The utopian schemes of leveling (re-distribution of the wealth) and a community of goods (socialism scheme of central ownership of production and distribution), are as visionary and impractical as those which vest all property in the crown. Zang says he was jailed in South Korea shortly after meeting this writer in 2015. BANKS Owned by the Rothschild Family - REVEAL Complete List of BANKS Owned or Controlled by the Rothschild Family ROTHSCHILD OWNED & CONTROLLED BANKS: Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan Albania: Bank of Albania Algeria: Bank of Algeria Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba The idea is to put rare monsters in places where suspicious people hang out, or where for other reasons they need photographs. As the opposition of liberalism is demonized, programs are put into place by the leftists that masquerade as beneficial to the society. Nazism also sought to spread across the globe. Who can say that giving to the poor and disadvantaged is a bad thing? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Usurped Powers By Repetition Unconstitutional Austrian Economics Capitalism vs Keynesian EconomicsCommunism. Communism spread through Europe after World War II faster than Nazism had. Doing The Bidding Of The Rothschild BankingCabal. For example, between 1895 and 1907, they loaned more than $450,000,000 USD (more than $13 trillion USD by 2022 standards) to various European governments. There are several other state banks, all supervised by the Central Bank. The Utopian Society is the final goal of those concepts, and todays progressives. How General Eisenhower Solved Illegal Border Crossings From Mexico. Rothschild Banking Cabal Met To Discuss Depopulation To Preserve HoardedWealth! He says he was released only because President Park Geun-hye, a Rothschild agent, was imprisoned this April. The Rothschild-Owned Central Banks of the World. The other Manchu royal, who shuns publicity, is going to present bonds to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Japan and demand that the Federal Reserve Board honor its commitments by monetizing the bonds, he says. 6. Of course, finishing the liberation of the United States will be the key to making sure all of this happens. World Report 2021: North Korea | Human Rights Watch By 1816, Congress passed a bill authorizing a second Rothschild-dominated central bank with a 20-year charter. McCains Deadlier Version Of NDAA Passed By Corrupt Senate 12/20/2013: Belligerent Senators Who Violate U.S. Constitution & MirandaRights! Never mind that in the case of the United States, it was that same free market they are criticizing that made the United States the most prosperous nation on the face of the Earth. Liberalism contains two kinds of people. What It's Like Inside a North Korean Grocery Store - Business Insider Named the Second Bank of America, this bank gave the Rothschilds control of the American money supply again. Global Advisory provides impartial, expert advisory and execution services to large and mid-sized corporations, private equity, families and entrepreneurs. Obama & Hitler From No Where: Thats How Rothschild LikesIt. North Korea is already totalitarian but Rothschild wants their financial system. In Libya, a Rothschild bank was established in Benghazi while the country was still at war. It is however, certainly obvious that N.Korea is paranoid and that is what drives a totalitarian system. I certainly do not trust his term any better than the North Korean totalitarianism regime. Amazingly, as with Neville Chamberlain regarding Nazism, people defended communism, or at least felt that a little appeasement may contain the ideology. Every time the push for a worldwide socialist liberal utopia has been launched, the fall of the effort each time creates a worldwide reminder of the danger of such political endeavors. Rothschild Banks Have Their Eyes Set On Iran's Central Bank We even see this system of preference to one group, while acting punitively to another, in the progressive tax rates of our income tax system. A message was sent to the Bilderberg-founding Dutch royal family on June 7th, the day the meeting started when the sister of Queen Maxima, Ines Zorreguieta, was found hanged in Argentina in a message to pedo royals, Pentagon sources say. Pyongyang is keen to learn from the conflict, but ideological biases mean it's likely to draw the wrong conclusions. They usually begin this way abeit [Soviet Russia], but that is how Rothschilds China began with Sun Yat Sen in 1913. Monetary Stabilization Bond Issuance Plan, January 2023 2022.12.29 In 1992, former federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volker became Chairman of the European banking firm, J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn, and Co. By 1995, the Rothschilds controlled an estimated 80% of the world's uranium reserves, thereby giving the family a monopoly over nuclear power. * Please refer to the attached file. Colorado Has Fun With Biden & Barry: Colorado To Pay $25-$100 Bounty On Shot Down Obama Drones ~ Citizens Receive License To Protect States SovereignAirspace! U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton and U.S. Vice President Michael Pence are also Rothschild agents who are trying to block the rights of the Manchus (North Koreans) to their gold, Zang claims. More than that, by passing over regimes that do what North Korea is accused of doing, it sanitizes the behavior of the United States and its allies, buttressing the ideological fiction that anti-capitalist governmentsareuniquelyhuman rights violators, while upholders of global [ Rothschild Crony} capitalism [ Known as keynesianism] are