Verified. He still hadnt heard from Luttrell and wanted to fly to Houston to hash things out. Since theyd last seen each other, the former SEAL had become an entrepreneur, launching his own clothing line (and later his own brand of ammunition called Team Never Quit). His wife and children had to flee, and his family lost nearly everything: Their home and most of their clothes, their taxi and timber business, their apple trees and the land, where they had planted wheat and corn.In the summer of 2005, not long after Gulab saved Luttrell, the U.S. military showed its gratitude. How much does a Navy SEAL make? They tried as he bumped over the road in a silver sedan, killing his nephew with a bullet to the brain. 'Lone Survivor' Marcus Luttrell on PTSD defense. Now, as the plane climbed into the sky, Gulab looked out the window. It all seemed remarkable for a man still learning to steer a shopping cart.About 10 days after he got off the plane, he spoke to a friend in Kunar province. Unable to make rent, he and his sons spent weeks living in the apartment or a tent, depending on what he could afford.In April, however, an Afghan friend loaned him thousands of dollars to buy his wife and three daughters plane tickets. Gulab says Luttrell asked him to give $13,000 to the other villagers, which he says he did.For the next two years, Gulab and his family remained relatively safe. When Navy personnel arrived to retrieve his body for burial, they found that it was located a few hundred yards away from the RPG blast location. Marcus Luttrell and Mohammad Gulab met in Afghanistan in 2006. The burly Texas native frequently offered to help him start a business, Gulab says, and the two discussed a market the Afghan said he wanted to buy in Asadabad. The Cuban leader.Gulab shrugs. Wildes says hes also received a threat but declined to elaborate.Even with his friends behind him, Gulab still had to wait months to leave the country for India. Luttrell was aboard an army helicopter during a training exercise when their Black Hawk crashed; the force of the helicopters explosion caused Luttrell to break his back in numerous places and sustain a severe traumatic brain injury that caused him multiple cognitive issues for months. They treated him well, he says, but the interpreter was rarely around. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. 2016. The prospects for his illiterate friend and his sons were much worse.Fazilhaq found Gulab and his sons an apartmenta small room and bathroom with no kitchenand helped them register with the U.N. refugee agency. He had little money and no way to travel on his own. Thats also around when Wildes called me in the middle of the night.Months passed with little progress, but the lawyer asked me not to write anything about Gulabs predicament. Anderson Cooper interviewed Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell about his amazing story of survival after a 2005 Afghanistan operation went bad, killing all three of his teammates. The movie's screenplay was based on the saga of Marcus Luttrell, the retired U.S. Navy SEAL Gulab saved from a Taliban ambush in 2005. But the Afghan claims the villagers and American military personnel who combed the mountain for the bodies of the dead SEALs never found any enemy corpses. Mohammad Gulab Mangal (Pashto: ) (born 3/4/1957) is an Afghan politician.Since October 2016, he has been serving as the senior adviser minister of borders and tribal affairs for the president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.He is also actively involved in the tribal conflict resolutions. Do a "deep search" instead. The battle, Gulab claims, was short-lived. They tried with a grenade outside his daughters bedroom, the blast hurling shrapnel into her leg. Learn how Mohammad Gulab made sacrifices that changed everything, and what has happened in the eight years since, including the Lone Survivor and . They tried with a bomb. There is nothing holding them together now, and Gulab feels abandoned. But it wasnt Luttrell who saved him from the Taliban; the two had a falling out over money, respect and what really happened to the SEALs on that tragic day. Now he appeared to indicate Murphy alone decided to let the goat herders go. is pleased to announce that his client, Mohammed Gulab, is now out of Afghanistan with his family. For days, Mohammad Gulab and his fellow villagers protected him from a Taliban-linked militia in northeastern Afghanistan. mary. I know its something more. My head was spinning, he says, and everything turned to black and white.05_20_Gulab_12. Gulab stumbled backward and scrambled inside as a bullet ricocheted off a wall and struck him in the upper thigh. Weeks earlier, after a period of silence from Luttrell, he had received the book contract from the interpreter. He currently co-host of a podcast called Team Never Quit . Despite being shot twice, breaking his back and suffering serious injuries to his left leg following a grenade blast, Luttrell was able to crawl into a crevasse. The timing was more than badin a few