Legal Zoom Where Life Meets Legal. You can get too much. Those people have anywhere between like 70 to 80 microbial micro moles of vitamin C per liter. Sign up for an annual subscription and receive an additional 15% discount. Like, if you were having a discussion with a good friend and the good friend was looking at something that you said and said, I disagree because of this. 1 year ago. So people thought they were getting a treatment. That's what you need. And also other studies have shown that prophylactically is slightly better than therapeutic. And we're brought to you by legal zoom. Man, I think you've got to have the option. Bye, everybody. But neuroplasticity is is associate with depression, like not like not being able like stressful conditions and stuff like that, like not being able to like adapt. My friends, thank you so much. It's really awful. And so they're kind of that's a test. And I'm clear and I did that right when I got back from Jacksonville because I'm in Florida, even though everybody's been tested, I'd like to get tested again. I wanted to tell you this Xyloto. Rhonda has taken many studies into consideration before developing her supplement regimen. Not like it's not like anything to be hugely concerned about. If you can do IV, you don't need to do it. It's a very much like a you know, have someone. So, you know, I thought, why not try it? That's the reason I do it. I think all of those things play a role. Yeah. Woo woo. I don't want to be manufacturing a take or trying to, like, come up with some sort of a hot take on how I feel. Yeah, yeah. It's the other thing that happens is and then we'd go into this ice bath and there's like this bath right outside and we're like, did all this ice. So there's because they're releasing people, especially California, which is so wacky, they're releasing sex offenders. I think in the next couple of months we'll have more therapeutics than we have right now. But once you get yourself down, you just relax and all of your weight, see how other guys doing it. Ropin. So I'm taking nine milligrams a night. And so I just go into like crazy mode and I like I like somehow like crawled from our bedroom all the way out to the living room. Yeah. So you do? I think social distancing makes sense. You strap your ankles into it and you hang from the waist and it just all that's it right there. It's a two person sauna and. I can't use that crap. I mentioned I'm drinking my vitamin C water. They say it with such authority. So there's been studies looking at people with type O blood or type type of blood and also type B and type O blood. Like, it bothers me when people are, like, unhappy. You know, if you if you eat enough of that, you should be getting enough. I got to write so up like pour the for the water on the hot rocks to like just get it really feeling really hot. There it is. Like when I have hard workouts and I get in the sauna afterwards, I feel like my recovery's more rapid. You know, like this was like the worst. Teeter has two things that are really cool. He's he's an interesting guy, but he had like people come started doing yoga and they're naked to Jesus. There was a study that was over twenty five randomized controlled trials. In this episode, I talk about how Joe Rogan recently lashed out at the agricultural scientist Kevin Folta when Kevin discussed an alternative interpretation of the scientific data that was different t. - Listen to Joe Rogan LASHES OUT at Kevin Folta about Monsanto's glyphosate, gets DEBUNKED by Rhonda Patrick's mentor by The Kevin Bass Show instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no . The most kids get it by the time they're two, like, there's no vaccine that that that's given. I mean, how so? But I think I think there's some promise out there for it just makes you feel good, does it? Oh, we're kind of in your face. See, my son's at an age where he's he's not going to really remember. I hope that's do the saliva bit. And the only solid evidence I could find on negative effects of fluoride on the brain are in utero, meaning pregnant women. And it'll help treat eventually they'll identify one that works. All right. I was like, he tried protein's and I was like talking science. But there are studies also showing that either vitamin K one. Soft martial arts taichi choung not in groups Chee Kong. Just just for the fuck. It's uncomfortable you them right over your face. But it's also good to know that, oh, wait, if I take a higher dose, there is an effect. It's more than that the first time you come along so. She has done extensive research on aging, metabolism, nutrition, and cancer. So what is the benefit of it being that hot, though? One study demonstrated the importance of vitamin D frequency and dosage in randomized controlled trials. But it would it would raise your body temperature through, you know, infrared. And they're just getting their rocks off there. So I can I could actually get work done. This is not the horrible tragedy. And so he had us do this thing where, like, everyone had to wake up. That's that seems a little more difficult. I mean, you'd think she'd had Kovik. The science subreddit took it apart. Like the difference between intravenous vitamin C and oral are apples and oranges completely different like. So we've been doing like. And, man, do we get some good stuff, really valuable, valuable information. And I'm like for a little bit it's going to be nighttime soon. And I'm typically like you know I'm like my, my meals that are like, you know, low carb, like I usually like I eat more like a paleo ish diet, you know. They're wearing T-shirts, they're wearing