uniquely champions of human rights. Bank of Korea - It is a perfect strategy, because who can argue against compassion? Kiss Your Savings Including IRAs Good-Bye: Bail Ins R Here ~ On July 2, 2013 Dodd Frank ~ Basel IIIImplemented. The family of Jacob Lord Rothschild owns the powerful Rothschild Italia in Milan. Pentagon Warns Netanyahu: Israel Will Not Be Rothschild's Greater However, the summit was intended to not only discuss peace in the Korean Peninsulabut also the future of the financial system and thus the future of the world, according to North Korean and Pentagon sources. From 1790 to 1800 Congresss spending skyrocketed, as did taxation and governmental borrowing. Nathan Rothschild, the founder of the London branch of the bank, was a spectator on the battlefield that day in June 1815 and, as night fell, he observed the total defeat of the French army. But under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.. Obama, for example, has been implementing his liberal madness while wearing a mask of moderation that even has the hardline liberal base angry with him. ~ Volubrjotr. So the one who profited was Rothschild ~ its your financed industrial military complex hard at work for the bankers enrichment and our blood loss. The top of the agenda was populism in Europe . Harlan wrote, The report makes for devastating reading, laying out the way North Korea conducts surveillance on its citizens (see Edward Snowdens revelations about the NSAs spying on US citizensand everyone else), bans them from travel (anyone up for a visit to Cuba? Republicanism is demonized. The WDS will back his claims, as will Asian secret societies, the Illuminati, and other powerful groups, secret society sources say. BYPASS THE CENSORS The ultimate goal is to install Western puppets in these countries after regime changes take place. Progressivism in any form is very dangerous. A message was sent to the Bilderberg-founding Dutch royal family on June 7th, the day the meeting started when the sister of Queen Maxima, Ines Zorreguieta, was found hanged in Argentina in a message to pedo royals, Pentagon sources say. Does the Rothschild family control every central bank in the world So, they hide their socialism, calling it by other names, even though their platforms are obviously socialist in nature. Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia. The objective was to concentrate economic and political power in the federal government, and effectively abolish federalism and states rights. The Bank is subordinated to the Cabinet of North Korea. (Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba.) Today the Rothschild's control a far-flung financial empire, which includes majority stakes in most world central banks. Iran. Only 3 countries left without a Rothschilds controlled central bank They also financed the construction of the Suez Canal in Egypt. After decades of conflict on the Korean Peninsular, June's historic summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un offered a glimmer of hope for a peaceful resolution for the first time. This is why the deception used by the liberals is employed in the first place. North Korea Conspiracies - By 2001, only seven nations in the world -- China, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, and Libya -- did not have Rothschild-controlled central banks. The slowly rising heat is so gradual that the frog never notices the increases, and never jumps out of the pot to escape the incremental rises in temperature. The Attacks of September 11th were an inside job to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to then establish a Central Bank in those countries. Liberalism is totalitarianism lite. The Control of Central Banks Worldwide by ROTHSCHILD Rothschild Pyramid & How it Controls the World's Financial System Austria: Austrian National Bank. I cant count how many liberals, and Democrat Party Sheep that vote the statists into office, I hear crying out down with capitalism, or criticizing the free market. Only 5 Countries Left Without a ROTHSCHILD-Controlled Central Bank 4. The Rothschild family was the dominant power in European investment banking and brokerage in the nineteenth century. There is no excuse for this. Named the Second Bank of America, this bank gave the Rothschilds control of the American money supply again. Capitalism must be demonized, and the citizenry is convinced that the free market is the cause of their economic woes. Liberals already have their preconceived notions on where their opposition stands on the issues, and what their opposition thinks. Creeping incrementalism promises the people one thing while delivering another through slowly measured doses. HAARP ~ How To Make An Earthquake: Simulacro ~ Mexico Earthquake, Haiti Earthquake, Japan Earthquake, & IcelandsVolcano! Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, in full Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild of Tring, (born February 8, 1868, London, Englanddied August 27, 1937, Tring, Buckinghamshire), British zoologist who became a great collector and founded the Rothschild Natural History Museum in London. During the Korean War General MacArthur recommended a stronger move into North Korea, and for the atomic bomb to be used on various targets in North Korea and China. We think Rothschild wants N.Koreas banking system, or is that too a simple ruse? Communism, socialism, liberalism, and all other forms of statism may not have been named such back then, but the concept of collectivism, utopianism, and big government did exist. Humanity Roars As If Lions Attacking The Bankers Agenda 21 Matrix Scheme: North Korea Rothschilds NWOTemplate. Why