hours, the two were supposed to sit down with TV anchor Anderson Cooper for a 60 Minutes interview. I broke right there, I quit right there.Some eight years later, Luttrell couldnt change what happened to Murphy, but he still had Gulab, a man he now called his brother in blood. Stomach acid, he says. The Taliban stole his timber truck and all the wood it was carrying. Whatever you offer me, Gulab recalls telling the interpreter, thats OK. And so, in the summer of 2013, Universal secured a visa for Gulab, and the Afghan sent his family back to Asadabad to live with relatives. Now Gulab could use a savior of his own. PO2 Matthew Axelsons remains were found during a combat search and rescue operation on July 10, 2005. Robinson, Luttrells co-author, recalls a similar exchange: [Luttrell and his wife] offered to build Gulab a large house on a river, he says, and to provide him with livestockthat would give him an income and he would be safe there forever., As the buzz around Lone Survivor increased, Luttrell advised him to seek asylum, since it was proving difficult for him to get a green card. Mohamed Gulab, who saved the Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell from the Taliban, has successfully fled Afghanistan with his family. A grave battle ensued, killing three SEALs, but a badly wounded Luttrell made it to a nearby village and ended up the lone survivor. No Taliban! He gave Luttrell water and helped carry him back to their village. The U.S. was performing security checks, and there was nothing to do but wait. For the next two weeks, the Lone Survivor Foundation paid for Gulab to travel around the country with Fairchild and an interpreter. Gulab wasnt so polite. Stars and Stripes. Now he cant sleep because hes worried about his future.When the Americans came to our country and they were fighting the Taliban, one of them [Marcus] came to my house, Gulab says. He claims there were far less than the 80 to 200 insurgents Luttrell claimed were attacking the unit in northeastern Afghanistan. A new book released Tuesday tells the story of the efforts U.S. Army Rangers made in summer 2005 to recover the casualties of Operation Red Wings and to rescue the mission's lone survivor, U.S. Navy SEAL Petty Officer Marcus Luttrell. Luttrell later learned his name was Mohammad Gulab." Luttrell might have changed this detail to protect. . Mohammad Gulab, an Afghan man who saved an American Navy SEAL in 2005, and whose heroism inspired a Hollywood movie, finally escaped Afghanistan last Saturday after spending years dodging the. As they passed through a valley, the Taliban began firing at them with AK-47s. He also had a different rifle than either Danny Dietz or Michael Murphy. Marcus Luttrell did not run out of ammo In the book, "Lone Survivor," Luttrell says he fired round after round until he was almost out of ammunition. That is until early 2006, when he and his brother-in-law were walking on a rural road outside of Asadabad. At night, he left his family and went to a secret location. It was the stupidest, most southern-fried, lame-brained decision I ever made in my life, he wrote.More than an hour and a half later, the SEALs spotted about 80 to 200 heavily armed militants above them. Marcus Luttrell (born November 7, 1975) is a retired United States Navy SEAL who received the Navy Cross and Purple Heart for his actions in June 2005 against Taliban fighters during Operation Red Wings in which he was the lone survivor. His dream is to start a family business, so he can once again be his own boss. Now is not the time to think about Pashtunwali, he told him. Gulab and his family were eventually given refuge in the U.S., but according to Newsweek, he is no longer in contact with the former Navy SEAL. Wildes stated: He is now out of Afghanistan, a refugee under international law. Over the course of several months, Gulab saw the film three times. The money has been helpful, the Afghan says; it allowed him to pay back some of what he borrowed while in India. Have the bodies of Lone Survivor ever been recovered? Gulab felt betrayed. One district commander, Mullah Nasrullah, was livid that his fighters had yet to kill the famous villager from Sabray. Gulab decided against it. A sniper and a medic, Luttrell packed a scoped military assault rifle and 11 magazinesthree more than usual, he wrote in Lone Survivor. All rights reserved. He didnt specify a sum; that would have been impolite, but he said yes. The light turns green, and we drive off.Gulab fears a similar fate. Are Marcus Luttrell and Mohammad Gulab still friends? Yet somehow Luttrell found the strength to move, crawling into a crevasse and waiting until it was safe to emerge. He wanted to write about Gulabs return to Afghanistan, and he met the timber worker a short time later at a secret location. Along the way, hes received death threats, and he says the Saudi government once hired a team to bug his office.Wildess years of experience taught him to take precautions he keeps a Glock on his hip and a bulletproof vest in his trunk. Under a canopy of stars, they squatted behind a barricade and fired toward the gate, their bullets sparking in the darkness when they hit stones. Murphy eventually realized their only hope was to call for help once again. Mi Vida Loca - Copyrights 2023 All rights reserved. All 16 passengers on board were killed. 