With over 5,000 teams and top-notch facilities across 7 states, GMB is REGISTER NOW . 21st Annual WNSL March Madness Tournament. The player fee is $100 (includes uniform), payable upon registration. Basketball Activities Near Nashville, TN When Where Who Include Virtual Events Eligible ? Ages: Boys/Girls, Grades 2nd-12th. Mt. These events are posted by organizations and teams and are licensed by the Amateur Athletic Union of the U. S., Inc. All participants in these events must have a current AAU membership. GYM LOCATIONS. Register Now Twitter: @ WCPR_Athletics Twitter: @ wc_parksandrec Rain Out Numbers for Area Parks Grade 3 boys and girls play Friday only. Boys and girls play separately in all grade divisions except for Pre-K. Final score provided by R. Koebbe. Save 2/23 Pickleball and Professionals to your collection. 2023 Calendar - Franklin Tennessee Stake Youth 2023 Calendar Jan 6 Stake YM Winter Camp Out - arrive after 4:30 Jan 15 Franklin 2nd Ward Conference, 9 am / Franklin 3rd Ward Conference, 12 pm Jan 28 Stake YM basketball @ Stake Center Jan 29 SH 3 Ward Conference, 9 am; SH 1 Ward Conference, 1 pm; Worldwide Youth Broadcast 8-9 pm Juliet Road. Youth Basketball Put Fun Forward and Center Youth Basketball Basketball was invented at the Y - and it still provides an excellent foundation for our future leaders. P.O. Find AAU basketball tournaments and events posted by event directors, amateur organizations and youth travel teams. Juliet, TN 37122. Check out our schedule of youth and adult basketball tournaments, and register today! Register with one of our booking partners! CONTACT. Franklin Baseball Club has been in existence since 1960 and proudly operates as a member of Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth Baseball Leagues. Youth Basketball Events, Tournaments, Leagues, Camps/Clinics and Tryouts Youth basketball events, tournaments, leagues, camps/clinics and tryouts posted by event directors, amateur organizations and youth travel teams. We are not accepting anymore participants. 2021 Youth Basketball Tournaments SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN FRANKLIN, TN JUNE 19-20 7TH ANNUALTOP TEAMS, MEDIA, AWARDS ALL UNDER 1 ROOF Teams from AL, KY, TN, MO, AR, GA, IL, and more Confirmed SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN The Southeast Showdown features teams from every level. Box 5795 Spring Hill, FL 34611. jfoss@usamateurbasketball.com Office: 813-482-7331 The NYBA is directed by former NBA, College, & Pro athletes including Dontae . Congratulations and Thank you for your commitment to Centennial. 9U. Top national teams, local club teams, & regional powerhouses. Grab some friends and get ready to ball out! The Centennial Basketball Association (CBA) is now registered to receive donations on smile.amazon . Thank you. FALL 2022 SOFTBALL AND BA. The Centennial Basketball Association (CBA) is now registered to receive donations onsmile.amazon.com. The season will conclude with an end of the season tournament. Juliet Youth Football & Cheerleading Association. Looking for tournaments events in Franklin? Home >Athletics >YouthSports >Basketball >Franklin. The HEADS UP to Youth Sports: Online Training is available to coaches, parents, sports officials, athletic trainers, and other individuals interested in learning . CAMP EVENTS - You may narrow results by using the filter boxes below each header. Thu, Feb 23, 5:00 PM. Battle of the Basketball Titans December 2019 Nashville, TN. Legacy Courts hosts one-day shootouts and two-day tournaments for boys and girls in 3rd through 12th grade. if(window.mobilecheck()) { The Franklin Cowboys 2015 Spring Football Camp is scheduled to be held May 4 - 14 at The Cowboys Complex in Jim Warren Park. The Showcase philosophy:Keep it simple. Today's Tennessee High School Boys Basketball LiveThe Briarcrest Christian (Eads, TN) varsity basketball team has a neutral playoff game vs. Brentwood Academ. Williamson County Parks & Recreation 1120 Hillsboro Road Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 790-5719 Gordon Hampton, Director Contact Us Employment Powered By Revize Login Away games will be at various locations throughout Williamson County. We work directly with the Franklin High School Varsity basketball program by utilizing and implementing their concepts and philosophies. Location: Nashville, TN Gyms: Today's Tennessee High School Boys Basketball LiveThe Briarcrest Christian (Eads, TN) varsity basketball team has a neutral playoff game vs. Brentwood Academ. For more information about the Franklin youth basketball league, contact Adrian Ludwig at (615) 786-0200, ext. We offer youth soccer, basketball, flag football, swim team, and martial arts. As Franklin 's largest multi-sport provider focused solely on high-quality, community-based kids basketball programs, we are committed to our mission of Helping Kids Succeed in Life Through Sports. The season will run from December through February Help is also needed in the areas of head coaches, assistant coaches, officials and supervisors. Football Camp Registration Open. Filters No entries found for this search. For more information about the Franklin youth basketball league, contact Adrian Ludwig at (615) 786-0200, ext. The Phi Slamma Jamma held in Lebanon each April is the largest event on the Showcase with over 225 teams participating each year. Choose a sport to begin search. The event is hosted at the TOA Athletic Center in Franklin, TN. 8UM. Camp Dates Announced. Registration deadlines and basketball schedules vary between associations. . We are back at it this Saturday! . February 4, 2023 (Duals) February 17-18, 2023 (DII Individuals at Montgomery Bell Academy Directions) February 23-25, 2023 (DI & Girls' Individuals) Ticketing. 1v1 Fortnite tournament battle of spring classic. All registration is on-line at www.wcparksandrec.com and concludes October 13. May 5th - 7th 2023 2023 GMB Dinger deMayo - Missouri Bridgeton, MO. Whether you're a local, new in town, or just passing through, you'll be sure to find something on Eventbrite that piques your interest. Practices will be held at Franklin area schools beginning in November, while home games will be played at Academy Park Gym, the Franklin Recreation Complex at 1120 Hillsboro Road, Winstead Elementary School, 4080 Columbia Pike and Pearre Creek Elementary School, 1811 Townsend Blvd. Reminder- no practices today or tomorrow due to weather conditions, similar to the 3rd place ice 7A girls picked up https://t.co/tB3weNAkKz, RT @CentCougs: @CentennialBBall Senior Night. Jim Warren and Liberty Park, Franklin, Tn 9U - 16U A/AA and AAA/Major Divisions (9U - 10U, $550) (11U - 12U, $595) (13U - 14U, $625) (15U - 16U, $675) . Exposure From Media Including SLAM, BallisLife, MSHTV, Coast2Coast Preps, Naismith Youth All American, Top 25 Scouts, T3Tv, 24/7, Prep Hoops, NCAA Certified Premier Bball Services & More! Gold & Silver divisions ensure competitive play for all teams regardless of Skill Level! The schedule will be posted online and coaches will receive an email that it has been released. We provide a quality tournament offering with experienced officiating in excellent area facilities. Copyright 2013 Midwest Youth Tournaments. Top teams in each division will qualify for the State Championship to battle the best travel/community/school teams from towns throughout Indiana. 656 South Mt Juliet Rd, Mt Juilet, TN. 3680 N Chapel Rd Franklin, TN. All Rights Reserved. Registration deadlines and basketball schedules vary between associations. Click Here to Download MYT Apple Mobile App 2122 or NathanM@williamson-tn.org. Featuring Coaches Dontae Jones, Juan Adams, Corey Allen, & David Keary. Each association will be playing in the Williamson County Youth Basketball League.For more information about registration, schedules and standings, a list of youth basketball Rec Associations and their locations is available here. A Great kick off to the New Travel Season as teams prepare for their winter seasons & testing the waters with new rosters. ALL EVENTS - You may narrow results by using the filter boxes below each header. NYBA 2023 Winter Season Rosters & Practice Times. Cost: $350.00 - $525.00 Register Online Now. This newly developed league and program was created to develop strong minded, positive youth through an elite basketball & educational program in Middle Tennessee. Brentwood Civitan, Ball Club. Stay informed about the WCPR activities that matter most to you! Filters No entries found for this search but check out the events directory for all tournaments, leagues and camps/clinics. The Living Water Christian (Jacksonville, NC) varsity basketball team lost Friday's neutral tournament game against Franklin Road Christian (Murfreesboro, TN) by a score of 85-77. NATIONAL TOURNAMENT EVENTS - You may narrow results by using the filter boxes below each header.

