Fill the remainder of the container with the potting mix, carefully firming it up around the begonia and being sure not to plant any deeper than it was growing in its nursery pot. Advice on chopping top half do you have to cut where there's still green on the base or can you cut lower if there's pups growing? Examine your begonia growing environment. Above: Moist soil, happy begonia. Use a pair of sterilized pruning shears to get your leaf cutting. 2. These strange plant pests are soft-bodied. Aggressive Drainage. There is an entire group of hybrid begonias that the world knows as Rex Cultorum meaning that they can all trace their . Lift the Rex begonia tuber from the pot with a spade or your hands. Pin into place with wire. Consider using a grow light if you cant find a good bright spot. Place this in a warm area of your home, but out of the path of direct sunlight. Rex begonias require high humidity and heavy fertilization during the growing period. Find out how, in our step-by-step guide. It's best to divide the tubers in the early spring, after the buds have begun to swell. Provide 50% humidity. Leave them in place until they start to get in the way. It isnt too good to be true! How long does it take a begonia tuber to How to start a new Virginia creeper from How to propagate and split perennial geraniums, Clemson University Extension: Growing Begonia Indoors. The most common affliction from too much direct sunlight is the scorching of leaves. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. The Begonia tuberous plant creates beautiful pink flowers. 2. The scorch marks can be either dark or white. Step 3: Cut the rex begonia leaf. This plant dislikes cold temperatures. Thank you! Debra LaGattuta is a gardening expert with three decades of experience in perennial and flowering plants, container gardening, and raised bed vegetable gardening. Provide 50% or more humidity and fertilize every three weeks using a liquid fertilizer diluted to 1/2 strength. Soil Airy, light, fast-draining soil is best for rex begonias. The begonia foliage should be trimmed back, and the tubers can be dried and stored in a cool, dry location through winter, just as canna or dahlia bulbs are stored. You can root these cuttings in perlite, potting soil, or any other sterile media. Mermaid Tail Succulent Care #1 Best Tips. Deer will eat the former and turn up their noses with the latter. These plants are grown almost exclusively for their foliagetheir blooms tend to be small and less showy and many growers pinch off blooms to maintain breathtaking leaf displays. Begonias are some of my favorite indoor plants. #begoniarex #waterpropagation Its much easier to propagate begonias from leaves, and you can do this with most kinds of begonias.To make babies from leaf, start by snipping a few healthy leaves from your favorite begonia. The soil should be watered to feel slightly, but evenly moist. Expect one or two plants per cut. You Might Also Like: Ive cut each vein about an inch from the central vein in the photo above. Rex begonias can also be propagated by pinning a leaf to the bedding mix and making small incisions in the leaf veins or by inserting a leaf (with a petiole) directly into the soil. On transplant day, dig a hole sufficient to accommodate the begonia's root ball or tubers (in the case of tuberous begonia). A few stones may help keep the begonia leaf from curling up and away from the mix, as well. Flip the begonia leaf over and make a -inch cut across five or six of the largest veins with your knife. Rex begonias grow from a rhizome, which is a root system that sprouts buds and roots to grow into the plant. Trimming a cane begonia allows you to remove up to two-thirds of any stem without fear of killing the plant. Regarding the Rex Begonia, you want to repot in a shallow pot. There are three types of begonia propagation: stem cuttings, leaf cuttings, and division. Gently transplant the babies into 3-inch pots. 100K views 9 years ago In the video, Alan of The Plant Farm talks about the unique Rex Begonia and how to propagate it. This Begonia creates both gorgeous leaves and flowers. . And always make sure the first inch of soil is dry before you water your Begonia rex. Cut apart the tuber with a sharp knife, leaving three growing eyes on each piece. You dont want it to take off again, so keep an eye on it. Place in a brightly lit, 60 to 70 degree F room and keep the soil moist but not soggy. Trim the cutting to just below the next node along for cane or tuberous begonias. Begonia Listada Plant Care Best Practices, Scarlet Begonia (Begonia Coccinea) Best Care Tips | Plantophiles, [] The leaf surface has a mixture of colors ranging from green grass ting to red. After youve pruned your begonia, it will begin to sprout new leaves. The temperature should be between 65-75F (18-24C). To be cautious, I always rinse all my supplies (and my hands) in a solution of 1 teaspoon bleach to 1 quart of water. According to Cornell University, your Begonia is susceptible to this disease in wet or humid environments. Its usually an easy process if you know what steps to take. However, if you have over-fertilized your begonia, it may seize the opportunity to really get going, shooting up and becoming leggy. Potting soil, peat moss, perlite, vermiculite. But be careful not to let the plastic touch the leaves or you could risk fungal problems. % of people told us that this article helped them. Its leaves can be almost round, angel-wing shaped, or any other form. Managine Pests in Gardens: BegoniaBegoniaspp. Humidifiers allow you to adjust the humidity as needed. Its a very satisfying way to keep your begonias dramatic foliage. Don't water the leaves, only the soil to avoid fungal disease issues. 