knowing the reason behind his master's sorrow. Unable to compose herself any longer, the cowpony started sobbing. "Indeed we are Princess." "Hi girls." Opposite them, the garrison of Royal Guards was also rushing towards them, with the mission to take down Chrysalis and exile her and her troops from Canterlot. After a while, she grinned confidently, settling Barbarousis's nerves. They have my permission to use tracking magic as well. Prepare the prisoners for their rehabilitation.". He couldnt bear to think of it any longer but he wanted to get it over with so they can quickly make amends to his own sister, the Element Bearer's best friend and Celestia's student they all scarred for life.Still, they had to know, so Shining knocked on the door and it opened to reveal his father Night Light. After being laid down gently on the floor, the blue pegasus came to. The wedding hall remained as it was from the moment Twilight ran out crying; a room with an atmosphere crushed under the heavy weights of regret and sorrow. Do you want me to cast this protection spell?". It was just them against the world. "Thank you for your gratitude Sir Light." Celestia could feel another slash tear through her heart as Luna hit her with another telling question. "You are in charge of the armory. "No ma'am. August 21, 2022 . Honestly Luna, I can't explain it. Soon to be thrice once ah' meet up with the girls to discuss a plan. Just as the cowpony was about to reply, a voice rang out from across the room. May I come in?". How can you even call yourselves her friends anymore?!". After a little while, Celestia managed to recompose herself, with a request to boot. They heard me cryin' last night and wanted to know what was wrong. I am here to save you from the Nightmare Forces that once corrupted me.". Am I clear Snake Bite?". "I did not commit the same sins you did!". ", "I failed the Element of Generosity because I was not generous enough to show you that I still cared about you." And don't come back unless you want to be my friends again!". However, the pony she opened the door to was unlike anypony she could've possibly expected, her eyes going wide and her jaw dropping to denote her shock. "We won't leave you ever again.". Entire towns and villages had fallen mostly by his hoof alone, hence why Blade saw fit to pick him for this job. She was deep in thought, as well as misery. Tell her I will seek an audience when the time is right.". Velvet took a long look at Night Light, who nodded firmly in response. The fate of all ponykind depended on these talks, and Cadance could only wonder how this fact couldn't be more obvious to anypony in general apart from herself and the girls. "Go now Snake Bite. "I can't believe ANY of you! "I know that what she did wasn't exactly noble of herself either, but Rarity, you must understand. ", "Thank you Princess." She was still listening, despite this. "Hello Twilight." The girls are sorry and they wish to apologise to Twilight personally!".