(Josh 1:8-note). Some sections make much more sense if you read them within the context of the surrounding chapters, like Matthew 23-25 or 1 Corinthians 12-14. These might include Bible dictionaries, atlases, concordances and handbooks. Here are a few questions you can ask: There are a few essential rules to remember when attempting to interpret a passage: Make sure you spend a good chunk of time with this phase. Look for the plainest interpretation first. The Apostle Paul's great passion was transformed, Christ like lives as he explained to the saints at Colossae writing we proclaim Him (Christ in believers the hope of glory), admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ. The good hand of the LORD will be upon us even as it was upon Ezra the scribe! Help others in their faith journey through discipleship and mentoring. Read about individuals who have been transformed by faith. Don't be like Crowfoot, the chief of the Blackfoot nation in southern Alberta, who gave the Canadian Pacific Railway permission to lay track from Medicine Hat to Calgary, and in exchange received a lifetime railroad pass. Also we become more responsible to God. If youre new to studying, why not start with the Gospel of Mark? The real question is do I always want to hear God's voice? and then shall we find the benefit and advantage designed thereby, and shall at last attain the happiness therein promised and assured to us.". Write it all down (you can take notes directly in Logos), and once you feel like you have a good idea of whats happening in the text, its time to move on to the next step: interpretation. John Blanchard underscores the crucial discipline of applying God's Word sounding the caution that "There is more to Christian growth than knowing what the Bible says; nobody is ever nourished by memorizing menus.". The first step in studying a passage is to observe what it actually says. A (supernaturally charged and) changed life is the clearest testimony of genuine understanding of the Bible. (Self deception is the worst form of deception and occurs when we come to believe there is virtue in hearing the truth of God but failing to apply it.) Equipping families with practical approaches to parenting and marriage. King Edward VI of England would stand while the Word of God was read in worship service. (The blessing of God is integrally related to your response to the revelation of God. Ask God that his threats may drive you out of your sins, and drive you to seek pardon in Christ. I shall be telling this with a sigh A single revealed fact cherished in the heart and acted upon is more vital to our growth than a head filled with lofty ideas about God. : an American History (Eric Foner) Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud) The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber) Interpersonal Communication (Kory Floyd) Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward) 3:7f+, He 4:2+), (3) Response of obedience: Genuine faith will obey. Home Good Bible study does not happen by accident. How does he save or provide a way when people are unable? But for transformation. ", James warned that "to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin." But one who looks intently (a picture of the man who meditates -- puritan Richard Baxter said "There must be inward practice by meditation and outward practice in true obedience.") To which his colleagues exclaimed "What! The person who knows the truth but doesn't act on it is not simply making a mistake or showing poor judgment but he is in sin. He is a prayer-hearing God, but will He hear our prayers? The better you know the Bibles teachings, the more grounded your faith becomes. The botanist would lean over a certain flower and he would look for a long time and then he would write notes in his notebook. You can discuss this post and others in the Faithlife Today group. 2 Timothy 0000003614 00000 n One of the pastors startled the group with the declaration that "My grandmother's translation is the best I've ever read." Allow the Bible to help you understand other passages of the Bible. HLTkXw: He had put into practice (applied) passages from God's Word, proving that they work which of course they always do! This fundamental step must be taken if one desires to accurately interpret and properly apply God's Word. How? This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History . 2 Peter never the Bible to ourselves. There are great apps out there, like YouVersion, that allow you to set reminders for yourself to get into Gods Word. ::c\}oa\l#N/4!tGj;Mu}8Mmm3M^x_M=>l~m8n6vTk7.9Rm+s7mm1>7%cS,"W`!K[43!qCn66JVo[K^nE^ + Inductive study should cause us to be mentally excited by the truth, yet we may still fail to be morally changed by it and when that happens, you know there is something wrong with your study of the Bible. How foolish to look in the mirror of God's word, see spiritual "dirt" and yet fail to respond). And while pastors and teachers are wonderful, individual Christians should also be able to pick up any passage and read it with basic understanding and application. Its helpful to take a funnel approach to the book youre reading. Local: 704-401-2432 So even though you might be familiar with the word Messiah, you might want to focus on Mark and