737K followers. The Afghan timber worker didnt fare so well. Were the bodies of Operation Red Wings recovered? We pull up to Nora, a trendy restaurant that boasts a taste of Afghan culture, along with signature cocktails such as the Kabul Mule. Remember Mohammad Gulab the Afghan that saved Marcus Luttrell in Afghanistan? Fairchild declined to comment for this story, but the Afghan says he contacted Luttrell for him. He will still get food stamps and health care. So that pretty much makes me a coward. After an intensive search, the bodies of Dietz, Murphy, and Axelson were eventually recovered, and Marcus Luttrell was rescued, his survival accredited in part to the aid of a local Afghan villager in the village of Salar Ban, roughly 0.7 miles (1.1 km) down the northeast gulch of Sawtalo Sar from the location of the . In 2005, Marcus Luttrell is a Navy SEAL serving in the Middle East. Gulab says hes still looking for a job (and the relief agency is helping him), but his English is rudimentary, despite several months of classes. He was attracting the Talibanlike flypaper.The American Abandoned YouAround December 2014, Gulab received a call from an unfamiliar number. Gulab scoffs at the estimate by Naval Special Warfare Command that 35 Taliban died in the battle. He was the head of a small Taliban-linked militia. Luttrell was rescued by American forces and came home to the US, back to his native Texas. . He thanked the interpreter for the offer but declined.Gulab says Luttrell kept trying and even promised him money. It was one of his contacts. With his family in danger, and no way to make a living, he contacted Fairchild and others at the base. Mohamed Gulab, who saved the Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell from the Taliban, has successfully fled Afghanistan with his family. He told me he heard there were 100 dead Taliban on the mountain.Gulab admits there are certain parts of his story he doesnt remember, and I see some inconsistencies in his version of events. Marcus Luttrell and Mohammad Gulab (the real characters of Lone Survivor) - YouTube 0:00 / 5:01 Marcus Luttrell and Mohammad Gulab (the real characters of Lone Survivor) Afghan WomenForum. At a stoplight, we watch a homeless man move from car to car, begging for change. is pleased to announce that his client, Mohammed Gulab, is now out of Afghanistan with his family. NOORULLAH SHIRZADA/AFP/GETTY. Are Mohammad Gulab and Marcus Luttrell still friends? After Luttrell and company freed the locals, the gunmen waited for the right moment to strike.The battle, Gulab claims, was short-lived. There are no Afghans here, he says. Every time they take one of your friends down, teammates down, it kind of jacks you up a little bit harder," he said. At a party at the home of the interpreters parents in California, the Afghan remembers sitting with his translator in the dining room when Luttrell sidled up to him. Marcus Luttrell Husband, Dad, Veteran & Advocate for Good People. He loved his nephew and felt guilty about his death. While the content of this site is provided in good faith, we do not warrant that the information will be kept up to date, be true and not misleading, or that this site will always (or ever) be available for use. He wasn't on the mountain with Luttrell but says everyone in the village could hear the gunfire. Marcus Luttrell says part of himself died on the Afghanistan mountain where his three Navy SEAL comrades perished in the ill-fated 2005 mission Operation Red Wings. If you have read Marcus' book, Lone Survivor, you are familiar with the iatrical role Gulab played in aiding Marus and the team that came to rescue him in the aftermath of the failed . Joe Rogan fans were left puzzled after a recent podcast episode with former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell ended abruptly when the war hero who inspired the movie "Lone Survivor . Luttrell tells Gulab thank you; Gulab nods. Mohammad Gulab's ordeal began in 2005, when Marcus Luttrell and three fellow Navy SEALs were ambushed by Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. And I put my weapon down in a gunfight while my best friend was getting killed. Fortunately, there were American troops nearby, and they airlifted the two Afghans to see a doctor.Things only got worse for Gulab. After Yousafzais story appeared, the former SEAL was upset. You made lots of promises that you didnt keep.05_20_Gulab_06. I tried to make my way up to him. We are looking for ways to say no to them. (Marcus Santos) Gulab and Luttrell became friends after the Seal's nearly fatal experience and re-united briefly at Luttrell's Texas ranch in 2010, three years before "Lone Survivor,". He's about to be deployed to Afghanistan for a special mission, along with half