It is . GALLERY. From Associated Press. Portrayed by Joe does say he will reach out and see what he can find. Fat says she wanted to apologize to him for killing his father. Cath is a "Navy brat" and moved around frequently due to her father's various assignments. Doris was sent to kill Yao when Wo Fat was a baby. Murder" (December 10, 1974), "Murder - Eyes Only" (September 12, 1975) (two-hour special, two-parter in reruns), "Nine Dragons" (September 30, 1976) (two-hour special, two-parter in reruns), "Ne Mee Laua Na Paio" - Season 1, Episode 19 (March 21, 2011), "Haiole" - Season 2, Episode 1 (September 19, 2011), "Kiilua" - Season 2, Episode 10 (November 21, 2011), "Ua Hopu" - Season 2, Episode 22 (May 7, 2012), "La O Na Makuahine" - Season 3, Episode 1 (September 24, 2012), "Hana I WaIa" - Season 3, Episode 14 (January 21, 2013), "Imi Loko Ka Uhane" - Season 3, Episode 21 (April 29, 2013), "Aloha, Malama Pono" - Season 3, Episode 24 (May 20, 2013), "Aloha Ke Kahi I Ke Kahi" - Season 4, Episode 1 (September 27, 2013), "O ka PiliOhana ka Oi" - Season 4, Episode 22 (May 9, 2014), This page was last edited on 2 April 2022, at 01:34. The evolution of Wo Fat's role with regard to the Chinese government is presumably due to President Richard Nixon's rapprochement visit to China in February 1972 and his talks with Mao Zedong that led to a period of dtente between the two nations. From the get-go, Reginal Hargreeves's death seems fishy, at least to Number One, aka Luther. Danny then turns it around by saying that maybe Doris is trying to protect Steve instead. It is revealed that Wo Fat ordered the death of the elder McGarrett and frames Steve in the season finale for killing Governor Jameson (who was in collusion with him). Every time you do work, you want to work with guys like that. [8] Later in the season, she stays with him while on leave, resulting in Danny commenting on how McGarrett had "that stupid smile" despite being called in on a Saturday to work a murder-abduction case.[6]. Disc-One Final Boss : Was the man who carried out the murder of John McGarrett in the pilot episode, and was eventually captured by Steve, though he later discovered that Wo Fat ordered the hit. Steve can't believe what he's hearing. He subsequently turns himself in to the Honolulu Police Department. [12], Despite Grover's rocky introduction to the Five-0 team, he has since become a valued member of the team. He was a financial genius and a political power player. In the season 2 episode "Kiilua / Deceiver", he is forced into retirement after leading an unsanctioned mission into North Korea to rescue McGarrett. She then takes Steve aside, he asks her why she is doing this. His brother Paul (portrayed by William Baldwin's real-life brother Daniel) later seeks revenge by drugging and kidnapping Chin. Adam "Toast" Charles (Martin Starr) is one of Danny Williams' CIs. (October 8, 1969), "A Bullet for McGarrett" (October 29, 1969), "And a Time to Die" (September 16, 1970), "F.O.B. It was implied that McGarrett never really moved on, as he never indicated any interest in any of the women Danny or Ellie Clayton attempted to set him up with. Miss Jonquil was fat and fair, and had a softly-insinuating manner and light gray eyes. [6] During Pro Bowl weekend, when asked why she supported the Dallas Cowboys, she explained that had never stayed in any one place long enough to feel an affinity for an NFL team. Kono was a former professional surfer but a serious injury to her knee ended her career. In the reboot, the character features more in Steve's life and reconnected with him. He interrogated her to see what she was doing here and finally had Pao Dan take Kono away presumably to be either held or executed. When Steve knocked on the door, he was reunited with his mother after nearly twenty years and realized that she was "Shelburne". It remains a perpetual cliffhanger. As a result of his younger brother's involvement with a noted drug dealer, whom Chin Ho Kelly was coincidentally investigating, he agreed to be a CI for the HPD on the condition his brother is let go without any charges. Well, apparently he and Mary Drake had a relationship many, many years ago -- Damn, that woman got around! In La O Na Makuahine, Doris revealed that she had been a CIA operative and had killed Wo Fat's father and she later left the agency to marry John McGarrett and have a family but when her CIA past returned, Doris had opted to fake her own death with Joe's help. He started his shave ice stand while getting back on his feet after being released. Doris is unable to stop Steve from investigating and opening up a back room to find Wade Gutches and Mick Logan surrounded by building blueprints. She emigrated from Australia with her father Paul as a child. Conjugao Documents Dicionrio Dicionrio Colaborativo Gramtica Expressio Reverso Corporate. Jenna told Steve