3. But the air in the plants environment cant be dry. Begonias originated in the tropics and thrive in warm, humid climates. Water once it has almost dried out. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we Propagate by leaf cuttings or sections of rhizome No pruning is required. Sow so the surface of the tuber is right at or right beneath soil level. Look for a healthy, full-grown leaf on the parent rex begonia plant. Rex begonias make excellent house plants, and are easy to divide so you can gift them to friends. 1. Grow them there until theyre big enough to put in the garden or transplant into more permanent pots. Besides a pest infestation, there may be other reasons why the leaves are wilting, including the following: Rex begonias are one of the easiest houseplants to care for and happy in many conditions. Dip the cut end in a rooting hormone. Divide the vine into smaller pieces, ensuring each has at least two or three leaves. Get daily tips & tricks to help make your best home, The 5 'It' Plants of 2021, According to the Pros, 10 Varieties of Begonias for Gardens and Containers, 9 Great Foliage Plants for Container Gardens, How to Grow and Care for Begonia Maculata, 34 Best Plants That Grow in Water Indoors, How to Grow and Care for Black Bat Flower, How to Grow and Care for Persian Silk Trees, Northeastern India, southern China, and Vietnam. And the Begonia rex isnt the only wonder species out there. Youll only need to refill the tray with water once its empty. Plant growth is costly and necessitates the use of nutrients. A very well draining potting mix with added sand and perlite. Develop the tech skills you need for work and life. Typically grown for their beautiful leaf markings, most rex begonias have large leaves with intricate swirling patterns in a variety of colours including green, red, purple and silver. Jun 1, 2021 - Rex begonias make excellent house plants, and are easy to divide so you can gift them to friends. The rex begonia is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. Begonias, according to conventional wisdom, benefit from smaller-than-average pots. Rex begonias are a special group, because we grow them for their beautiful leaves. How to propagate Begonia Rex from stem cuttings Take 4-6 in. Is it skewed in one direction? Pot in well-draining soil and feed with a balanced fertilizer in the spring and early summer months. When used sparingly, this will encourage the growth of those lovely leaves without inspiring them to reach for the stars. During the warmer months, take the time to pinch off new growth at the plants crown. What if I told you that you could propagate a bunch of beautiful rex begonias for almost nothing? Have a lovely tuberous begonia who has been blooming well since August but is leggy now in December. Warm spells are unavoidable I personally avoid using air conditioning if possible due to my other, more heat-loving plants but its best to keep your begonia in a cooler part of your home or office. Begonias are just as at home in a pot as they are in the garden. Stick the leaf petioles or wedges into the soil, and slip the tray into a plastic bag. If the two asexual propagation methods of cutting and branching are adopted, we should pay attention to maintaining high environmental humidity and temperature from 20 to 25 . Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work in the garden. Keep the temperature setting at about 70 degrees. Fill the tray with damp potting mix and youre ready for the fun part taking the cuttings! Rex Begonia can also reproduce by dividing tubers. Begonia rex Taxonomy ID: 200043 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid200043) current name. These plants can grow wide. It should be getting bright indirect light. Cut the leaf and stem from the main plant, then take off the leaf stem and throw it away so youre left with just the leaf. When it comes to fast-draining soil, porous soil works the best. This article has been viewed 38,009 times. Or pink with silver edges. They should always be your last resort because they contain chemicals that can harm the environment. Sometimes called painted-leaf begonias or fancy-leaf begonias, these plants are known for their variegated leaves. But they will also let you know if they feel that their water, light, and soil conditions are a bit off for their liking. How to Root Succulents with Leaf Cuttings A leggy begonia appears bare, with an insufficient amount of foliage. You Might Also Like: Mealybugs are the biggest plant pest problem with this Begonia. 