a dozen of his teammates. I didnt pick up in time, but the number indicated it was Wildes, who had taken on Gulabs case for free and was trying to use the media to push the U.S. government to help. The Luttrells believe that Gulab has come under the influence of one or more handlers in Afghanistan, who are manipulating Gulab for their own financial gain. Now there were just 30 to 40 fighters on the mountain. He also lost relatives including his nephew to attacks from insurgents who considered his act of kindness to Luttrell betrayal. Marcus evaded the pursuing enemy with the help of local Pashtun villagers including Mohammad Gulab, Eventually, Mohammad was sent as an emissary to the nearest U.S. base to secure Marcus's safe rescue and . A photo of former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell dressed in traditional Afghan attire during his stay in the village of Sabray during the summer of 2005. It may be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast and transmitted for your own personal only. Robinson says he interviewed Gulab extensively, took notes and double-checked details with the interpreter, but as with Lone Survivor, he didnt record the interviews. Last fall, the 40-something villager from Sabray sought refuge through the U.N. and finally arrived in Texas with his wife and seven children. In this video, he opens up about a secret he hid from the world and why he feels the need to speak his truth. I love you, Luttrell said at one point during the interview with Cooper, throwing a meaty arm around his Afghan friend.Gulab smiled sheepishly and said in Pashto, I love you too.He Totally ChangedThat conversation was one of the last Gulab says he had with Luttrell in the U.S. Not long after the 60 Minutes interview, Gulab returned to the home of the translators parents in California. Marcus Luttrell was born on November 7, 1975, into a middle-class family in Houston, Texas, U.S. David Goggins military background reads like a case of bad stolen valor the retired Navy SEAL chief is believed to be the only member of the armed forces to complete the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/s) course (including going through Hell Week three times), U.S. Army Ranger School (where he graduated as . The boy runs up and hugs Luttrell. I had no words in his language to express my thanks, Luttrell wrote. What does the kid say at the end of Lone Survivor? We did not rescue Marcus for money or privileges, Gulab says. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Gulabs troubles began in June 2005, after he saved a Navy SEAL from a Taliban-linked militia. Sitting down for Lone Survivor, the biopic of former SEAL Team 10 frogman Marcus Luttrell, I expected to be confronted with the horrors of war and the sacrifice soldiers like the Navy SEALs are . The Afghan learned about dinosaurs at the Houston Museum of Natural Science and flew to Washington, D.C., where he was impressed by the splendor of the White House and moved by the memorial for soldiers who died in Afghanistan. Luttrell was rescued by American forces and came home to the US, back to his native Texas. In the next five years, the Special Immigrant Visa program created tens of thousands of slots for Afghans and Iraqis, but bureaucratic bottlenecks, among other things, have left many of those slots unfilled. Luttrell was the only one of four SEALs to survive the fierce battle with the Taliban in northeastern Afghanistan in June 2005. The blast woke his children, who ran to a neighbors house for safety while Gulab and his wife grabbed their Kalashnikovs and climbed onto their roof. A fierce fight left three dead and Luttrell, the. I was 100 percent sure the U.S. government would give me a green card, he says. Gulab emerged unscathed, but a bullet hit his brother-in-law in the ribs. The middle 57% of Navy Seals makes between $76,394 and $192,310, with the top 86% making $424,998. In late Septemberabout nine months after he arrived in Indiathe U.S. government approved his visa and that of his wife and seven children.Experts say Gulab was lucky. My heart dropped directly into my stomach, Luttrell wrote. But the film was now in theaters, and he was increasingly worried about the Talibans reaction to it. During another part of the Marcus Luttrell 60 Minutes interview, the Navy SEAL recalls the 2005 battle in Afghanistan and talks about the real Mohammad Gulab, the Afghan man who rescued him and hid him for four days, despite demands by the Taliban that he give up Luttrell. Fazilhaq tried to calm him, but Gulab felt betrayed. Its a brief, crushing scene toward the end of the 2013 fact-based film Lone Survivor, in which Mark Wahlberg plays the only one of those four SEALs who made it to safety. The way Luttrell tells it in his book, his team tried to contact headquarters but couldnt get through, so Murphy decided to take a vote: Axelson wanted to kill the herders, Dietz abstained, and Murphy deferred to Luttrell, who decided to let them go. is pleased to announce that his client, Mohammed Gulab, is now out of