This business is in an industry that may require professional licensing, bonding or registration. Hope fully this site Tracy set up will eventually catch the eye of the better business or someone who will make this kind of shady business tactics disappear . I texted my friend and asked him what was $99 needed for, and he replied it was for my background check and two tests I would need to take before I got my license. There have been plenty of examples of businesses that looked legitimate that were not. WHEW!! Im not looking for part time work. Be careful and good luck to all other job seekers out there! Third, my agent told us that he much preferred to bring in people to work just part-time, and he had for his first 18 months with the company, because it takes a while to support oneself in this or any commissioned sales position. Primerica offers web-based learning materials and a practice exam. Got invited to a "meeting" at their office. You should be ashamed of yourself for writing an article as false and untrue as this one. Well! This office in Tigard,OR reeked of people looking for people with low self esteem. I emailed the guy this morning after I slept on it and told him that I was not interested and this was not a fit. Allow me to tell you about it. Trust me, there are plenty of people who dont mind asking friends and family to buy something their selling. Id really like to figure out if it is the company that is the problem, or just some of the people in it. Instead my thoughts were screaming through my mind.. really, what was John doing in there?! Mr. John A. Addison Jr., Co-Chief Executive Officer. How did she get my information? He stepped out of the office and I could hear him sound like he was talking to either a customer or another interviewee. For any agent to be paid any comm. Last week I was approached at my job by two people. Possibility of excellent income. Many new agents are brought into insurance sales through Primerica's recruiting effort. Thank you for participating. I am a single mother of two kids and I have only been getting one day off from work. Pyramid schemes are illegal businesses. I dont remember exactly what he said to me but I realized Id been lied to and I was so mad that I just walked out. I have an interview on Monday but I will not be going afternoon randomly reading all of these comments. I understand everyone needs to make a buck. I make a very nice income for myself with a legitimate business. Clearly if one can do that for another, one should be able to pocket a nice income Once she quit her little dissertation on the gap between the upper class and middle class and how the middle class can become upper class with our help, she told us to wait as she brought in the guy who had written the review for the company (5 stars. Ha!!!! I thought the man I was working one on one with , who was soooo nice was helping me set up online banking , which is what he said , but in reality he was going into my account taking money out which he said they were not gonna do unless I signed up for the classes at a later date. What should I do? Anselm of Canterbury, this still goes on. I told him I wasnt interested, but really wish I could report him to someone. those guys are motherfu***** i went to the interview and i interviewed with a guy but he was so suspicious though, when he asked me for a 99$ but it should be on a bank account not cash( so they can steal my infos) but when i told him i dont have any money on me now he seemed Confounded and annoyed and there was three girls sitting on the other table they kinda laughed when i said i dont have the money, and so he immediately ended the convo and said i can come back tomorrow and give him the money and i said okay great cuz i actually believed him he was so convenience but and thank god i didnt have money on me cuz if i had i would give all my infos but thank god i didnt give him anything and so he ended the convo right away cuz in my opinion he knew that i would go back home and look up the company name and i will find this post and so i will never come back and give him anything and thats exactly what happened and thank god ive read this post this author is genius thank you so much screw those guys. We set up the interview within a week and Ive never had someone more eager and desperate to hire me. Yes There are 76 helpful reviews 76 No There are 37 unhelpful reviews 37. They contact the job seekers with an offer of an interview for an opening. After dodging her for a few weeks I finally agreed and ate enough of the steam table food to be polite. I express admiration and order another coke and a sandwich. Just thought I would share my very recent experience and thank you to the author of this blog for posting this, otherwise I may have been suckered into an interview but then again, I dont typically work or have any experience in the financial industry and tend to stay far away as it is for positions like this or anything to do with insurance etc. I told them that i was skeptical and would want to research before committing to any policy or any opportunity. He said Financial Services then when I asked what kind of company he states the details will be discussed during the interview. Long story short he told us it was a company about life insurance and that wed help families bla bla bla. But It didnt make sense that I was not given the company name but did get a management position for something I know nothing about. Nice people, very cordial. Of course, I find that it is a scam and a pyramid scheme. Thank you to all those who contributed to this thread and I wish you all the best of luck in your job search! Thats why they havent been charged. The hairs on my neck stood up when she spoke like this, but I figured it couldnt hurt to hear about the position. I have another so called meeting tonight with him. 100,000 reps times $25 a month equals $2.5 million a month from its own employees., Please name some that dont. During the call I asked her about three times for a website link or something to see if I would like working with her but she