that Hesse and Hiro both worked for Wo Fat, and that while she was in the CIA she was working on Wo Fat's case. Portrayed by Chris Vance, a suave MI-6 agent who appears in four episodes and helps the team with cases relating to the UK. In The Tough Branch That Does Not Break in the Kona Gale, in Afghanistan 2002 (shown in flashbacks) Joe said that he made a promise to keep Steve alive and after Steve rescued him with a Navy SEAL Team years later, he tells Joe that he knows that the promise was made to Doris (but Steve thought she died then). His loyal wife would turn his wheelchair to the ocean as he starred blankly at sunrises and sunsets. When Steve McGarrett returned home to Hawaii to bury his father, who was murdered by arms dealer Victor Hesse, she requests him to set up a task force with "full immunity and means" to apprehend criminals such as Hesse. In Imi Loko Ka 'Uhane, Wo Fat returned, disguised as a police officer, and was interviewed by chat show host Savannah Walker for her show about the Five-0 task force. During the off season he works as a bus driver. [3], Dr. Bergman is dating Sabrina Lane, a bank teller at Hawaii National Bank. Steve snarks to her, if she wants to hack government databases with free WiFi, she shouldn't get caught on camera. Mary Ann McGarrett is the younger sister of Steve McGarrett. As the fourth season begins, "In Aloha kekahi i kekahi", NLM terrorists attempt to kill Wo Fat but McGarrett saves him. She had developed a crush on him, but realizes that McGarrett has always been in love with Catherine. In season 4, she pays Steve a surprise visit for Thanksgiving and reveals that she has stage four cancer. Who is Wo Fat's dad? At the end of the episode, Fat told Steve that he was his protection because the unknown forces currently breaking down Fat's door want Wo Fat dead, ending the episode in a cliffhanger. How did you break the news to Mark Dacascos, and what was his reaction?Lenkov:The hardest thing that I've had to do on the show was tell him his character was coming to an end. Wo Fat sneaks in, tasers McGarrett and then shoots and kills the governor after she deletes the recording. Wo Fat (Chinese: ) is the name of a fictional villain in the CBS series Hawaii Five-O. Chin's wife, Dr. Malia Waincroft was previously engaged to Chin before he broke up with her after losing his badge. After a long fight, Steve kills Wo Fat. 2023 TV GUIDE, A FANDOM COMPANY. She is cleared, but Adam has to kill Michael to protect her and Kono goes into hiding with Adam, skipping from one place to another to evade capture by vengeful yakuza members. Real name Whenever Danny was unavailable due to extenuating circumstances, McGarrett would be the one to pick her up from school or personally reassure her. My Hero Academia is a Japanese superhero manga series written and illustrated by Kohei Horikoshi. [13], He and his wife Rene (portrayed by Michelle Hurd) have two adolescent children: daughter Samantha (portrayed by Paige Hurd) and son Will (portrayed by Chosen Jacobs). Sergeant Duke Lukela is a veteran HPD officer who often acts as a liaison to Five-0. -- and he is actually Charles/Charlotte's father. At the end of the episode, Wo Fat confronted Steve in a restaurant where Steve was due to meet Jenna. They, along with Steve's team, find and infiltrate the detainment facility, Steve successfully finds Doris with the assistance of Chin and Catherine and prepares to sneak out of thecompound however, Doris informs him that she refuses to leave unless they agree to take Yao with them. Steve and Wo Fat also engage in a brutal fight that ends with Steve shooting Wo Fat in the head and thus killing him, avenging his father's death. Hirsch currently runs his own crime scene clean-up company as part of his plan to "reform" and live an honest life. Contemporary news reports said that Grammer's father was murdered by a "virulently anti-white" man, Arthur Bevan Niles, as part of a nearly month-long frenzy of racially motivated violence. Junior had a sister Maya, who was killed in a car accident when he was young, and their father never fully got over it, leading to him vehemently opposing his only remaining child enlisting in the Navy. In the season 8 episode I Ka Wa Ma Mua, I Ka Wa Ma Hope (The Future is in the Past) Charlie is an adult and has become a member of the Honolulu Police Department. There was a two-year gap before Wo Fat turned up again, by which time his circumstances had changed. Joe and Steve couldn't figure out the meaning of the word so Joe arranged with Steve to meet Hideki Makoto, a former Imperial Japanese fighter pilot who helped bomb Pearl Harbor and who later became John's friend. It was later revealed that Frank Delano was the man responsible for breaking Wo Fat out of prison with the team striking a deal. Peklad WO FAT'S FATHER do etiny a pklady pouit WO FAT'S FATHER. I got up. Doris