Afghanistan with his family. He even visited Las Vegas. With a Taliban bounty on his head, he had to leave his village, and hes spent the past decade on the run, while trying to protect his family. Doing so meant he could never return to Afghanistan or reunite with his family, or so he thought. According to Luttrell's 60 Minutes interview, "That's when an Afghan man appeared. According to the book, Marcus Luttrell drank three bottles of water after being . The State Department funneled his case to a local relief agency, which paid his rent and gave him thousands of dollars in cash assistance over eight monthsall on the condition he continued looking for work and attended free English classes. How did Marcus Luttrell survive? Mohammed Gulab is a simple Afghan. 'Leave No Man Behind: The Untold Story of the Rangers' Unrelenting Search for Marcus Luttrell, the Navy SEAL Lone Survivor in Afghanistan' by Dr. Tony Brooks . 1k followers Danny Dietz . And by the time Gulabs plane landed in Kabul, the Taliban had bootleg versions of it. I was puzzled, because I knew that wasnt true. When Gulab began to miss home or worry about his family, he claims Luttrell comforted him, offering to buy him a house in Dubai or get him a green card and build him a home in Houston. They gave him thousands of dollars to help the family move to Jalalabad.Luttrell helped too. The two hugged. The most frightening attack came on a hot night in the fall of 2014. Kisah Gulab dan Luttrell diangkat dalam sebuah film Hollywood berjudul Lone Survivor. That night, Gulab and his sons packed their clothes into two small suitcases and prepared to leave the country. I was like, Just come down to me. I heard his gun go off and a lot of gunfire in his area. I had to go back to my mountains. [Soon], Luttrell wrote, I met my first real friend, Mohammad Gulab.For days, Gulab and the other villagers protected Luttrell from the militantseven in the face death threats. He was my guest. When Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell met Afghan villager Mohammad Gulab, no one could have predicted that the two men would become "brothers in blood." The story goes back to June 2005, when. You get up, fight harder. He is wearing a navy Six Flags winter jacket over a white salwar kameez, which stops inches above his gray dress socks and black loafers.Joining us are Gulabs 17-year-old son, Shahidullah, and Fazilhaq, his friend from India. )Luttrells account to 60 Minutes, given years after Daracks book came out, differs in significant ways from his memoir, other interviews he gave and speeches hes made around the country. [But] there werent 35 enemy fighters in all of the Korengal Valley [that day].Gulab claims that one afternoon, while sitting with Luttrell in his father-in-laws living room, he brought up some of these discrepancies. Did SEAL Marcus Luttrell take the advance? So as he stood in his yard, watching the sun slowly rise, Gulab finally lost something the Taliban hadnt been able to take from him in nearly a decade of attackshe lost hope. Ive been at the location where he was ambushed multiple times. Luttrell had not only profited from the book and film but also landed a lucrative career as an inspirational speaker, earning $55,000 to $60,000 a pop to tell his story, according to Speakerpedia. Anderson Cooper hangs out with "blood brothers," former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell and Afghan villager Mohammad Gulab. He was eager to see Luttrell again, and he was proud that the movie would show the world how he and his village had defied the Taliban and saved the American. Oct. 11, 2013, at 11:40 a.m. Afghan Who Saved Navy SEAL Comes to D.C. Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, left, stands beside the parents of Navy SEAL Lt. Michael Murphy, a Medal of Honor recipient in . ^ Slavin, Erik (7 June 2010). Down and Out in New Delhi Once Gulab escaped, he assumed the worst was behind him. After 20 years of service, Navy SEALS are eligible for 50% of their average base salary for retirement. The Americans were badly injured, Luttrell wrote, but continued to fight back, killing as many Taliban as they could, until they were nearly out of ammunition. With money from the film, he could move to Kabuleven to America, if it came to that. For days, the British novelist and the Afghan villager chatted as the interpreter translated. Months passed with no movement in his case, and Gulab was getting desperate. He said, I just cant bring myself to help him sell this book. A bullet pierced his nephews skull, and the gunman fled into the night.Gulab was devastated. The Americans were in a deadly bind. The Afghans friends advised him not to sign, but he didnt listen; he needed the money.On May 2, Mike Spies, another colleague working on the story, spoke to a Luttrell representative and a second person associated with the former SEAL. 05_20_Gulab_05 Gulab, in his apartment in Fort Worth, Texas, holds a photo of Luttrell taken during their confrontation with a Taliban-linked militia. The Americans again tried to