avoided giving me the website, I had to ask her about three times till she finally gave me something, and even that was just the name of the company. I knew to avoid them but because of how fast she mumbled the name i didnt research. I was there in the bulding today just asking ppl some jobs & met a young lady going for interview & I ask her if I can follow her to know more about the job & she was nice to me to let me follow her. I felt that it was a pyramid scheme, but was trying to support people in my community, especially after dealing with a traumatic loss of a family member, who didnt have a policy. I am promised that PRIMERICA will essentially turn me into a hedge-fund manager for Charles Schwabb in time. Like my parents support me and are very smart with their money. I said I was and she offered me an interview. Tracy you cant help others unless you help yourself first. I was ready to mangle both of them Im so fed up with these lames at this time. The fact that she had to describe it as a business opportunity, and not a job already set off alarm bells, as such language is common in many scams, but I went to the interview to see what it was all about. I think Jorge is actually Donald Trump. She assured me, as the regional vice president of the Dayton area, she is looking to agressively expand her reach and will be opening up 5 new offices in the next 2 years, so she needs all the help she can get. Her daughter has had rough luck a failed cornea transplant has left her half blind. This was my first piece of evidence that what they were saying literally was not adding up. and is refundable but most people dont know that, You can get your own credit check and if not hired, you can get a refund. Thank you guys. The agent kept calling me for a congratulatory luncheon at a local Chinese buffet. (Even then that is to be seen) They clearly have a lot of red flags, and I dont think businesses should be allowed to run like that. Didnt add up. ?, Dont you want one of these nice vacations? This part-time position, in particular, Im thinking might also allow me to train in a new-but-related field at little or no cost (save licensure fees). Then she talked about the opportunity to make money, but it was NEVER presented to me by her; or any of the other Primerica reps that it was any kind of a job interview. Me too! What a waste of time?! Primerica has been helping Main Street families invest for the future since 1977. It doesnt state that many on the list never again achieved those sales levels. At the time my mind was elsewhere so about 10 minutes later I called her back and asked her what company she was with, who referred me and what position was I interviewing for. Ever since I graduated my undergrad Ive gotten random phone calls from shady looking companies that I never applied to. It was an apartment looking complex with no name, nothing. Be aware, I messaged on Facebook, and the account had comments saying Hey man, I think your account got hacked Ive been getting odd messages from you. Our conversation goes all over the place like before. Just got off the phone with a recruiter from Primarica, and he made it sound like he sought me out for this position. For only $99 you can be licensed to sell insurance to others with us. To all you haters and doubters Primerica is NOT a business for sheeple it is a bonafide business opportunity that requires hard work many people cant do it thats why the rewards are so great if you persist! My friends husband was at least honest and up front about me in terms of selling insurance, which I appreciated. We were all in this rinkadink room, looks like they rented and tried to make it look professional but it looks rushed and had meaningless awards on the walls. She looked to be in about her early 50-s. Much older than the crew she had working for her. Im not looking for a job. I did not like that and that was a red flag. I went up to him and asked him about the office manager role. Report pyramid or Ponzi schemes to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). And no-load mutual funds through Vanguard or Fidelity beat the high expense ratios and sales charges of the ones Primerica offers. I found it extremely weird they had my info and Ive never heard of them before; however, I gave them a chance because I needed a summer job. The whole you QUALIFIED to spend time with me thing seems ridiculous to some on the outside, I know. At first I was questioning that, arent you supposed to use a business card? She has probably picked up by now that I am a liberal, so she starts emphasizing that she is a hippy and a Christian whose God loves everyone. She tells me an incredible story about her mom leading a march for gay rights and getting pelted with eggs and vegetables. Recently a dear friend of mine got roped into becoming a rep on the premise of hed be doing families a great justice helping them get their finances in order and providing them with term life insurance. He proposed some vague idea to me one day and set up a visit to discuss. LOL Alex. Cons. Um And these were my thoughts. So then i asked him thru Facebook and he said no and now im here and im so glad i am. They focus heavily on helping the middle class with financial products. Think Enron, Bernie Madoffs investment scheme, etc. My info along with my social number. Recruiting is not mandatory, as you can make a great income with sales (once licensed as per local regulations, which is what the 99 is for). No amount of money could fill the hole that would leave in me. The woman who did the phone interview was very nice but once I got off I didnt even recall what the job was really about and realized she set me up in a few days for an in person group interview. He picked up the phone and began to dial but I noticed he pressed *69 first.. what, he was blocking the outgoing #?? ), In walked this boy of maybe 18 in a new 3-piece suit and tie. Told my interviewer I would call him back this week with a reply. I knew from the phone call that something was wrong. Here we go another scam, let me play along The gentleman got on the phone, I think his name was John, again muffled but I really didnt care what his name was, this wasnt going to last very long. You cannot fail if you do the work. