Mr. Peanutbutter says if they keep brainstorming, they can come up with a guy for Pickles to cheat on him with and things can be totally even, and everything can go back to normal and they can get married. Mr. Peanutbutter casually tells Princess Carolyn, that the cast and crew hate him since word got out that he cheated on his fianc. You mean like, like a duel, a duel?" He also says he knows it doesn't really work that way. Mr. Peanutbutter asks if Flea Daniels can see the guilt on his face. Mr. Peanutbutter tells BoJack he sees Princess Carolyn a lot at Birthday Dad events. After Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane have finished up having sex, as they get dressed Mr. Peanutbutter says he'll talk to Pickles, and tell her he and Diane are getting back together. Princess Carolyn prepares to calls a cleaning service, while Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter take care of their foul-smelling clothes. BoJack Horseman had feelings for Diane Nguyen (voiced by Alison Brie) throughout all five seasons of the show but never once did he actually get the chance to be with her. Although Doug agrees with him, Mr. Peanutbutter backtracks saying that confessing to cheating might just be his guilt talking, and maybe it would be better if he let sleeping dogs lie." He's glad he knows she hates parties and they won't ever have that argument ever again. She says it was under the bed, in the master suite a year ago, at Mr. Peanutbutter's housewarming party. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her he enjoyed her new book and Diane thanks him. Much to Flea Daniels' annoyance, Mr. Peanutbutter is saying that his face does not look like the face of a trustworthy birthday dad, but instead his face looks like the face of someone who did something terrible, i.e cheat on his girlfriend with his ex-wife a few times, but instead of confessing he proposes to her and now theyre engaged. She gets upset, as it reminded her he'll never kiss her like that againand drives off crying and heartbroken. Diane says that at first you don't trust it but then gradually you do. Pickles then says they can keep brainstorming. In the meat locker, Pickles asks how much longer they have to continue working with Joey. BoJack explains these are the clothes he went in with and didn't realize he would be going to a wedding in a year. Let's Find Out!, and Mr. Peanutbutter is hired as the host as his comeback role. I'm asking because i can't really imagine any other way. Both have key moments with BoJack Mr. Peanutbutter picks him up from prison, and Todd watches the fireworks stop his shoulders on the beach. interrupting the party. A drunk BoJack tells everyone to make this party an annual thing, and he wants to see everyone back here next year. He goes on to say you think you are protecting them, but it comes out in other ways, and it infects everything. Joey then says he can't even imagine getting married right now and that he can't even commit to a social media director. Everyone gets up and hugs him, to BoJack's annoyance. Diane nervously rambles about how she loved Horsin Around and how the show played a huge role in her formative years. She then publishes her article, which leads to the two throwing and breaking their computers and coffee mugs, and Mr. Peanutbutter pins Diane to the wall as the two struggle against one another. Mr. Peanutbutter finally admits this is true and apologizes to Diane for being dismissive and not really listening to her throughout their relationship in their phone conversation in Angela. However, she realizes that she's going to have to talk to Ralph again. He doesn't seem to take into mind their individual personalities and needs. Stefani then emphasizes that Mr. Peanutbutter will probably not listen to Diane, as usual, and that as much as they love each other, he still would never understand her opinion on the matter while she could have actual people read about her thoughts. They initially met in the 2007 flashback episode, I assume they began a relationship just after that considering the moment in season 5 when Diane is talking to Pickles about how PB loves with his whole heart she explicitly mentions him loving her that way for over a decade, so from 2007-2018. He goes outside where his wife Katrina, who's dressed as Blossom, is very cheerful and happily married to him. BoJack tells her he's on the phone, and Diane timidly apologizes and walks away. Mr. Peanutbutter says he's really happy for her. BoJack then goes and finds Mr. Peanutbutter, and tells him he doesn't know what's going on with him, though he is sure either he or Doug cheated on Pickles. Salinger reveals he wants to "cancel Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? A drunk BoJack is sitting with Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles. Mr. Peanutbutter announces to the set that his mom dies and asks for support. Mr. Peanutbutter reluctantly agrees as the two say they love each other. BoJack then asks why the set looks like his house. Although off-screen, BoJack then reminds Mr. Peanutbutter that he was in a rehab facility, and Mr. Peanutbutter subsequently leaves. and runs upstairs to the bedroom crying. Diane then comes to the front door and apologizes to Pickles for cheating, saying it was her fault, and it'll never happen again. Audrey then approaches Mr. Peanutbutter and asks if he wants some tea. He also