1. Begonias easily form new roots in water, and some indoor plant enthusiasts simply replant the rooted cutting with the parent plant, resulting in dense arrangements that give the appearance of a larger, thriving begonia. How to Water Houseplants You should avoid freezing temperatures at all times. Airy, light, fast-draining soil is best for rex begonias. The plant requires less water during winter, when it often enters a dormant . Please note the tuber I split here in the images is nowhere large enough to need splitting but it is all I had on hand to demonstrate with! Rex begonias like bright, indirect light year-round. Rhizomatous begonias such as the rex begonia can be easily propagated by. Begonias shed their lower leaves as they grow older. These cuts (and the stem cut) are where the new plantlets will form. This is to prevent the spread of spores and fungi. Because their leaf markings are so beautiful, rex begonia growers often remove the small, inconspicuous flowers when they appear, as they can detract from the foliage display. He is a professional writer whose articles on plants and horticulture have appeared in national and regional newspapers and magazines. How to Grow Tuberous Begonias This is usually in March. Use warm water in a misting bottle. The soil should always be moist. You Might Also Like: With a moderate growth rate, rex begonias may grow to less than 12 inches in a year. Get rid of these infected leaves right away. How to Propagate Begonia Rex in Water by using a single leaf | plant Propagating Experiments. Post #8301529 Quote CindyMzone5 Hobart, IN Jan 10, 2011 Should I try to evenly divide the roots so that all of the clumps have some roots? This plant pot should have drainage holes on the bottom. Begonias are easily propagated at home. These elegant plants arent hard to propagate. The easiest method to turn one Rex Begonia into two (or more) Rex Begonias is by dividing the . Well walk you through both methods step-by-step down below. How Much Light Do Anthuriums Need? If you grow cane or wing begonias, give this technique a try with them, as well! An older begonia may become leggy as the leaves on its older stems fall off. Mist the foliage of Rex (foliage) type begonias twice a week or provide high humidity to avoid leaf drop. Ive cut each vein about an inch from the central vein in the photo above. I hang fluorescent lights 6 inches above the cuttings and leave them on about 12 hours each day until the new plants start to grow. This is a common method for dividing hardy begonias. Begonia rex Putz. Plant a tuber section per pot. Rhizomatous varieties, such as the popular begonia rex, are even easier, requiring only a single leaf in water to produce a new addition to your collection. It came from Assam, India which is in the Himalayan foothills. Common Issues with Strawberry Begonia. It needs bright, but indirect sunlight and the soil should always be slightly moist. 50%. This will double the chance of being successful with propagation. Learn how from The Urban Gardener, Alan Creach of Creach Greenhouse and The Plant Farm.In this video, Alan refers to root tone, which is the same type of product as Bonide Rooting Power, which is what we currently use and recommend at The Plant Farm. Booman has another trick: Water thoroughly so that at least 20 percent of the water flows out of the pot, and don't let the plant sit in the water for a second, so that the salts cannot be taken up by the plant. Then spray your Begonia down with the oil. 8 Causes of Polka Dot Plant Dying (And Solutions), Are Pebbles Good for Soil? The humidity levels are too low (but don't mist the plant because rex begonias do not like wet foliage). It needs bright but indirect sunlight and the soil should always be slightly moist. Rather, your plant is balding, which many older gardeners can certainly relate to! You can test the moisture with your finger. Make sure you sit your plant a few inches away instead of sitting it right under the light. Open the containers lid once a week for 10 minutes to let the cuttings breath. This article has been viewed 38,009 times. By using our site, you agree to our. Cover your container with its dome or plastic wrap. Here are some tips for the most common plant problems youll encounter. How to Make a Kokedama. Other varieties may not require as much vigorous pruning, but even the most delicate begonia will benefit from having its overgrown stalks and stems trimmed back. Its a great way to get your begonia bushing out instead of legging it upwards. It contains Soluble calcium oxalates. The rex begonia vine can be grown as an indoor plant or as an outdoor plant, though it will not survive cold temperatures outdoors. Mealybugs like to feed on the sap from the inside of a plant. Step 2: Take a leaf cutting from your rex begonia. Turn the begonia leaf back over and press it into the seed-starting mix. For a Begonia, use regular houseplant fertilizer at half strength every two to three weeks in spring and summer. It can be a tattered, older leaf, but on the underside, the main veins should be plump and undamaged. Rex begonias are herbaceous perennials in zones 10-12 so they are treated as annuals or houseplant specimens in Connecticut. Finally, pinch back stray leaves on a regular basis to keep your begonia lush. Begonia fungicide is available at garden centres. A few stones may help keep the begonia leaf from curling up and away from the mix, as well. Mix together well and moisten with water. is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to affiliates. Growth will slow in freezing temperatures and some types of begonias go into a dormant period during the winter due to lack of light. This makes them easier to work with because theyre easier to see. You need to dilute the neem oil with water. In worst-case scenarios, it can kill your pet. These cuts (and the stem cut) are where the new plantlets will form. Insert the cuttings in moist, free-draining potting mix and place the set up in a warm, shaded place. On occasion, Ive pruned the top of a begonia, removed the leggy portion of the stem, and then immersed the remaining top in water to establish root. The seeds . However, while they do best in partial shade and indirect light, this is not the same as no light at all. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. How to Root Succulents with Leaf Cuttings This plant is only a semi-tropical plant. Water until it begins dripping from the bottom drainage holes to ensure it is moist throughout. Finally, pinch back stray leaves on a regular basis to keep your begonia lush. This is how you may get more of these wonderful plants for free. But don't let the soil become overly dry or the plant will begin to wither. "I've been losing all my beautiful leaves off most of my favorite plants! Alternatively, you can propagate using water as a medium for Begonias. If it has, remove the rotten roots. Cultivars which are usually derived from Begonia tuberhybrida are a favourite of gardeners for their bright colours and long flowering season. Begonia rhizomes are sensitive to soggy soil or overwatering and may rot. All rights reserved. . Continue reading to learn how to turn this unfortunate circumstance into a win for your indoor garden. There are two main ways to propagate a Rex Begonia. Since you must wait for the roots to dry, prepare the plant pot. The problem is that a rex begonia with some leaves bitten off is really a disaster on the gardening front. A temperature between 65-75F (18-24C) is ideal. Gently tease away some of the soil, and split the horizontal rhizome along with its healthy root systems. It grows 8 inches tall and wide. . This Begonia species have leaves with a fun fuzzy feel. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Water Rex begonias require regular water, but be careful not to overwater them. When the plants are 3 inches tall and have at least two leaves, theyre ready to lift. When you cut a leaf, make sure the leaf-cutting has three inches of the petiole attached. It grows about 6 inches tall and wide. Compact grow lights are very common and simple to use and will provide your begonia with the light levels it requires to stay in one place rather than legging it off in search of a brighter day. Step 2 - Prepare the New Location. A Rex Begonia can grow to be 12 to 18 inches in height. Begin by removing the tallest, thinnest stalks. This beautiful plant was introduced to cultivation in 1952 and has puckered leaves with a dark cross in the middle. We earn from qualifying purchases. Jenny Harrington has been a freelance writer since 2006. The easiest way is to run a faucet or hose over the roots. In the video, Alan of The Plant Farm talks about the unique Rex Begonia and how to propagate it. Here are some other cool Begonia species to check out. Plants are root bound when you can't insert a pencil into a drainage holes on the pot. To fix a leggy begonia, first, determine what is causing the overgrowth and then correct it by increasing light, temperature, or changing the plant's pot. Water Rex begonias like regular water but hate being overwatered. Dip each piece into hormone rooting powder and shake off the excess. Get the plant pot ready. Bright indirect sunlight, and can tolerate direct sunlight too. You Might Also Like: Propagate leaf cuttings or sections of rhizome. Water once the to 1-inch of soil is dry once a week. Do begonias winter inside? Water when the top 1" of soil becomes almost dry about once a week. If you have a hanging basket or a table-top pot of . Rex begonias can be bought at the following online retailers: Logees, Amazon and Etsy, and many other online and offline shops. Then, place the vase or glass containing the plant in a light and warm spot to provide the perfect growing conditions. Your plant cannot photosynthesize and produce food if it is not exposed to light. tall and wide (25-30 cm). Obviously, a larger pot is required if you have a larger plant, but its best to err on the side of caution and stick to smaller ones to prevent them from sprinting off into every available bit of the new roomy pot. Keep it out of direct sunlight, but in a warm, well-lit spot. If you have a heat mat for seedlings, that will help the begonia leaf cuttings get off to a faster start. You can cut off up to two-thirds of the top of any given cane begonia. Most of the time, the roots should be easy to divide by hand. You will want to be looking at the underneath side of the leaf. Water sparingly and allow to drain. Ideal daytime temperatures are around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, nighttime temperatures around 60 degrees, and a constant humidity level around 50 percent. If you must use soils in your growing medium for any reason, make sure there is plenty of organic material scattered throughout to allow for proper drainage. This is an easy method, and it doesnt cost much. You will need pruning shears (This is the one I use), and I would recommend a jar or bowl of water for larger cuttings more on that later! The roots should be completely covered in soil. If you can squeeze water from the medium, it is too wet. Stand the stem into the bottle, and keep foliage above water or on top of the bottle. It can harm or even kill your plant. To grow a begonia in a pot, you need to allow for growth, so ensure you choose a pot that is twice the width and depth of the plant. Let me show you the secret to propagating rex begonias from leaf cuttings. Flip the begonia leaf over and use your knife to make a 12-inch cut across five or six of the main veins. Let the soil surface become dry to the touch before watering. Make sure the soil is always moist. When a previously lush and leafy specimen produces an excess of stems and stalks, it shoots up until its nothing more than a tuft of greenery on a long bundle of sticks.