Income Tax Was & Is Not Necessary To Fund the U.S. GeneralGovernment. Now, North Korea will open its doors to Rothschild-controlled Central Banking system as one of the many conditions laid out for leaderKim Jong-un and his hermit nation. This explains the ban on Pokemon Go players entering restricted areas around the world and taking photos. NATO has placed the most severe sanctions on North Korea and historically, North Korea knows the only way to get concessions is the threaten the world. Iran Does not have a Rothschild Central Bank. Neither does Syria. Nor Latest North Korea News | NK News Until May 5, 2004, the price of gold was fixed twice a day at N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London by the world's main Bullion Houses -- Deutsche Bank, HSBC, ScotiaMocatta, and Societe Generale. The entire goal of asking pointed questions is to receive answers that can be used as fodder for the destruction of any faith voters may have in any dissent of liberal policies. [6] The North Korean Interim People's Committee did not look upon the bank favorably, and chose instead to work through the Farmers' Bank, which also existed at the time. One way to attack the opposition is for members of the liberal left to ask questions that corners the opposition, forcing them into a defensive posture. Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan Albania: Bank of Albania Head of Rothschild & Co Bank AG Javed Khan Managing Partner Head of Merchant Banking Alain Massiera Head of France Wealth and Asset Management Jimmy Neissa Head of Rothschild & Co, North America Deputy Head, Global Advisory Gary Powell Deputy Head, Wealth and Asset Management Martin Reitz Head of Rothschild & Co, Germany PolitiFact | Putin did not nationalize Russian central bank, and Add the United States record of extrajudicial assassinations, its world-leading rate of incarcerations, its illegal wars, and its support for the most vile human rights violators on the planet, among them Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain, and the case for referring US leaders to The Hague is overwhelming. We're getting softer with Cuba and it won't be long before we impose a private central bank. Join Date. Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan. reports: The public meetings this past weekend were the G7 (now G6 following the U.S. de facto withdrawal) summit meeting of Western leaders and a summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a.k.a. which means peasants with pitchforks rising against this satanic elite in the UK, in Italy, in Hungary and pretty much everywhere else in Europe. After the instigated protests and riots in the Arab countries the Rothschild finally paved their way into establishing Central Banks, and getting rid of many leaders, which put them into more power. When the veil is lifted, despite all of the Democrats efforts to hide what they are doing, their plans are exposed, and rejected. Liberalism has progressed using a system I call creeping incrementalism, where the liberals get a little here, and a little there, and before the people know it, the public has accepted the philosophies of communism under the guise of liberalism little by little without even realizing it. The hackers, whom American investigative agencies believe are linked to North Korea, used fraudulent orders on the SWIFT payments system to steal US$951 million, which was almost all the money in that account . NWO Rothschild Purchases Weather Central: Why? In 1791, the Rothschild family gained control of America's money supply through Alexander Hamilton (the family's agent in George Washington's cabinet) when the family established a central bank in the U.S. named the First Bank of the United States, which received a 20-year charter from Congress in 1791. The series of public and private meetings have transpired over recent weeks in which the future for North Koreas economic future has been mapped out. Our services in Greater China - Rothschild & Co The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953. The anti-capitalist government argument is the polarity ruse used by Rothschild to deconstruct capitalism in the first place in our country. This happened as 160 children were liberated from an Atlanta child trafficking operation, they noted. It makes me wonder about the U.S. Pueblo fiasco during Johnsons term. The Bank of Korea plans to issue Monetary Stabilization Bonds worth approximately 11.0 trillion won (competitive bidding 9.8 trillion won, fixed rate tender 1.2 trillion won) in February 2023. According to Benjamin Fulford, the secret meetings were the Bilderberg meeting in Italy, and meetings between Asian royals and representatives of the White Dragon Society (WDS) held in Japan, according to Asian secret society sources. The family's emergence in the world of high finance started with Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of and a moneylender at Frankfurt am Main; financial adviser (1801) to the Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel; agent of the British government in subsidizing European sovereigns in wars against Napoleon. By the end of the nineteenth century, the Rothschild family controlled half of the world's wealth. They ask questions of non-socialists not because they are searching for answers. The New World Order is Communism: Also Known As Rothschildism Or More BluntlyRobbery! How is it that the people of the world ever fell for communism in the first place? 2003: The United States invades Iraq which is now one of six nations left in the world who don't have a Rothschild controlled central bank.
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