informs BoJack he's not nominated for an Oscar. However, to her displeasure, as she hates big gestures, he threw her a surprise birthday party. Diane apologizes saying she didn't realize she was doing that. Meanwhile, Diane is offered by celebrity Sebastian St. Clair to come to war-torn Cordovia with him to write a memoir for him similar to what she did for BoJack. They'll fight because she's mean, and she doesn't know why she is. Diane says that she was a rebound, but Mr. Peanutbutter loved her unconditionally for ten years. He cheerfully says, "I like that guy!". Mr. Peanutbutter confesses that he does feel guilty but before he could say why Pickles interrupts him saying that he must feel guilty because BoJack is in rehab and he quickly agrees with her. This refers to twin sisters from the show Mr. Peanutbutter's HouseZelda was a happy extrovert, Zo was a cynical introvert. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her other than being away from her he is having the time of his life being depressed. While she was in a relationship with Mr Peanutbutter, BoJack planted a kiss on her lips but she was not interested in reciprocating the affection whatsoever. In Intermediate Scene Study w/ BoJack Horseman, at Mr. Peanutbutter's house, Mr. Peanutbutter is explaining to Pickles and Joey Pogo his plan for getting even with Pickles so that Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles can get married. She continued to be cruel and cold towards Mr. Peanutbutter for the remainder of their marriage. Mr. Peanutbutter says that they're here for the Halloween party that he's had for the last eleven years, as BoJack always says at the end of the parties to do it again next year. BoJack goes to talk to Diane, but Diane tells him that her therapist doesn't want her to talk to him. An example of the latter trait is in Higher Love when Mr. Peanutbutter assumes if he just walks around Los Angeles a job opportunity will just simply come to him, and cheerfully ignores the fact he and Diane may lose their house as PB Livin' went bankrupt. On Halloween 2009, Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane attended BoJack's Halloween party. When Princess Carolyn tries to leave, Mr. Peanutbutter asks her if she wants to keep hanging out, and pitches her movie ideas inspired by greeting cards. She tells Pickles Mr. Peanutbutter is fully devoted to whoever he is in a serious romantic relationship with and she tells Pickles that she's that girl now. However, he goes there the following day and apologizes to Todd. Mr. Peanutbutter tells BoJack he took the liberty of doing his laundry for him and found a letter in his jacket pocket. He proposes to Diane, and she accepts. After Princess Carolyn gets her out of her funk and hires her at her new agency for a Celebrity Tweet ghostwriter, Diane goes to the restaurant Elefante to meet with Sextina Aquafina, one of her new clients. Although off-screen, BoJack reminds Mr. Peanutbutter that he was in a rehab facility, and Mr. Peanutbutter subsequently leaves. However, before celebrating, Mr. Peanutbutter realizes that the red envelope containing the nominations handed to him by Shep Von Trapp was gone. Mr. Peanutbutter tells the driver to change the station but tells her to go back to the podcast when he alternative announces they'll be playing a new song from Twenty One Pilots. She tells Mr. Peanutbutter she feels like when she's part of an "us." Mr. Peanutbutter says that he does, and Audrey splashes it on his face instead, and Mr. Peanutbutter tells Donna that he needs a new scarf. The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. In Higher Love, Mr. Peanutbutter's frustrated accountant Oxnard tells him PB Livin' is bankrupt due to him and Todd going through with terrible business ideas. After her divorce, Diane tries to reconnect with her Vietnamese heritage by taking a trip to Vietnam . Flip and Diane emerge with new script pages and try to gather everyone around so that they can film, but since they're behind they have to shoot it all at once with cue cards. The two say they love each other. Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane travel to his hometown on the Labrador Peninsula in Old Acquaintance to celebrate New Years with his older brother, Captain Peanutbutter, who picks them up from the airport. Todd then tells BoJack he has his work cut out because people hate him right now. In Angela, at the bookstore, Diane is signing copies of her book. Mr. Peanutbutter points out, that BoJack is a damaged person battling a lot of demons, and it would mean a lot to him if they mentioned him. When she picks up, he is furious she didn't call him and that he waited up all night worried about her. Reply aeruin Additional comment actions True! Pickles continues to say, that even though Mr. Peanutbutter did something stupid, she is the one to feel bad and its not fair. An annoyed Katrina tells him she wants to leave, saying she's not having fun because she doesn't know anyone at the party, but instead Mr. Peanutbutter makes her talk to BoJack, who leaves her too after realizing he needs a Halloween costume. I like your analysis more. Sassy wakes up, and Philbert tells her the pieces are starting to fit together. In between takes, Mr. Peanutbutter remarks how much fun they are having filming together. After seeing Diane, he puts his mom on hold. Mr. Peanutbutter loves honeydew, while BoJack