IFTHEN=(WHEN=NONE,BUILD=(1:1,80)) If no matches to conditions specified in WHEN, copy the 80 bytes data from input file to output as it is. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain. C'FRI',C'FRIDAY', - DIGITS can only be specified if What is issuing the message? Reformat each record by specifying just the items that overlay specific columns. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? Example: Reformat different records in different ways by specifying how build, overlay, find/replace, or group operation items are applied to records that meet given criteria. Add two days, two years to the date in the input file. Example: Experienced software developer. NOMATCH=(11,3), - The count is written as d However while writing to output file, two spaces will be added between fields at position 1-5 and 6-10. To display hexadecimal representation of input value. TOT calculates the number of records in the input file. IFTHEN clauses are processed in the following order: For this example, the IFTHEN clauses are processed as follows: PARSE fields using IFTHEN parameter : Click Here. The followingcontrol statements will transform records containing a field of formatcyymmddto the formatyyymmdd. so that performance will be improved SORT OUTREC Example JCL. JOHN 28000 00004, SORT FIELDS=COPY You can insert blanks before, between, or after fields. The OUTREC control statement allows you to reformat the input records after they are sorted, merged, or copied. Example: PARSE can be used for many different types of variable fields including delimited fields, comma separated values (CSV), tab separated values, blank separated values, keyword separated fields, null-terminated strings, and so on. INREC WHEN=GROUP can be used with BEGIN to identify a header record starting a group and END to identify a trailer record ending a group. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. . The sort utility you use does have them. . OVERLAY - Replace the selected columns without impacting other columns. If you have any doubts or queries related to this chapter, get them clarified from our Mainframe experts on ibmmainframer Community! 1) Sort fields. if WRITE(countdd) is specified. The issue now I think is that having multiple BUILD/OUTREC gives a duplicate error. To include a single apostrophe in the string, you must specify it as two single apostrophes example, to include the word Toms you need to specify CToms. IFTHEN statements allow you to reformat different records in different ways by specifying how build or overlay items are to be applied to records that meet given criteria. It confuses people trying to give you an answer. Build gives you complete control over the items you want in your reformatted INREC records and the order in which they appear. 25,6 - data at 25th position of input file with length 6 copied to 21st position(because 1 to 20 already data copied so it will continue from next position) of output file. Tell them what you want to do, and they probably already have something you can use to do it with (when discussing this, bear in mind that these are technically data sets, not files). Input file has one or more records for same employee number. Product Owner Interview Questions and Answers Part II, JIRA Workflow for Optimal Project Tracking, Automatically Assign Issues JIRA Automation, JIRADashboard Popular Gadgets for Agile Teams, Vertical Slice vs Horizontal Slice User Story, WHEN=(logexp) clauses and WHEN=ANY clauses. You can use X or 1X to specify a single blank. Use one or more WHEN=NONE clauses to apply build or overlay items to your input records that did not meet the criteria for any of the WHEN=(logexp) clauses. Though OUTREC is one of the most frequently used features of DFSORT, many still find a SORT cards with OUTREC FIELDS= (21:106,4,35:1,75) confusing . OUTREC FIELDS=(1,5,2X,6,10), SORT FIELDS=COPY example, 80), or if you want to ensure that the count record length OUTREC FIELDS=(..,55,8,Y4W,ADDDAYS,+2,TOJUL=Y4T(/),..) adds +2 days to the date in the input file and converts it to Julian date before writing it to output file from 55th position. Use one or more WHEN=(logexp) clauses to apply build or overlay items to your input records that meet specified criteria. Example:IFTHEN abbreviate a word from Input File OUTREC OVERLAY=(..,45:45,3,ZD,MUL,+10,TO=ZD,LENGTH=4) the data from 45th byte multiplies with 10 and writes the result to output of the length 4 from 45th position. Since the sequence number is not specified for the detail records, it will be blank. PMP, PMBOK, PMI-ACP and PMI are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. Professional Scrum Master, PSM, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSPO etc. All IFTHEN parameters have been processed. . Explnation: Above statement will convert data field at position (1-10) of input file to Hexa-decimal representation and write it to output file. The answer to your first question is simply that you did not tell But if any of the fields in your records have variable positions or lengths, you can use PARSE to treat them as fixed parsed fields in BUILD or OVERLAY. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,55,8,Y4W,TOJUL=Y4T)- data from 55th byte of length 8 will be converted to Y4T Julian date format. //SORTOUT DD DSN=DEPT.EMPL.DATA.OUTPUT1, 88888JOHN PURCHASING 08000 Back to top CHANGE=(10 indicates that replacing string will occupy 10 letter positions. is the protected brand of Scrum.org. A countdd DD statement must be WHEN=INIT clauses are processed before any of the other IFTHEN clauses. Not the answer you're looking for? After step 4) the sign is missing. 3. Use WIDTH(n) if your count record length and LRECL must be set to a WRITE(countdd) is specified. OUTREC keeps only positions 1-80 for the OUTFIL output records, thus removing the identifier byte and sequence number we added in positions 81-83 with the INREC statement (we do not want these temporary fields in the OUTFIL output records). OUTREC FIELDS=(1:1,30,36:SEQNUM,5,ZD) Display Filter View Print Options Help, WER268A SORT STATEMENT : SYNTAX ERROR, ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************. Use that to format the result. INREC:Specifies how records are reformatted before they are sorted, copied, or merged. //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* Table 2. . OUTREC FIELDS=(1,20,25,6,) - Here we have two formattings. Please do not use JCL as a general term for utilities. You can assign up to 1000 parsed fields (%0-%999) to the variable fields you want to extract. Why do many companies reject expired SSL certificates as bugs in bug bounties? JOHN 08000 length is 25) should be copied at position 1 in output file followed by the field at position (46 to 50 i.es length is 5) should be copied at position 26 of output file. 3) Sum new PD fields. OUTREC is processed after SORT/MERGE and SUM (if present) otherwise after INREC. For example: OUTREC BUILD=(DATE3,TIME1,1,6) would produce a character timestamp in output positions 1-12 of the form: yyyydddhhmmss . By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. //SORTOUT DD DSN=DEPT.EMPL.DATA.OUTPUT2, 2 Incredible DFSORT Insert Separators Examples in JCL | Srinimf. appropriate record length and LRECL by not specifying WIDTH(n). IBMMainframes.com is not an official and/or affiliated with IBM. JOHN 08000 00001 OUTREC FIELDS=(1,39,..)copies first 39 bytes from input file to output as it is. It is as I said, it replaces the data. john THURSDAY 28000 Where, count data set. Based on the 6th position of the file, the BUILD of output file varies. present. SUM FIELDS=NONE removes duplicates on fields specified in SORT FIELDS. FIELDS is "old" and available for backwards-compatibility. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. SORT FIELDS=COPY For example, you could use GT to select records with dates after today, or LT to select records with dates before today. For example, if you wanted to create a record with just Cdddyy, you could do it with OUTREC as follows: Lets say we have a Cyyyymmdd date field starting at position 10 of each record. . The%01parsed field is used to extract the first variable field into a 5-byte fixed parsed field. Overlay lets you change specific existing columns without affecting the entire record. JCL - Examples Example 1: Alocate PS dataset using IEFBR14 UTILITY //STEP01 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //DD1 DD DSN=userid.IBMMF.PSFILE, // DISP= (NEW,CATLG,DELETE),VOLUME=SER=DEVL, // SPACE= (TRK, (1,1),RLSE),UNIT=SYSDA, // DCB= (DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800) //* value by not specifying WIDTH(n). You can mix p,m fields (fixed fields), and %nn fields (parsed fields) in BUILD and OVERLAY. particular value (for example, 80), or if you want to ensure that the Explnation: Above statement will convert data field at position (1-20) of input file to its uppercase form and write it to output file. Amusing. You can delete, rearrange and insert fields and constants. instead. For instance, you want to know when one file is within 10% of the size of the other. OUTREC FILEDS or OUTREC BUILD It is used to reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. Now its working fine. Example: The below OVERLAY will extend the records. You can create the reformatted OUTREC records in one of the following ways using unedited, edited, or converted input fields. 4) Convert PD back to ZD. record length. If the records are variable-length, the RDW of the record would be reduced to indicate the new length after the shorter literals are substituted. Requirement 2: Copy input file to output file as it is, however, while writing output records, copy field at position 1-20 from input file followed by string ' TOTAL ' followed by 5 zeroes followed by field at position 21-30 from input file. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. If WIDTH(n) is not specified, LRECL is set to the calculated required Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Example: Reformat each record by doing various types of find and replace operations. OUTREC method INCLUDE COND=(5,1,GE,C'M'),FORMAT=CH OUTREC FIELDS=(10,3,20,8,33,11,5,1) SORT FIELDS=(20,8,CH,A,10,3,FI,A) SUM FIELDS=(38,4,BI) Theseexamples illustrate how a fixed-length input data set is sorted and reformatted for output. To insert a character string to your output includeC your stringas part of your OUTREC , you can include anyEBCDIC character between single quotes. If, as in the second question above, you wanted to produce just one record containing the date, you could select from a variety of date formats. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,48,..) copies first 48 bytes input file data as it is to output. If clause 2 is not satisfied, its build items are not applied and processing continues. . To insert 5 blanks, write 5X between the two fields. JIRA Workflow for Optimal Project Tracking, Automatically Assign Issues JIRA Automation, JIRADashboard Popular Gadgets for Agile Teams, Vertical Slice vs Horizontal Slice User Story. By using INREC, OUTREC, and OUTFIL statements to insert the current date or past date, or future date in a variety of formats and time in a variety of formats into your records. You can use nZ to specify n binary zeros. Not the answer you're looking for? If you do not specify a WHEN=NONE clause, only the WHEN=INIT changes (if any) are applied to input records that do not meet the criteria for any of the WHEN=(logexp) clauses. Example: PARSE can be used for many different types of variable fields including delimited fields, comma-separated values (CSV), tab-separated values, blank-separated values, keyword-separated fields, null-terminated strings, and so on. This example shows how you can use three input files, each with a header record (HDR), detail records (DTL) and a trailer record (TRL), and create an output file with one header record with the current date, the sorted detail records, and one trailer record with the current date. All of the data which passes the INCLUDE will be on one of the three OUTFILs, and only one. OVERLAY says "update the information in the current record with these data-manipulations (BUILD always creates a new copy of the current record). SORT FIELDS=COPY The option STOPAFT will stop reading the input file after 10th record and terminates the program. 99999JOHN ADMIN 28000, //SORTSTEP EXEC PGM=SORT The question is unclear, so this is just a guess at what was wanted. Specifies d digits for the count in the output record, overriding the To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The overlay will be occurredin the final output record. . It confuses people trying to give you an answer. IFTHEN clauses let you use sophisticated conditional logic to choose how different record types are reformatted. You can use four types of IFTHEN statements as follows: Use one or more WHEN=INIT clauses to apply build or overlay items to all of your input records. The sequence number added in positions 82-83 will allow us to keep only the first header record and the first trailer record. SMITH 25000 00003 So far, the number in the first six positions will be divided by two, treated (by the mask) as an unsigned zoned-decimal of six digits, starting from position 16. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,5,ZD,TO=FS,LENGTH=6,..)converts the first five bytes ZD from input file to FS of 6 bytes and writes it to output. Statement SORT FIELDS=COPY is used here to indicate that all records will be copied from input file to output file. BUILD parameter can be used on INREC and OUTREC statements in SORT card. JOIN UNPAIRED does a full outer join on the two files. example of ZD formats are '000000000002.459000-' and '0000000000000005.42-'. SORT FIELDS=COPY It is for copy records to output file. You can delete, rearrange and insert fields and constants. 2) Convert ZD to PD; example of ZD formats are '000000000002.459000-' and '0000000000000005.42-'. They are identical. v If WIDTH(n) is specified and the calculated record length is greater The sort utility you use does have them. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This will make the whole process inefficient. "After the incident", I started to be more careful not to trip over things. // DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE), What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? d can be 1 to 15. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,29,..) Copies the first 29 bytes of data from input file to output as it is. OK, perhaps 7.3m is not so large, but, when you have your "solution", the next person along is going to do it with 100,000 records, the next with 1,000,000 records. My approach has to be execute a statement check the results then add the next statement. Note that if all of the fields in your records have fixed positions and lengths, you don't need to use PARSE. //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* ICETOOL sets the attributes of the count data set as follows: If WIDTH(n) is specified, LRECL is set to n. Use WIDTH(n) if your count Enjoy unlimited access on 5500+ Hand Picked Quality Video Courses. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. . Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. If you use PGM=SORT, for example, that's a utility. . Reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. Previous For Statement OUTREC FIELDS=(1:1,30,36:SEQNUM,5,ZD), is used here to indicate that field at position (1 to 30 i.e. JCL is for those statements that begin with // like DD, EXEC, JOB, OUTPUT, etc. OUTREC: Specifies how records are reformatted after they are sorted, copied, ormerged. FINDREP indicates doing a find and replace operation. X represents single space. Previous JCL does not have BUILD/OUTREC statements. It is used to reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,29,JFY=(..,PREBLANK=C'(),..),..) blank out the (). BUILD gives you complete control over the items you want in your reformatted OUTREC records and the order in which they appear. INREC= and OUTREC= are invalid. Using BUILD in SORT Build parameter is used to reformat records. A file has 100 records. This presumes that SORTOUT will not be needed (it would just be a copy of the input file). 