Lauren caught her mother as they left court asking how she could be so cruel to her own daughter, did she even know that Lauren and been kidnapped a few months ago? Jill was excited as she walked out the front door with the music box, but was chloroformed and dragged away. The gun went off shooting Cane in the chest, and Blake fell down the steps, breaking his neck and died as he landed. Cane made a deal to move Brash & Sassy into the now-vacant Jabot lab, too near to Phyllis. As for Chance Chancellors father, hes Phillip Chancellor III played by Thom Bierdz. Katherine made Jack Abbott CEO of Chancellor Industries, and Jack wrangled a deal to rescue Jabot by making it a subsidiary of Chancellor. Jill leased the former Dark Horse offices for them. Murphy was unable to attend after he had broken his leg in a fishing accident. In the waiting room were Jill, Paul, Heather, Nina, Phillip who had arrived from his home in Australia, Kay with Murphy who had just been told about Chance, and Chloe, who was told when she arrived wondering why everyone was there. Esther walked in and joyfully realized Kay was still alive. Afterward, when Jack's plane was ready, Womack let everyone go but Lily. Cordelia Abbott (granddaughter), Billy Abbott Amanda claimed that Chance had hired her after he discovered that Devons father Tucker had paid Katherines attorney David Sherman to alter 2 pages of her will to leave the bulk of her estate to Devon instead of Cane Ashby. Jill informed Billy that she was replacing him with Cane as Jabot CEO due to his lack of maturity, although Billy could still be in charge of Jabot's international sales division, but Billy quit on the spot, and told Jill that she would never see Delia again. Esther and Jill had a rough time getting used to being housemates rather than maid and owner, but Esther held her ground. What do you all think about this? During his past on Young and the Restless, spoilers know Chance served as a soldier in Iraq. Cane located the name of a dead person named James Collier and ordered a copy of his birth certificate. Jill called Adriana a vulture, but Katherine was adamant. Jeffrey Bardwell had been missing for months and assumed to have wiped out Gloria's bank account before he left town. Devon and Hilary went for their honeymoon, but Hilary disappeared. Virginia informed Devon that Tyra was not biologically related to the Hamilton family, but was left with Devon's grandmother as a baby. The mysterious Sean Bridges, Jabot's new website designer, scoped out the options and chose "older woman" Jill Abbott as his companion. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Although he tried to persuade her to tell her loved ones, Katherine swore Cane to secrecy, allowing him to tell only Lily. Ashley is a chemist who has worked for John's cosmetics company, Jabot, for years, developing their products. Jill Abbott/Father. Jill continued to push forward with taking the company public and when Devon objected and wanted to take Hamilton-Winters back, she and Lily proposed buying him out after the IPO so he could start fresh. After Jill arranged for Genevieve to go on a month long business trip in Jill's place, Genevieve locked Colin in her wine cellar. Meanwhile, Elena tried to move on with Nate. In 1987, the role was recast with Jess Walton, who has portrayed Jill ever since. She returned to Genoa City in June 2022 to attend the Chancellor-Winters launch party, and encountered the recently-back-from-the-dead Diane Jenkins. The doctors made the family aware that John would never come out of his vegetative state and had signed a DNR. Jill arrived in town to attend the launch party in June 2022. She made amends with Katherine, finally, and was offered a position back at Jabot, running things with Jack. Christian Gudegast Eric Braeden/Sons. But Devon wasnt interested in their deal and threatened to take them to court! Violet had died while Cane was still a baby. Young and the Restless Spoilers: Chance Chancellor Still MIA Donny Boaz Gone for Good? The guy arrived, removed the necklace from Jill's neck, but was interrupted by Lily as he was leaving. They and Jill got news that their bank in Grand Cayman was about to go under, thanks to their largest investor, Victor Newman, pulling out when he heard it was in trouble. A week or two later, Devon won an award for business person of the year, but even that was tainted with misery. Johnny is the son of Billy Abbott and Chelsea Lawson. Because Victor got Adam to disclose the sealed bids, Newman was able to outbid the Abbotts for Jabot, and Victoria was to be made CEO. Jill discovered that all her personal assets were gone, and she confronted Colin, gasping and yelling. Larry Warton Mortified, Jill quickly found her way back into John's heart, and they remarried, much to his children's dismay. Devon was shocked and relieved. Jill and Cane made peace, and Cane convinced her to come back to Chancellor and run the BioTech (medical research) Division. Meanwhile "Caleb" met with his mother, Genevieve, who reminded him that she was in charge, as she recalled witnessing Caleb shoot at Cane years ago, but Samantha had been killed instead. Jill said they were through and walked out on him, but later made a deal to take him back and trust him again if he will go public about the Jabot buyout by Jack and Kay. Obviously, Young and the Restless spoilers tell us Chance Chancellor had a major case of SORAS (soap opera rapid aging syndrome). Early life [ edit] She also learned that Cane wasnt really her son, and