hates it. He asks Princess Carolyn to hire back the stunt double that he fired. Pickles and Joey come to Mr. Peanutbutter's table and they announce that they have developed feelings for each other and are now going to make love. When Doctor Champ warns everybody that the event will be starting in five minutes, Mr. Peanutbutter encourages BoJack to hurry so they get good seats. Pickles then pulls Mr. Peanutbutter aside saying she needs to talk to him. Mr. Peanutbutter answers the door and enthusiastically says that BoJack can live with him forever. Mr. Peanutbutter tells him he'll be fine and he questions what BoJack thinks will happen at the wedding. Pickles reluctantly takes back the ring saying that she supposes they could put it behind them if it only happened one time. When Diane asks if he really wants her to go, he somberly says "Why does it suddenly matter what I want? Todd is enthusiastic about the idea, due to being high on marijuana. Diane mentions the divorce papers but gets interrupted by the waitress, an excitable pug lady named Pickles, who gets along with Mr. Peanutbutter. So, why Diane sleep with Mr. Peanutbutter? Mr. Peanutbutter expresses concern, that he and Diane may end up getting a divorce if any more fights break out between themand asks for help removing the skunk scent before she returns home. In fact, it's because of Mr. Peanutbutter's compulsively supportive habits (and questionable intelligence) that BoJack is able to snag his dream role as Secretariat. BoJack then says he can't be there as the paparazzi snap pictures of them. She Got a Haircut It was PB taking something of hers and making it without her. As the two approach it, BoJack says with a smile "Well looks like you finally got your crossover episode," to Mr. Peanutbutter's utter excitement. Katrina is excited to go to a real Hollywood party with him, but she makes him promise he won't leave her alone. Because Princess Carolyn doesn't give them any candy, thirteen-year-old Todd, Emily and a friend of theirs teepee BoJack's house. The whole "i understand and appreciate you" thing, where they try to fix their marriage, has already been used. They all barge in. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her she should, so that she can feel good about herself and because some space may be good for them at the moment. Diane is still upset about BoJack, but Mr. Peanutbutter assures her that he won't even remember that he met her. Mr. Peanutbutter assures her he'll never leave her alone again, but Katrina storms off saying she wants to be alone now and tells him to have fun with his hippie liberal friends. He feels guilty about cheating on Pickles, he hasn't told her yet, and tells Diane he was hoping she could break the news to Picklesbecause he's not good at giving bad news and she is. She goes on to say that Mr. Peanutbutter tries to solve problems or make them go away which comes off as dismissive, but if he wants to solve the problem he has to really listen to Pickles and Mr. Peanutbutter agrees and leaves the house to talk to Pickles. Flip tells the cameraman to turn the camera back in. Mr. Peanutbutter replies he and Pickles have put their relationship on hiatus while she is on her work trip. Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter the only way for them to be even is if Pickles got to sleep with someone else and Mr. Peanutbutter quickly agrees. He angrily tells Mr. Peanutbutter that he did all the work, and kicks him out of the theme park. Mr. Peanutbutter remarks that sounds like a hard puzzle. He leaves, and it's revealed Mr. Peanutbutter heard the whole thing. Mr. Peanutbutter thinks he knows about something between him and Diane, but BoJack doesn't. BoJack then says he's hungry and suggests they go to the diner for lunch. She tells him as Diane can live her life whole life like pieces of a puzzle from different sets. Todd says that one of those vehicles is his car. However, after the two take their bath, Mr. Peanutbutter becomes irritated by the tomato sauce in his fur and tries to resist shaking off. BoJack gets back on the phone with his mom and says it was no one important. Diane returns and is now looking for the owner of a blue Tesla. After signing off, Pickles asks Mr. Peanutbutter whats going on, saying that hes been acting differently. She has had the epiphany "[she] is all of the Dianes" and Mr. Peanutbutter is really good for her. Mr. Peanutbutter is shocked that she learned all this from talking to Tim Allen for ten minutes, but Katrina angrily says he left her alone for an hour and a half. In A Little Uneven, Is All, Mr. Peanutbutter is filming an episode of Birthday Dad with his costar Melodie and things are going well. Philbert uses his landline phone to hit Fritz in the face. However, he specifies BoJack should bring it up only if the interview is going well. Do They Know Things?? Flip tells BoJack that wasn't his intention, he just wants to make a great show, and he's the only one with a problem. He says the flooding ruined Julie Brown's new vintage dress she just bought and ruined the big finale of the show where her puppet plays Beethoven's fifth on the bongos. Around this time, he was married to a woman named Katrina. Princess Carolyn gets ready to drive over, to help them, while telling them not to enter the house. He is five years younger than BoJack, despite looking much younger. BoJack says he's aware.