window.mobilecheck = function() { We welcome recreational, travel, AAU, and school-based teams to compete in our tournaments. // The javascript snippet below will redirect the browser to the mobile results if a mobile device is accessing the page. . These events are for teams and players of all skill level. Volunteer head coaches needed and volunteer assistant coaches welcomed. return check; } 6 - 7:45pm. Basketball Tournaments Ages 13-17. Tennessee Impact was founded in 2017 to provide student-athletes opportunities to play in high-level tournaments against top competition to earn the chance to play college basketball. SOCCER TOURNAMENTS - You may narrow results by using the filter boxes below each header. RULES. $12 per day if purchased in adavance on GoFan. 9U. Competitive Basketball Tournament For High School Middle School and Elementary School Age. Displaying 41. Published: Mar. Franklin Williamson County Parks and Recreation will be offering youth basketball leagues for boys and girls ages 5-18. 2416. Registration forms are available at the Indoor Sports Complex, 920 Heritage Way in Brentwood; the Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Road, the Longview Recreation Center at Spring Hill, 2909 Commonwealth Drive or via the website at . 2015 Football Camp registration is now open. Dates. its the NYBA! Cloverleaf Youth Basketball Tournament/Shaker Heights Hoops Classic. https://t.co/DdDoy9dAhH, RT @CentCougBball: During tonights win at Coon Rapids, Sophomore @JacksonDriessen broke @typeterson22 single game scoring record with 44 p, A month ago these guys were on different teams playing in house and now they are traveling! Some tournaments may be full prior to the deadline, but if we have space, we will take teams until Tuesday at midnight prior to the tournament. REGISTER. This league will be in a "round robin" format with a tournament held at the end of regular season. The leader in youth basketball tournaments and camps The United States Basketball Association (USBA) was founded in 2005. Boys: 3rd - 6th, Girls: 3rd - 6th, February 03 - February 05. Come and see what we are all about! Registration for the 2022/2023 season is now closed!For more information, please contact:Adrian Ludwig at Adrian.Ludwig@williamsoncounty-tn.gov or (615) 786-0200 ext. This website is powered by SportsEngine's. Lafayette, IN 47905, **We are closed on holidays and in the event of inclement weather will post updates on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Oct 29, 2002 - Oct 29, 2022 8UCP. Ages: 6U 7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U. Join the largest basketball tournament series in Tennessee in 2023! Our list of travel baseball tournaments is organized by city, state & zip code and it the list of events gets bigger every day! Est.2006. You may also receive department information by liking Williamson County Parks and Recreation on Facebook; following us on Twitter at @wc_parksandrec or Instagram at @willcoparksandrec or on Pinterest or YouTube. Apr 01, 2015. HURLEY FAMILY BRANCH: 300 Elmwood . High School and other area locations if needed. The season of 8 games, and there are tournaments played both prior to the season and after it. MidAmerica Sports Center - Louisville, Kentucky. 10U. Or, if youd like to rent our facility to host your own tournament, feel free to contact us. When you shop atsmile.amazon.com, youll find the exact same low prices and selection as Amazon.com. THANK YOU. Terms | Privacy. 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