shorts. You may get it a little bit more. Dr Rhonda Patrick has popularised the use of vitamin D as a supplement and arguably the original proponent of fasting that reached the MMA community. That the monoclonal antibody you were talking about, the Lomis. So they have the ability to tell 40 million people what they can and can't do, make that a little larger so I can read this. What doesn't I'm going to move to a place where it's better because I think the way this this state is handling it is fucking terrible. I love it. You know, it's actually I was talking about my glucose monitor, my continuous glucose monitor. But CBD, amd, the company that I use, what I really like is they have a bunch of muscle creams and like, you know, stuff that you rub on the outside of your muscles. It's like the best way to get to that. Four percent of patients that died from covid-19 were vitamin D ERSEK four percent, only four percent were vitamin D sufficient. I'm a big like I go for my my thing is like my gym is like endurance. You know, like like that's been shown. Without further adu, lets take a look at Dr. Rhonda Patricks Vitamin D protocol. You know, you're not always you just don't succumb to them. And he's like, it's still daytime, daytime. There's interesting studies that have shown, you know, like that the intravenous vitamin C is like dramatically reducing inflammation as well. Do you need a last will and testament or a living trust? Six weeks later, she's going to do try to do eight sessions like like where she's going to keep these people from. Or does the is are you required to you know, different people have different results when it comes to CBD and some people find that CBD with THC benefits some more and some people find that it's just the CBD itself. And when you download the cash app, enter the referral code, Joe Rogan, all one word and you will receive ten dollars and the cash excuse me, and the cash app will also send ten dollars to our good friend Justin Bren's fight for the forgotten charity. But like before before I was doing the sauna every single day. Like, what is the difference? And and he comes back and he's like, you've got two cavities. It's really interesting studies that have been done where I don't know who volunteers for these studies, but like sign me up to get influenza. Exactly. But I just thought that was a really interesting thing to come across, you know, and then the other sort of on the same, on the same along the same lines as previous you know, previous virus exposure is like something that really seems to be something that is a main regulator of how people like what how you're immune, you know, what your immune response is, you know. Yeah, it's not worth it. I have one out outside. Her typical dose of vitamin D3 is 4,000iu, which is about in line with what Joe Rogan takes. Oh you can wash the car. I think it's going to be once a week. Like, children are really good at that. When people ask me about infrared. They're measuring that rectally. We got this, this and this and this. You would I'd like to see in New York City, particularly when they were getting hit, you got to think this is New York City in January, which is January. So they're not as healthy, they're not as physically active and not whatever, even though those confounding factors are usually corrected for it's old. Living in scotland I could have told you that no sunshine makes you miserable, 6 hours of overcast "daylight" in the winter is pretty brutal. So our sauna is like it's pretty small. Yeah. Nonsense and negative garbage. They are they're they're like, you know, like I used to never get sick. A couple things you put on your head. What's interesting is that the immune system. OK, well, they're using they're using that sonna that I was telling you the same thing. She had discussed the optimal dosage on both her website and a variety of different podcasts. Getting your vitamin D = less depression. I've never intubated anyone. RELATED: Joe Rogans Morning Kale Shake Recipe. So I think it's 2014. Zinc once a week. And that's also that's also known, you know, so I think all those things and then the sleep. And those pellets you put into a hopper, the hopper gets fed through a worm drive to a heating element and it catches fire. So for you personally, if you had the option, would you do it once a week? But that's the problem with Twitter, is that you don't see that person. Chemist at something. That's OK. Yeah, Zink's another one that's really, you know, important for immune function as well. That's been shown it's given them a cardiovascular workout without having to force them to go for a run down a bike. Was burning my ears and my so we were, it was dry for us so I wasn't, I wasn't experiencing that as much but I had to like get on the floor because like I felt like my hair was going to fall out, like I was burnt, you know, it was just so hot. They were created when the American pioneers followed the buffalo herds to the Kentucky River, that's when they made it. What if what if, you know, some some common cold coronavirus has gone around and that, you know, those antibodies that they've made to neutralize that coronavirus beta coronavirus are somehow helping with the sars-cov-2 like. So, I mean, there's and it's funny that because it's kind of connected to this antibody dependent enhancement, there's there's been quite a few different like forms like mutations that have been identified. Yeah. So you're not getting any vitamin D. Yeah. All right. But sometimes you've got to like, look at the full body of data. And that study kind of just lumped everything together rather than the