doesn't seem to concerned and tells Steve if he wants to stop them he has to arrest them, otherwise they're going that night. Cain had the microfiche stolen to covered up the bad things he had done before he was appointed Director of National Intelligence. Frank Delano (William Baldwin) is a corrupt former HPD homicide detective who founded his own criminal syndicate composed exclusively of former cops. Next year wo have Ije Presidential cam paign, in which all Americans are dee oh interested. Steve says okay. FEBRUARY FARM NOTES. She says she's getting to help people he cares about. And make no mistake — Wo Fat is definitely, definitely dead, assures executive producerPeter Lenkov. Random, we know. After Danny "Danno" Williams (Scott Caan) is abducted and badly wounded by Wo Fat's (Mark Dacascos) wife, Daiyu Mei (Eugenia Yuan), who is after the cipher Steve McGarrett's (Alex. 4. Lynn Downey is seen dating Steve McGarrett in season 6 and season 7. "He's dead. They are intercepted on landing by the Yakuza, led by Adam Noshimuri, who blames Steve and Wo Fat for the death of Hiro Noshimuri, his father and Yakuza's leader. However, both men are forced to work together in fighting off Hiro's son and successor Adam, who was seeking revenge for his father's death. She is married with two daughters. The character was brought back from the original series and was portrayed by Helen Hayes, the real-life mother of James MacArthur, who portrayed Danny Williams.[11]. Steve says she was assigned to kill Wo Fat's father but instead, his mother died in that op. Everybody was surprised. "), "Nalowale i ke 'ehu o he kai" ("Lost in the sea sprays"), "A ohe ia e loaa aku, he ulua kapapa no ka moana" ("He cannot be caught for he is an ulua fish of the deep ocean"),, Lists of American drama television series characters, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles using Infobox character with multiple unlabeled fields, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Member of the Five-0 Task Force (formerly), Debora McGarrett (Aunt), (deceased) Steven McGarrett (Grandfather), (deceased), Machiyo Takeshita (biological mother; deceased), Member of the Five-0 Task Force (inactive), Police academy recruit (former), Lifeguard (former), Five-0 Task Force, This page was last edited on 13 August 2022, at 04:49. But he also has this new information to grapple with, about his mother and her connection to Wo Fat. [19] As the elder son in an impoverished family, he would skip school to earn extra money to help his single mother. Not much is revealed about Mr. He was often at loggerheads with McGarrett over what he felt was Five-0's tendency to be trigger-happy with armed suspects and refusal to obey a "wait for SWAT" order, to the point where he lodges an official complaint with Governor Denning. While he was sleeping, two menDaniel Green and Larry Demerynoticed the vehicle, shot Jordan in the chest, and stole the car. He was one of the few HPD cops who was not antagonistic towards Danny or the other Five-0 members from the beginning, as he was colleagues with Steve's father and many of Chin and Kono's family members (they come from a family of cops) and had known the three of them since they were children. A bank guard mortally wounds the bogus McG, but not before he says, "Wo Fat stole my soul for 90 seconds." In part II, Jonthan Kaye (Tim O'Connor here) deputizes McGarrett to find out why Wo Fat has spent millions of dollars and three years building the frame and what he intends to do with the 90 seconds. Eren (current episode) passed his memory to grisha to force grisha to eat the founder. The Umbrella Academy is simply told by Pogo, the family butler, that the dad suffered a heart attack . In the 100th episode, "Ina Paha", Wo Fat abducts Steve and tortures him in order to try to learn where he believes the U.S. government is holding his father. Traduo Context Corretor Sinnimos Conjugao. He is sent to rehab to get cleaned up, but decided to stay to work as a counsellor. Bergman was initially billed as a recurring character but Oka joined as a series regular and has been part of the main cast since Season 2.