1,6,ZD means "the information, at this moment, at start-position one for a length of six, which is a zoned-decimal format". Is there any other way of achieving the same in JCL? But if any of the fields in your records have variable positions or lengths, you can use PARSE to treat them as fixed parsed fields in BUILD or OVERLAY. LENGTH=6 limits the result to six digits. OUTREC in SORT Using OUREC in SORT JCL OUTREC adds, deletes, or reformats fields after the records are sorted or merged. Thus total record length of output file is 30. Linear regulator thermal information missing in datasheet. On the Mainframe, the client pays for resources. //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* FINDREP - Can do find and Replace operation using this parameter. //SYSIN DD * If you know that your count requires less than 15 digits, you can use Please note that file in SYSUT2 takes the same DCB as that of the SYSUT1 in the above example. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Example: Reformat each record by doing various types of find and replace operations. If clause 3 is satisfied, its build items are applied and processing continues. You can use INCLUDE and OMIT to select records using a variety of formats for past and future dates like Cyyyymmdd, Cyyyy/mm/dd, +yyyymmdd, Cyyyyddd, Cyyyy/ddd, +yyyyddd, Cyymmdd and so on. Align the data in the first 29 bytes to LEFT and replace () with <>. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,45,3,ZD,MUL,+10) data starts from 45th byte of length 3 will be multiplied by +10 and stores it in the same record as a continuation. v If WIDTH(n) is not specified, ICETOOL sets the record length and . /*, ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4 Would the magnetic fields of double-planets clash? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. OUTREC OVERLAY=(60:SEQNUM,2,ZD,START=5,INCR=5) Generates the sequence number of length 2 from 60th byte. 11111AKSHAY HR 10000 View all posts by Srini. // UNIT=TEST,SPACE=(CYL,(50,10),RLSE) SORT FIELDS= (106,4,CH,A) SUM FIELDS= (162,4,BI,166,4,BI) OUTREC FIELDS= (106,4,162,4,166,4) Table 2 shows the output. So either of the following pairs of control statements will sort your records on input positions 1-6 and reformat them with todays date in the form Cyyyy-mm-dd in output positions 1-10, and input positions 1-6 in output positions 11-16. The output file will contain the unique employee numbers sorted in ascending order. Default for PARSE: None; must be specified. 21,10) Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? 55555SMITH R&D 25000 . Writing Only Publisher, Number In Stock, and Number Sold Fields. EDIT=(TTT.TT) is a used-defined edit mask, in this case inserting a decimal point, truncating the otherwise existing left-most digit, and having significant leading zeros when necessary. Statement OUTREC FIELDS=(1:6,25,26:46,5) is coded to specify that field at position (6 to 30 i.e. SUM FIELDS=NONE removes duplicates on fields specified in SORT FIELDS. There is a separate OUTREC statement. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Syntax for using FIELDS parameter in its simplest form:-, C ==> indicates the position in output field, P ==> indicates the position of input field, Requirement: To copy all the records from input file to output file. What are the RECFM and LRECL of your inputs? OUTREC FIELDS=(1,29,JFY=(SHIFT=LEFT,..),..) Justifies the data in the first 29 bytes to left. Write unique records to output. Lots of errors here. What exactly you are getting? If any match found in the list, respective data will be moved to output file. If clause 4 is not satisfied, its build items are not applied and processing continues. Please do not use JCL as a general term for utilities. Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? CSM, CSPO, CSD, CSP, A-CSPO, A-CSM are registered trademarks of Scrum Alliance. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Build parameter can be used in OUTFIL statement also. To perform lookup of input data and if it matches then replace it with some other data. For example: OUTREC BUILD=(DATE3,TIME1,1,6) would produce a character timestamp in output positions 1-12 of the form: yyyydddhhmmss, More easily, you could use DATE4 to produce a timestamp of the form: yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss or DATE5 to produce a timestamp with microseconds of the form: yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn. Agree example, if DIGITS(10) is specified, 10 digits are used instead of 15. If clause 4 is satisfied, its build items are applied and processing stops. Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string. OUTREC BUILD=(1,10,TRAN=UTOL,11,3, - AKSHAY 10000 The advantage of the above types of solution is that they basically use very few resources. C'TUE',C'TUESDAY', - // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=30,BLKSIZE=0), OUTREC FIELDS=(1,80,SQZ=(..,PREBLANK=C'(),..)) Blanks out the (). Example: OVERLAY: Reformat each record by specifying just the items that overlay specific columns. Batch split images vertically in half, sequentially numbering the output files. You can assign up to 1000 parsed fields (%0-%999) to the variable fields you want to extract. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Build give complete control over output file format. /*, ----+----1----+----2----+----3 There. ENDBEFR=C tells DFSORT to stop extracting data at the byte before the next comma (the comma after the first variable field). If your LRECL does not need to be set to a particular IFTHEN clauses let you use sophisticated conditional logic to choose how different record types are reformatted. OVERLAY says "update the information in the current record with these data-manipulations (BUILD always creates a new copy of the current record). There's nothing "wrong" with the control cards. Each day we want only the records for that day to be copied into the output file. INREC FIELDS=(1,20,X,25,6,X,) - Reformat the input file of length 1 to 30 bytes(1 to 20 bytes plus 25 to 6 bytes). Formatting output file after an INCLUDE condition in JCL, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Use a WHEN=ANY clause after multiple WHEN=(logexp) clauses to apply additional build or overlay items to your input records if they satisfied the criteria for any of the preceding WHEN=(logexp) clauses. record length and LRECL must be set to a particular value (for OUTREC FIELDS=(1,29,JFY=(.., LEAD=C'<,TRAIL=C>),..) adds the C< as a lead and C> as a trail. The%parsed field is used to skip the variable field without extracting anything for it. Do you have an example of the input and expected output? But if any of the fields in your records have variable positions or lengths, you can use PARSE to treat them as fixed parsed fields in BUILD or OVERLAY. Is it suspicious or odd to stand by the gate of a GA airport watching the planes? PMP, PMBOK, PMI-ACP and PMI are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. Professional Scrum Master, PSM, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSPO etc. All to set an RC. INREC FIELDS=(7:2,5,20:10,3) - Here we have two formattings, 7:2,5 - data at 2nd position of input file with length 5 copied to 7th position of output file, 20:10,3 - data at 10th position of input file with length 3 copied to 20th position of output file. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,6,73)copies the input file data from 6th byte to the output file from 8th byte onwards as it is. And setting Return Code if it crossing a threshold (90%). I will go through your answer, Multiplication division using DFSORT utility in Mainframe, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. The following is an example of the IFTHEN parameter: PMP, PMBOK, PMI-ACP and PMI are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. Professional Scrum Master, PSM, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSPO etc. The SORT, SUM and OUTREC statements are as follows: SORT FIELDS= (106,4,CH,A) SUM FIELDS= (162,4,BI,166,4,BI) OUTREC FIELDS= (106,4,162,4,166,4) Table 2 shows the output. In addition to this it will replace 3 letter day-of-week name at position 11 in input file with its full name at position 11. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? WIDTH can only be specified This is from the DFSORT Application Programming Guide: WRITE(countdd) Specifies the ddname of the count data set to be You can use nX to specify n blanks.To insert 10 blanks, write 10X before the first field. Can Martian regolith be easily melted with microwaves? Thank you so much Bill. 1,20 - data at 1st position of input file with length 20 copied to 1st position(if you don't specific position, it will start from 1st position) of output file. Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Your client may not be so happy at the end of the year to find that they've paid for reading and "counting" 7.3m records just so that you can set an RC. ICETOOL always calculates the record than n, ICETOOL issues an error message and terminates the operation. The DATE1 operand corresponds to a Cyyyymmdd constant for todays date. . Try changing OUTREC to OUTFIL. OMIT specifies that reformatted output records with 0 or 9 in position 81 (header or trailer records) and a sequence number in positions 82-83 greater than 1 (second and subsequent header or trailer records), are omitted. A WHEN=(logexp) clause is satisfied when the logical expression evaluates as true. length = 30) should be copied at position 1 in output file followed by the sequence number of 5 digit in Zoned Decimal format should be written at position 36 of output file. This enables all the records in a group to be sorted together. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! OUTREC OVERLAY=(..,85:45,3,ZD,MUL,+10,TO=ZD,LENGTH=4) the data from 45th byte multiplies with 10 and writes the result to output of the length 4 from 85th position. STEVE MON 20000 WHEN=NONE clauses are processed after any of the other IFTHEN clauses. JOHN THU 28000 // DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE), Inserting Zeros, Spaces and Character strings to your output You can insert blanks before, between, or after fields. If the last program to do so does not already produce counts of what it has read/written (to my mind, standard good practice, with the program reconciling as well) then amend the programs to do so now.