his original audience. Our Lord taught that those who are, blessed (makarios [word study]) are those who hear the word of God and observe (phulasso [word study]) it. Mark says hes starting at the beginning. But if this conforming of their own souls unto the power of the Word be not fixed in the first place in their minds they do not strive lawfully, nor will they be crowned (!). -EO{0iB d("o? After personal application, the best way to make the truth your own, is to teach it and even if you are not gifted to be a formal Bible teacher, there is always someone in your sphere of influence whom you are teaching by your life and your lips. However, interpretation can also involve separate actions or steps beyond merely observing the immediate text. A lot of people have all sorts of news. God's promises are not a substitute for prayer, but a stimulus to it. A sorry, sorry heart is that which so uses Gods Word as to make it an aggravation of its sin. After a few weeks, the detective was able to report to the man that Dr. Houghtons life matched his preaching. The difference between studying and applying the Scriptures is somewhat like the difference between drifting in a boat and rowing toward a destination. And what did those things mean? Head knowledge without heart change is not enough and in some ways is even worse than no knowledge. He knoweth what we have need of before we ask, but He expects us to ask all the same. Will Graham Devotion: How Do You Know Whats True? Striving to see Christ-followers on every team, in every sport and in every nation. two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- 1 Jn 1:7, 8, 9; Pr 28:13), (2) Response of faith: One of our reasons for meditating on the Word is to develop and build our faith. Refrain, Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet. During the week he earnestly tried to apply them to his life. It is God's will that we should read and how much we really believe what we have observed. Interpretation should build on observation and then lead into interpretation. Until all on the altar we lay; But you may know that Luke and Matthew begin with Jesus birth story. The inductive method is an investigative way of studying Scripture that can be used by both new and seasoned students alike. To pick up the thread of Pauls argument, you need to go back and catch up. It is not enough just to study the Bible. The OIA Bible study method consists of three parts. Esther 0000000925 00000 n Remember that the more time spent in observation, the less time you will spend in interpretation, the more accurate the interpretation and the more appropriate the application. When applied properly, the inductive method will provide a better overall understanding of a passagewhat it says, what it meant to its original audience, and what it means today. Live in another country building relationships and ministries with eternal impact. 1 Timothy For instance, the New International Version a popular modern translation of the Bible breaks sections in Philippians 1 down like this: Pauls Chains Advance the Gospel (vv. There are several reasons for this . Can abide while we trust and obey. OF INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY. Application of God's Word will not always be "pain free", but it will always be profitable. How about Son of God"? But to make us more like our Savior. Instead, we need to be Bible "bees", using inductive study to go deep into the Scriptures obtaining its divine nectar and then allowing God's "nectar" to change us. Scripture interprets Scripture. Click To Tweet Inductive Bible Study Notice how Jesus observes the Old Testament text in verse 42, interprets it in verse 44, and applies it in verse 43 (implying that his listeners should believe the truth and make some changes in their lives). Speak of bringing the Bible down into the vernacular! Get a roundup of new Word by Word articles in your inbox each Friday. You may start with reading a specific book of the Bible for five to 10 minutes every day and setting aside one day a week for a more intentional time of studying Scripture. (Lk 11:28+, cp Jn 13:17), D. L. Moody quipped that "Our great problem is the problem of trafficking in unlived truth. The effect of this piercing is to reveal whether there is spirit or not. Many times a Bible passage is read only with eyes but not with the mind engaged. my heart stands in awe of Thy words. Strip the passage of all the jewels you can find on your own, and then come back through with a commentary. Some are always looking out for other peoples duty, and are great judges and critics for what others ought to do. If a servant were to hear but not do, how quickly the judgment would be given. Never fear, only trust and obey. Once we know what a passage means we are responsible to live it out. xref The story is told of several pastors who were arguing over which Bible translation was the best. Jude -- F. B. Meyer, Read it to get the facts, study it to get the meaning, meditate on it to get the benefit. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it. As mentioned earlier, its easy to become dependent on them. The young prophet Samuel's response to God is a good example. Another addition to a lot of Bibles is a subheading before many passages or chapters.