[1]. Steve initially turned him. Her parents divorced in the timeline before the pilot and she moved to Hawaii with her mother and millionaire new stepfather. This culminated in Steve's eventual capture and torture at Wo Fat's hands during Kil'ilua although Steve was later saved by his 5-0 colleagues of Detective Danny Williams, Lieutenant Chin Ho Kelly and Officer Kono Kalakaua as well as Agent Lori Weston, Joe himself and a Navy SEAL team led by Lieutenant Commander Wade Gutches. Steve calls Doris to Hawaii Five-O Headquarters and asks her why she went and saw Wo Fat. Status Unidentified Henchman/ driver/ sniper - (Deceased, shot dead by McGarrett). Steve says he really needs to speak with her and he was kind of hoping Joe could get in touch with her. Wo Fat came back to capture Steve McGarrett in the episode "Cocoon". Doris was also Joes contact that lead Five-0 to Marco's hidden coke stash, and by extension Danny's release from a Colombian prison. Wo Fat attempts to frame McGarrett for the murder by placing the murder weapon in his hand. Should wo really be willing to clap hands, as many are supposed to do, and cry . At the end of "Ha'i'ole", she is seen driving Wo Fat away from the prison after he murdered Victor Hesse. Wo Fat exchanges gunfire with Danny before fleeing yet again. It turns out to be a trap for McGarrett, from Wo Fat telling Jenna he would release Josh if she brought him McGarrett, explaining her association with him. Turns out Doris felt so guilty over the death of Wo Fat's mother that she took him in as a baby and raised him for several years until her superiors got wind of what she was doing and made her abandon him as a child. The Shenandoah . John McGarrett Doris then tells Kono and Adam it's time to go and leads the onto the ship as the others watch. And I think he understood. The Yakuza attempts to have Joe killed. With Alex O'Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Kim, Grace Park. However, as the microfiche is removed from the safe, a hidden sensor is triggered and an alarm goes off. I'll work with him again in a second. This aids in the capture of the show's final villain- the wife of McGarrett's long-time nemesis Wo Fat. Jak se ekne esk "wo fat's father"? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In the season 10 premiere, it is revealed that Jerry had been shot, continuing the cliffhanger left in the Season 9 finale. [32] A long-time friend of McGarrett's father and Chin and Kono's family, he taught Steve, Mary, and Kono how to surf as children and is seen as a fatherly figure by them. Wo Fat was later severely injured during a gunfight, which involved his helicopter being shot down and receiving burns around the left side of his body, in the jungle, where he begged Steve to kill him. However, a year after that, in "Nine Dragons" (September 30, 1976), Wo Fat is depicted as the head of the Chinese mafia, who is attempting to cause a conflict between the U.S. and China through a mass killing in China from American-developed nerve gas, stolen from Hawaii, which would allow him to regain power in the Chinese government. Doris was once an agent who worked for the CIA and who during her time as an active operative killed many people including Wo Fat's Father . Wo Fat eventually confronts Doris in Steve's home and the two engage in a stand-off, holding each other at gunpoint. His full background and how he first met Chin were only revealed in the season 6 episode "Kuleana / One's Personal Sense of Responsibility". Michael Noshimuri is Adam's brother who was released from prison during season three, and appears apprehensive about any plans to remake the Yakuza. McGarrett decides not to file charges after learning that Nahele was living on the streets after running away from his temporary guardian, his negligent uncle, and that his only parent, his father, has been in prison since he was eight. As Wo Fat hides in Osaka, late in the season, McGarrett captures him and brings him back to Hawaii. Before she gets to the escape room she is cornered by two more guards. However, Doris fires three shots into the ground, giving Wo Fat time to escape although it's not known the extent of the relationship Doris has with Wo Fat. Honolulu: Part 1" (January 27, 1971), "F.O.B. [21])[10] They have a granddaughter. Matthew Ponomarenko was charged with the murder of his 5-year-old son Jax in Parma, Ohio Parma Police. As Wo Fat hides in Osaka, late in the season, McGarrett captures him and brings him back to Hawaii. In the episode 'Ua Malo'o Ka Wai', Jerry is awarded his very own Five-0 badge after he coordinates with Duke Lukela and HPD to rescue Five-0 from the Yakuza. Peaceful, but he was a woodchopper and died as he saved Tommo from a falling tree in the forest, which ended up crushing him instead. When Adam's brother, Michael, is released from prison, he kills someone with Kono's gun to frame her. Wo Fat wanted to know what Steve knew about him so far and also warned Steve not to dig too deeply into the McGarrett family history because Steve might not like what he finds with the confrontation presumably leaving Steve deeply shaken. In Ina Paha Steve learns the whole truth about Doris and Wo Fat's relationship and that Doris treated Wo Fat like a son after she murdered his mother when she was suppose to kill his father. Delano was killed by Chin after Five-0 cornered him and his crew in the season 3 premiere. Danny's ex-wife and mother of Grace and Charlie. Many associates of Wo Fat were ultimately killed by him, or were killed during confrontations with law-enforcement. Steve returns to