contact headquarters but couldnt get through. Gulab had saved the life of a Navy SEAL, but no one, he felt, would ever come to his rescue. They remain Taliban targetsbut they've never regretted their kindness. The standoff lasted for hours until, with daylight approaching, the militants retreated and Gulab and his wife climbed down, still terrified.Gulab decided he had to flee Afghanistan, go to Europe or America. The SEAL, Marcus Luttrell, went on to write a best-selling memoir, Lone Survivor, which later became a hit film. Sami Yousafzai Ron. [The translator] was like my eyes and mouth. With no cellphone, email or other way to contact family or friends, he says he felt lonely, depressed. The four of us are going eat at an Afghan restaurant on the other side of town. Mohammad Gulab and his fellow villagers rescued and protected wounded Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell. 450 posts. Here are some of the most famous (and infamous) SEALs to have ever worn the uniform. Ie Mohammad Gulab, the guy who saved and sheltered him from the Taliban and who Luttrell has since left out to dry, the Rangers who rescued him, the Marine command that was operating in the area and was actually set to carry out the mission before the seals crowbarred their way in and took it over. Gulab and his family were eventually given refuge in the U.S., but according to Newsweek, he is no longer in contact with the former Navy SEAL. Navy SEALs are eligible for retirement after 20 years of service, but many SEAL members continue service for at least 30 years to maximize their retirement benefits. As Gulab guarded Luttrell, the SEAL wrote, another villager went to a nearby U.S. military base with a note from the American.Eventually, as the Taliban prepared to attack, Luttrell wrote, a team of Army Rangers arrived and whisked him and Gulab off in a helicopter that took them to a nearby U.S. military base in Asadabad.Before they parted, Luttrell tried to give Gulab his watch, a token of his gratitude, but the villager declined. The translator, he recalls, pushed harder. He invited Gulab to come to the U.S. for the foundations inaugural gala. From hit novel to the silver screen. I would have asked [to go to]Canada or Germany. Because Gulab had saved the life of a Navy SEAL, his new friend assumed it wouldnt take long for him to move to the states. The Taliban put him on a kill list, so he couldnt return to his village. After the interpreter translated, Gulab says Luttrell wished him a pleasant flight and hung up. Director Peter Berg had turned Lone Survivor into a movie, and Universal planned to release it in late December. They accused Yousafzai of fabricating the interview, for which Gulab was outraged. Gulab, Spies learned from the second person associated with Luttrell, was furious, swearing in the name of Allah that he had never talked to Yousafzai. Your Jewish friends cannot save or protect you. Are Marcus Luttrell and Mohammad Gulab still friends? He says hes never threatened the Luttrells but was afraid the U.S. would send him back to the Taliban. You can read the full Newsweek report here. (His lawyer, Tony Buzbee, said in a statement: Marcus Luttrell stands by his account in Lone Survivor. What he didnt know at the time was that Murphys call sprang the U.S. military into action. A fierce fight left three dead and Luttrell, the only American survivor, with a broken back and several shrapnel wounds. All I wanted him to do was stop screaming my name. They tried to kill him in the morning. Then the Afghan and his sons boarded a flight from Kabul to New Delhi. Marcus Luttrell and injured pup share incredible stories of survival and gratitude. He had a twin brother named Morgan. He asked about Luttrell several times, but no one was able to put him in touch with the American, so over the next six months, Gulab settled into his new life. Marcus Luttrell was never dying on the rescue helicopter as shown during the opening scene of the film. Marcus Luttrell, who had been shot, had a broken back, was rescued by local Afghan villagers . We sit at a table near the door. Ill never regret saving Marcus, he says, [But] I regret what I did to help the movie. Marcus Luttrell, a fierce, 6-foot-5 rancher's son from Texas, lay in the dirt. After several days, they set him free and apologized. Paying smugglers was too dangerous and expensive. For days, Mohammad Gulab and his fellow. He was full of sadness and anger and confusion over everything that had happened on that mountain, one of his friends told The Daily Beast. We pile into Fazilhaq s silver Honda Odyssey and snake over the highwaysa concrete labyrinth of pickup trucks and SUVs. But about a month after his last conversation with Luttrell, Gulab says the interpreter abruptly announced it was time to return to Houston, and they did. Gulab recalls the translator telling him not to worry about it and saying, Whatever [Luttrell] says, he will do.He Took Two Rounds to the ChestTrue to his word, Luttrell invited Gulab to his house outside of Houston to meet with Robinson.