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is accusing former broker Barkley Lundy, who worked with PFS Investments, of defrauding at least 20 customers.The self-regulatory organization claims that from at least 1/11 through 3/14, Lundy took these clients' funds and placed the money in his own bank accounts. I was approached last night while grocery shopping at Star market. It is not a MLM or they would have been charged and gone the way of most MLM. Thank you all for this i guess i wont be going to that appointment today. I heard at a convention a couple of years ago that the way you know its a good company with good products or services, would be if you had to pay retail, would you still buy it? Criminal background checks required. Her husband, a mechanic, got invited to a big fancy house and had dinner there. She is a mere pawn unknowingly victimizing her own family and friends. I dont mind. Ive seen people come in, get hyped up and quit their jobs, only to be screwed in a few months. Awesome reviews everyone! I guess I get to add to the list, I received a missed call, I dont check my messages usually and I typically just google the number and see what comes up and then once something pops up I call or dont call this time nothing came up so I called. No, Primerica is not a pyramid scheme. At school when were prepping for interviews, recruiters ALWAYS want a resume. He told me, and when I Googled it, I found this. Tracy did you use to do Primerica and was unsuccessful because you seem very angry with the company? I immediately texted Mary to shred my application and that I was not interested. Multi-level Management is a pyramid/ ponzi scheme. If you never got paid for telling people, would you still tell people about it? If I attend, will I experience a pressure tactic laden recruitment presentation? Look this up on Wikipedia, the very unusual and very unique model that Primerica uses. Primerica offers a variety of financial products and services to consumers through their nationwide sales force. A lot of people on here say Good thing I found this website. Just like most of these posts, they said they werent looking for people who have college degrees or serious career experience. Nice to know people are exposing this company! The second warning sign was she didnt have a business card, but rather took my phone number down on a notepad and advised her business partner would call me. Over dinner, I told my husband about the phone call and what I had found online about this Primerica and learned that he, as well, had been lured to their office a few years back, when he was looking for a job and after sitting in their presentation, he realized that it was a pyramid scheme and walked out without looking back. When I looked up this company, I saw that they had an aggregate rating of 1.6 stars out of 5 on Consumer Affairs, and I felt simultaneously relieved that I didnt let them get my bank information by putting down the $99, and horrified thinking that I could have been among the many people that this company had roped into their scheme. Anyone with money who makes a good living does not discuss that in open form with people at a so called job interview be smarter than the rest of us , cancel , complain and dont let them take advantage of you. Louisiana Primerica not something good to be involved in. Im canceling my interview for tomorrow. The recruiter may actually be vague in most cases when trying to get people to come check out the company but that doesnt mean they the information you will get about saving for retirement, etc is false or lies. She stated that it would be for the Fort Lauderdale office but that more locations would be opening. If it sounds too good to be true, mostly it is..Thank you again for posting! I am considering doing Primerica, but I am first doing my due dilligence. Because most likely many of you canceled your appointments, and during that appointment time ended up doing something unproductive anyway, like watching TV, or browsing the Internet. I also heard the leadership bit. Very very unprofessional company. Anyways, Im cancelling that visit and now im off to the bank to change my debit card number to be safe. Wow, thank you to all who posted about this company. However the commission is low and their training program sucks. Oh well I showed you the PowerPoint and video?? Im just worried if I tell him I thought about it and wouldnt want to proceed, he has basically ally information, Im in the same position as you i dont want to recruit others and im scared with the info they have. This is the same for any insurance or investment company. Pyramids are illegal and would NOT be listed on the NYSE. Schemes use generalizations. my son is employed there. Im glad I didnt give them the $99 dollars, they told me it was for a background check, plus $25 a month to access your account through their website. I show up on time but, honestly, a little worse for wear. I also am one of the many that got called out of the blue for posting my resume online. Being very analytical, I would have not had a good interview with another manager in a different company. Im grateful for this site and the posts here. I was (and still am) working as a cashier when I was approached by a woman pushing a stroller. I did not quite have the similar negative experience as many posted, but mine was similar. I emailed Mark back asking if 10 am worked for him. Lawsuit Against Expert Witness Highlights Issue of Conflicts of Interest, Jackie What an interesting comment! Reading this gave me something to do for a little while this morning and appreciate the honesty. I attended a presentation and just decided it wasnt something I really wanted to do. . Taller than me by a little, he had slightly bigger hand but no grip. (Kind of like someone asking you out on a date and then you saying I have a girlfriend, they should get the hint) The guy keeps talking and says something like we should have a discussion when youre free about the position. No, Primerica is not a pyramid scheme under the laws, because when you are investing $99 in this business, you receive a service, 2 days pre-licensing class. Funny thing is, the first 20 times I heard this same spiel I was envious of his life and attracted to the lifestyle he proclaimed was not only possible, but a given if one followed his leadership. 