Doris' house later during the day and tells her that he's going with them. Her father owned a bar called "Aces High" but was shot and killed in a botched robbery nineteen years ago. Steve believed his mother, a former CIA agent named Doris, died in a car accident when he was a teenager. In season 5, she agrees to go for chemotherapy and her brain tumor has shrunk. Although not always agreeing with McGarrett's style, Governor Denning does vouch for and backs him when necessary. [29] Like his character, Dale is of Japanese descent. Doris raised him for some time before she was forced by the CIA to abandon him. He is married to Nalani (portrayed by Chun's real-life partner Laura Mellow. She claimed that the shots were from a struggle she had with Wo Fat, but Steve didn't believe her.. Steve has tried to contact Doris over the past couple of weeks with no luck. She was presumably murdered by a car bomb when Steve was aged fifteen or sixteen. His late cousin, Thomas Hoapili, was a master of Kapu Kuialua, an ancient Hawaiian martial art, as is Thomas's daughter, Maggie (portrayed by Summer Glau). Honolulu: Part 2" (February 3, 1971), "The Ninety-Second War: Part 1" (January 18, 1972), "The Ninety-Second War: Part 2" (January 25, 1972), and "The Jinn Who Clears the Way" (October 10, 1972). In the season 1 finale it is revealed that she was sending McGarett evidence from his "Champ" box. Now, the family business belongs to Zane Rogers (Alec Baldwin), a reckless tour operator who sees . Obviously they'll miss Mark and Wo Fat, but that's a tribute to Mark's great acting. While on suspension, she helps Chin and Danny go after Wo Fat, who was responsible for framing McGarrett for the murder of the Governor. When he and Kono first started dating, the Five-0 team were extremely suspicious of him, particularly Steve and Chin the former due to his father's history with the yakuza and the latter due to him seeing Kono as a younger sister. John couldn't act upon his findings due to threats to his family, including his wife's death. In O ka Pili'Ohana ka 'Oi, he escapes from prison using a bomb made out of paint thinner, fertiliser and nitroglycerine pills. In Hana I Wa 'Ia, Wo Fat kidnapped a Congressman Chris Freed, who is forcing him to sign a document and was about to kill him until Steve and Danny's arrival in a helicopter. Grover's weapon of choice is the Kimber Warrior. A representative for Michael Jordan said they have no comment at this time. Fat tells Steve that he is his protection because the unknown forces currently breaking down the door are not here to rescue him, but want him dead. Portrayed by Tom Berenger, father of Danny Williams. Armed men in SCUBA cut through the truck's secure door with torches and kill the guards, resulting in Fat being freed. Doris tells Steve what she has so far. Steve only learns the full truth after he was abducted and tortured by Wo Fat in the 100th episode. Doris then tells Steve, if they're going to be in each other lives he's going to have to learn to trust her. Disney+'s Hawkeye gives the impression that Clint Barton killed Maya Lopez's father, but there may be another Ronin operating in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Sang Min Soo (Will Yun Lee) is an informant and former snakehead who was associated with Wo Fat and imprisoned on the mainland for his safety after he testified against his former associates. They are forced to work together to defeat a clean-up team sent to kill them, culminating in them stealing a helicopter. Wo Fat proceeded to strangle him but Joe ultimately freed himself and went for Wo Fat's gun, only to find that Wo Fat had fled. It is revealed that Wo Fat is obsessed with finding and killing a person named "Shelburne", who apparently killed his father years before the series. At the end of the episode, McGarrett pays him another visit and wants to know why his mother came to see him. Despite being a crack shot and armed, ballistic evidence showed that she had intentionally shot away from him, which she attributed to her nerves and shock over Wo Fat's sudden appearance, but Steve refuses to believe her story. In the episode "Poina Ole / Not Forgotten", Nahele was first introduced as a homeless juvenile delinquent who stole McGarrett's prized vintage Marquis and stripped it for scrap metal. Greer was finally killed by Catherine Rollins. Following his departure in season 7 Noelani took his place. Finally, in 2009, the CBI formally charged Father Kottoor and Sister Sephy with murder, as well as another priest, Father Jose Poothrikkayil, who police said was involved in the killing. McGarrett recalls finding an "Aces High" matchbook in his father's Champ toolbox and decides to reopen the case in memory of his father. It is implied that they are in a relationship (as of Season 6 Episode 14) as she is mentioned by Dr. Bergman numerous times in