other study, like, OK, what happens is two grams and one. I know what it's like. Maybe that's why they're shittier, you know? Why can't I take my card. It's a crazy number when you think about it. That's amazing, as is the pregnancy, and he's like, no, he's like we get women coming in here after, it's like worse. It basically causes acute lung injury. Do you pour water on your rocks? Now, there's another study that did look at humidity and the effect of humidity on basically like the ability of your epithelial cells in your airway and nozzles and stuff to filter out particles and particulate matter and like viruses and stuff and humidity actually made a big difference. Something like a month, I think. Like if you want, you're trying to like, see what effect vitamin C has on whatever outcome you're going to want to weight raise someone's plasma levels. It's and it's not only more effective, it's a completely different. So so let's say even, you know, you know, 60 percent or asymptomatic, like I don't know if they went back and tested a week later, if it was just like a single time. I don't know what it means. So it's basically whatever the standard of care is. And thank you to Trager Grillz, my favorite way to cook. And, you know, part of that, an adaptive immune response is, you know, to produce antibodies. So you need a zinc ionophores to help it get in to cells. And at that point I, I was like looking through everything on my toiletries and everything, like, what do I have to get rid of what's in there that could be harmful and smells like fluoride like in my toothpaste. But but I was like I started out the conversation. They built a business. Yeah, I because I don't do a lot of resistance training. But this study, instead of doing it from the shoulders down where I told you about the Depression, it was like only 20, 30 minutes. It starts with finding the answers to your questions. The only way you're going to know that is by, of course, measuring your vitamin D levels multiple times and then potentially even doing like a genetic analysis, you know, as well. I was trying to figure that out as well because like the tuberculosis, tuberculosis, one of the types of vaccines they do for TB, I think they do it in like Japan and some other countries where they've got a really low death rate. I would like to see that study because it makes sense. And you can talk about that stuff and vitamin D, but I just thought it was so damn interesting because we hear all these stories in the news where, you know, some people are asymptomatic, some people are, you know, than some people are just really getting, you know, hard hit. They're never going to forget how weird this is to do in all their classrooms on iPads. And I know that the vaccine people that are working on vaccines are working on them. You'll find it. I just hope I hope that, you know, we can reopen the economy in a very safe manner where we don't have, like, flare ups that, you know, we don't want to be set back to like shelter in place again, like full on. You know, you're breathing. Yeah, it's interesting. Really? And this it was happening in March. So to a certain degree, like I get that people don't want to wear masks. And like I said, I was like trying to impress Rick. It would be amazing to have a sauna outside sauna that's right next to a frozen lake. And also like the there's a heat shock proteins and all those things like help. Well, the IV is it's totally IBS, totally different. And it's happened where I scared Dan. It's from that plant. Totally. It's been, it's been almost maybe two years, almost two years, a year and a half. I try not I try not to judge like I really do. The children, it's real weird with this disease because some children are getting sick, but it's a very small number. Oh you can do outdoor photography. So that's that's about 10 grams. We were visiting his parents in Memphis and it was like Christmas Eve. Oh, pull it up, Jamie. Transcript and discussion of #1474 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick from The Joe Rogan Experience podcast. So how would one do a randomized control study on vitamin D in people that have covid-19? You're not diabetic. Like you're like I'm already physically active. And you can't say it does this. That's what I mean. And we're we're honored to be a part of this program and very proud that through this program, we have raised a shitload of money and have built several wells in the process of building several more right now. No, no. I'm involved a friend of mine, Dr. Eric Gordon, he he's put together. You go in there and they, they do molds and stuff. How about that. It was like from the waist down. Cause there's so many studies published. But the fact that it has been shown to to treat to improve sepsis outcomes in multiple, you know, studies. No. Percent of patients that died with covid-19 were vitamin D deficient. I got one pill. Yeah. If you take a gram, it can raise you up to like one hundred and thirty or something. I use a day. Researchers believe the particular antibody, which has been found in other Lomez as well, can be injected into an uninfected individual to protect them from getting infected with the new coronavirus. I mean it was like I finally got a jump rope and it came in right when the beaches opened up. Yeah, for Jamie, can you pull up filmi fitness and there's a vitamin C topic page so that we I can answer that question better because there's just there's a graph if you just like scroll to the graph, there's like all this is on your website, which tell everybody I found my fitness dotcom vitamin C or episode page of the podcast. And