5. Never missing a payment! And thats why I have not fell prey to their scheme of getting people to recruit. Primerica Compensation Plan How Much Does It Cost to Get Started on Primerica? Amway. Its quite pathetic that all of us in the comments are forced to search out information on the web rather than hear it straight from the snakes that work for this company. They are so desperate for people. One of their representatives came up to me as i was walking into Target. It's a fucking scam. They provide 45 - 55% of the first year premium. good looking into this before going to my interview today. I finished having a fake interview last night and was literally thinking about going to that informative session. Yes, Orlando, pyramids are illegal and MLMs have very carefully crafted their companies to APPEAR not to be pyramids. I had a bad feeling so I googled the address. I dont even know if youre someone I want to work with. But then again, I thought ruefully to myself, maybe he was right and I was too soft. * Also, if someone wasnt college material, and all they were qualified for is a $10-15/hr job, but they really loved their family and wanted to do more to provide for them, to where, other than another MLM type jobs, could they go? Okay, made perfect sense. Like he told me, eventually this isnt a job. I figured she hired her son to do her social media campaigning and he was just barely starting/lazy. Al Chemistry Paper 2013 Marking Scheme May Primerica Financial Services The Fake Job Interview May 20th, 2013 - Primerica Financial Services is a multi level marketing company that sells life insurance and investments I?ve written about Primerica in the past questioning whether Primerica is a pyramid scheme and whether PFS is a scam I work with a woman who is always trying to recruit people by taking them almost 2 hours away to hear the presentation. I wasnt really looking forward to more training in the morning, but figured with the scared-looking new teenage recruit coming, John would at least be in his jovial, upbeat mood. THANK GODNESS I LISTENED TO MY INTUITION!!!!!! Joe get Sally a $800 annual premium, (depending on your team members rank)(entries are REPs 25%) Joe will earn 25% of 800 =200(ONLY ONE TIME,THIS ONE TIME), (PYRAMID TIME) the remaining flows up the tunnel 75% (depending my rank) REP 25%, $200. Today I received a phone call today from a recruiter who found my resume on Careerbuilder. However the comments of one man on here did not sit right with me. I attended and felt extremely motivated, but wanted to think about it for a few days. well I looked up pfs investments I didn`t see the address she had given me .then I looked up names I didn`t see her name under agents or anything . I actually had to call my friend to ask what the position was and he said its something to do with sales.. Thank you all for clearing my skepticism up, time to block Mr. Jack. Financial Services Headquarters Multi Location Business Find locations Contact Information 1 Primerica Pkwy Duluth, GA 30099-4000 Visit Website Email this Business (770) 381-1000 Primary hours. I was also approached at a mall with the same story. He wasnt really giving me a clear description of the job, but I still heard him out. It feels horrible all the time to be with them I am sure. I went to the interview and we just hire anyone. My guess, these snakes hack FB profiles and are now on the prowl for new gullible recruits, or this guy probably got hooked into the company and is now using his account to get recruits. If you believe Wall Street has a moral compass you are sadly mistaken. As far as positions, I havent even met you yet, how could I know what youre qualified for? Listening again.. In fact, the only thing I remember from that call was his saying Citi weird. So I was going to take my one and only day off this week and go to an interview only to find out that its a scam of some short. End of recruiting. And being within the top 10% at least of the company," according to reporting by Business Insider. And use to convince FLORIDA retirement sustem workerd to move there money with us thinking thatsba good idea and look what is the result ! I totally see it now. He kept giving me all these big numbers and saying how easy it would be and blah blah blah and all I could think was if it sounds too good to be true, it definitely is. Still, my poor, broke self held onto the hope that it might be legit. He didnt mention anything about a resume which made me wonder. She gave me her number and asked to call claiming she was a hiring manager .. You may even have to buy products before you're eligible to be paid or get certain bonuses. Thats the nature of working in several industries overseen by a regulatory body. Finally, in the course of mulling this decision I have read at Primericas own website that new life insurance agents earned $6000/yr on average in 2013, I think was the year cited. Ok guys,heres my story: I work two part time retail jobs and am seeking to leave both for one full time position. Take time to get out of dodge. The complaint . PLEASE DONT GO. We both waited for the process to start the woman came back in and once again introduced herself and briefly gave a biographical history of her beliefs and work with the poor. Bogus, obviously. So I went to the interview and when I left feeling like they just tried to sell me something and like they settled for offering me the next phase in the interview process I thought let me do some research. In legal terms, the answer is no. BBB is here to help. BBB Business Profiles may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes. She went thru a 45 minute pitch for their pyramid scheme.