conversations with other members of Five-0; Rumer Willis, who portrays Sabrina, has only appeared twice on the show. After Grover's daughter Samantha is freed from Ian Wright's capture, she tells everyone that a man, revealed to be Wo Fat, killed Ian and released her. In season 6, he forgets about Valentine's Day and hastily makes plans but Rene saw through it and he ends up in the doghouse as a result. He appears in one episode, Ma lalo o ka 'ili, traveling to Hawaii to salvage his marriage to Clara. Despite her best efforts to help him, Koa ends up overdosing and would have died if Adam and Noelani had not intervened. Although not seen until season 6 he moved to Hawaii with his father, mother, and sister. Christopher Watts, the Colorado man who is serving a life sentence for killing his pregnant wife and two daughters, confessed in a prison interview that his daughters were still alive when he put. The general opposed peace discussions with the United States in the early 1970s. Their friendship becomes slightly awkward after both discover that Will and Grace had been dating behind their backs.[16]. In the series finale, Catherine cracks the show's final mystery- a cypher Steve's dead mother Doris had left for him. Victor and Anton Hesse (James Marsters and Norman Reedus) are brothers and criminals heavily involved in the illegal arms trafficking trade. Steve has called up Joe to ask about his mother. As of season 7 Grace is dating Will Grover, Lou's son. Noelani was first introduced in season 7 working with Dr. Max Bergman as a medical examiner. Cain demands that Steve hands over the microfiche, Steve counters and says for Doris to be handed over first. McGarrett meets her by chance when he sees her putting flowers on his father's grave and accosts her. He has a Halloween tradition of dressing up as a character from a Keanu Reeves film. Is there a chance he'll appear in flashbacks in future episodes?Lenkov:Personally, I'd love to figure a way to do that because he was so good and I think it would be a nice way to keep him in the family. In the first several episodes of season 1, she works under the watchful eye of her cousin and quickly wins the trust and confidence of the other team members. Baseball-size hail, violent winds, and churning tornadoes make supercells deadly, and when William Brody was a boy, his father - a legendary storm-chaser - was killed by one. Season one: Laura Hills (Kelly Hu) is killed in a car bomb by then-Governor Jameson (Jean Smart), who is then shot by Wo Fat (Mark Dacascos), and McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) is framed for her. On November 2, 2010, CBS announced that Mark Dacascos was cast to fill the role of Wo Fat in the 2010 re-imagining of Hawaii Five-0. As a result, McGarrett, despite seeing him as a father figure, regards him with some distrust. Charlie was originally thought to be the son of Stan however it was revealed in season 5 that Danny is the true father. Honolulu: Part 1" (January 27, 1971), "F.O.B. Cath is first introduced in the Season 1 episode "Lanakila", when McGarrett calls her for "a favor". I picked bits and pieces from an actual Hawaiian legend and the Mummy (1999). A First Class Ghoul Investigator for the CCG, Mado is a quinque fanatic and revels in killing ghouls, even those who are harmless. With Alex O'Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Kim, Grace Park. His daughter Sarah is currently being cared for by Chin as her legal guardian. At Billy's funeral, Joe tells Steve the truth about Doris, she not dead, but she's not coming home anytime soon. Catherine leaves with Doris and Yao. Unlike McGarrett, Danny Williams took longer to accept Grover but they bond over the fact that they are the only members of the team with children and would often vent their frustrations to one another about parenting issues. [22] Throughout season 9, it is gradually revealed that he has avoided going home as he was estranged from his father and they only communicated through his mother. Brother? Chris pleaded guilty to the crimes that . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His death came at the time when he was speaking out against the Vietnam War and poverty while continue to speak about racism. In the first four years of the show's existence, Wo Fat made nine appearances. After she dropped Adam and Kono old enemies came out of the woodworks and she been on the grid ever since. The team encounter him again in season 6 during an investigation into a case involving a dead counterfeiter and his stash of counterfeit hundred-dollar bills found on several murder victims. And when I started writing the script, it really felt like a natural end to the episode. In the Season 2 finale, Ua Hala, confident that Wo Fat was behind bars, Joe brought Steve to a house in Suruga, Japan and told Steve he was sorry before disappearing.