I would get out and I would go out to the mats out there and just collapse. So you you want to get at least 10 grams. I use a day. Didn't understand the difference. Right. Rate your immune system and strengthen it is important. It's a game changer. It's been shown to people. A lot. You know, like at the time he just thought it was some like a little like whatever that's called chest. And so there's been there's been two major like strains that have been identified and one of them. Most healthy people don't have any symptoms with it. So I didn't want to do that. Tons of work, I mean, insane, sometimes I like it's like three o'clock in the afternoon, I'm like I never brushed my teeth, you know, like I haven't showered in a couple of, you know, the sauna thing, like I have to shower now. That would be just incredible. I'm like, hell no, I'm not going to take benzoate that's, you know, been shown to like cause dementia. You suck. And so the melody, they're they're like, you know, that melatonin is not being produced. Subscribe to our channels. So. The Russians like to do that. You know, I'm going to trust me. Your wife must love it. And that makes it makes all sorts of problems. We had to like there was some weird fire thing. How about wash the car. Oh, I've done it. I take vitamin D. I certainly don't know if it's going to prevent covid-19, but I'm not hoping it does. We've got to be careful. But so in areas where people are going to be exposed, perhaps you could give it to them and it would stop them from getting. So it causes massive inflammation to have a decrease in it. So it's one of the reasons why, like, you know, shift shift workers like A really are prone to Type two diabetes. It's the only bourbon with balls, it's literally on the label, Buffalo Trace is made from corn, rye and barley, and it matures twice as long as most bourbon, the buffalo trace bourbon ages in new oak barrels for around eight years for the robust yet balanced tastes. But but like there's something like I've done the sauna and then gone into an ice bath. CHAVOUS It was a device. The bottom line is each individual must decide for themselves what is best for their life. But you do you do sweat out certain compounds like aluminum, aluminum, like it's funny that you can actually excrete certain compounds better from sweat than urine, because that's another way of eliminating things through urine. But the nightmare thing, I'm just the melatonin has helped so that's great. She explained that 1,000 IU of vitamin D can raise blood levels around 5-10 ng/mL, depending on a . So, you know, I think that that the heat stress in the sauna does help. Why. Just the conversations you have with people that are into releasing toxins. It gets so stupid towards the end. Was acting basically able to you're able to like filter out stuff, whereas dry it was like that makes sense. The same is not true of monthly and single doses. I like, you know, like so. The water much work like ice. But I was also using the gym sonas. We're often asked, what is one? So, like, I think that's really important from bright light exposure is just there's just study after study showing it sets your circadian clock boom. I'm sure they can get a lot of I mean, I'm sure there's someone listening to this right now. Yeah. That's why everyone fucks off for holidays twice a year. And and I was like. What works. That means everything is probably fine because it's such an enormous part of your body. I wasn't I wasn't aware of the meat packing, one being asymptomatic, but I did read about the one in prison. Learn more about Dr. Rhonda Patrick. So there have been there have been quite a few studies looking at children that are asymptomatic, children that have mild symptoms and children that are symptomatic. Right. Oh, no, I had no idea. Tell me what it is, because my father in law has apnea and there's a doctor, Dr. Croppy, and he's a very wacky guy. That's excellent whiskey, but they're also producing high proof alcohol and hand sanitizer to aid in the fight against this virus. Someone's talking about cleansing toxins like fuck off. The Russian bomber. 220 versus like 50. No, I have. Yeah, but you do anyway, right. I mean, it gets I've taken some friends there that have never experienced it before, and they're like, fucking you over, come on, bro, yoga. Yeah I have, I have. There's so fucking stupid, because you've got to realize these people that are writing these lists, these are not experts. So is acetate or gluconate, which one is superior? So it totally messes the immune system up. Like what are the causes? They don't bind as tight or something. And I like, injured myself. And all the, you know, studies that have shown that on top of that, I mean, that's like it's it's super intense. I guarantee you it's going to work because I'm so like the whole time I had a gym membership, it's like unpause. You know, the biggest thing that really affected my glucose levels wasn't popcorn. 229. I used to deliver newspapers, so every morning I was up at five o'clock in the morning and I was also doing comedy. Like, it sucks like that. And that's what happened with the RSV toddlers. Right. Yeah, so that's been done. The UV light from the sun is just as important. That's a theory that hasn't been shown. I mean, like I said, ours is really small. Now, that's just my like an analogy for people to understand why senescent cells are bad because they like age. Sulforaphane Today I took a cold shower from home and my son is not there and I did it just because I wanted to have the mood affects the norepinephrine that's been shown to be increased and it was much colder.