that Phillip had only faked his death because he was gay. Sean Bridges Then Chance showed up in town saying he knew nothing about the claim, and had not hired Amanda. But Jill eventually succumbed to Colin's charms, and she invited him into her bed again. Happy to hear it, Jill admitted that the necklace he held was a copy, so good that a thief would not know, and to go ahead and let them have it. However, the music box Kay left her remained a mystery for ages until they found a key in a secret compartment that opened a safety deposit box containing a letter from Katherine and a ring from Phillip. Jill and Esther began to set the plans in motion, and Murphy arrived with more instructions. She later romanced David Mallory, Derek Thurston, and Stuart Brooks. Jill wound up pregnant, and after Phillip divorced Kay, he died after his ex-wife drove their car off a cliff. Paul read a letter from Katherine, where she requested it be read by Jill, complete with shots at Jill, reminding them that last year they were instructed to do something that would make her proud. Most of the run-ins don't end well, as Hilary continues pretending that she was only out for revenge. Colin went to Devon and told him he wants to look out for Neil. Colin got rid of Genevieve and tried to explain to Jill that although their relationship had begun as a means to an end, he had fallen in love with her. It turned out that Esther had bought it and sent it back. Jill surprised him by introducing him to his new partner, Lily Winters. But after what Cane did to save Lily by getting her to return and have surgery, that he was a good man, she forgave Cane and asked him to stay in Genoa City. Kay escaped, but the roommate's body was identified as Kay because she was wearing Kay's ring. Meanwhile, Amber and Kevin realized that the first letter of every sentence of the note "Marge" left when she disappeared spelled out CLINT. To protect Katherine's reputation, Charlotte agreed to take Kay's newborn baby girl to a place to be adopted in exchange for a lot of cash and a promise to disappear. A frantic phone call by Jill got Jack to bail them out by arranging for a less than luxurious trip home. Amanda Paysm. John's much younger second wife was a member of the original "The Young and the Restless" Foster family. Hilary tells him he was a means to an end and she can't wait to get away from him. It was recently discovered on September 2011, that Tucker McCall is Devon's biological father thus Katherine's grandson. Mariah had Summer give her money to bride the bartender into stripping. Jack made Womack a deal to call his private jet if he would let the hostages go. A couple months later, Abby was disappointed to discover she was not yet pregnant. Jack and Katherine compromised and made them co-directors sharing an office. When it finally came back to her, Kay was forced to reveal to Jill that she had switched her son Phillip for another baby shortly after his birth, and had given a woman named Violet an expensive ring to secure the deal. Jill challenged Victor to "spin it off before you run it into the ground." After Jill recovered, Sven kidnapped her and held her prisoner in a refrigerated meat locker. Liz gave her blessing to the meeting while Kay fumed at how Jill was so quick to abandon Liz. Victoria and Jill hovered over a comatose Billy who had injuries to his cervical spine and direct trauma to his skull. Being practically broke anyway having to finance the estate, Jill went for it to get her freedom. The wedding was held on the beautiful grounds of the villa with Abby as maid of honor, Devon as best man, and Neil giving away the bride. Jill turned down Katherines offer of $1 million for her child, and gave birth to Phillip Chancellor III. Billy's loved ones all said goodbye. Murph didn't believe her but found the obituary with a photo that looked like Marge and the story of the accident which occurred near where he found her. The guys ended up showing up at crimson Lights as well and also heavily loaded. "Yes, I can see. Grandchildren Cane, Billy, McKenzie, and Phillip received one-quarter of one percent in trust. In Season 4, she suffered a devastating miscarriage. He was searching for his mother and came to Genoa City from Australia on her lead. Stuart saw through her ruse, divorced Jill, and married Liz. After this invalidated Jills claim on Jabot and Victor turned her down to work at Newman, she teamed up with Gloria and Jeffrey, since Gloria cannot access all the money she was paid for her shares, to get back at Victor for using them all. Devon is in denial, but his denial turns to heartbreak when Hilary sticks to her story, even after Neil leaves the room. He also revealed that Cane and Colin knew about the affair, and Jill realized Colin was blackmailing Devon. Ashley only has one adult child named Abby (Melissa Ordway) as a result of her stealing Victor Newman's sperm so she could secretly have his baby. Family Trees: Scan the many branches of the Foster family tree. Derek found himself free of both wives, inheriting the Chancellor wealth and free to marry Jill. Things aren't looking good for Neil until Hilary is called to the stand. An appraisal confirmed the value of the necklace at eighteen million dollars and Colin claimed it was communal property. All were assumed dead. During that time, Kay got pregnant by Gary's golfing buddy Arthur Hendricks. Hilary admits that she still loves Devon and always has. Colin promised Cane that his children would be spared from his destructive life.