If a written and contracted claim is received by the debtor (Strawman), it can be accepted for value by the secured party. The next screen scroll down to a black bar that says symbol, under the word will be a little blue symbol, click on it. The question is who are you going to believe? We don't need them. This order would allow those in the order to own the world and everyone and every single thing in it. on July 10, 2012: Leland Roth, I will post this comment and leave it up to the reader to decide if this is the path they wish to take. because we are heavily campaigning for Micheal Tellinger to get a seat in our South African Parliament, I happen to come across your article on the Birth Certificate scandal that we knew about for several years . Will there have to be some value given in return? 401 of the Federal Reserve Act, the Supreme Courts confirmation in Guaranty Trust of New York vs. Henwood, et al (1939) and Public Law 73-10. The person that filed the document is the secured party when it comes to the UCC filing. gralphbarke@gmail.com on February 11, 2014: according to HJR 192 passed June 5th 1933, put the United States in bankruptcy, and now we sovereigns must charge off our accounts to the debtors side of our strawman account, after filing UCC-1 statement, allowing to charging off any presentments you may have, or want to do. A person may be a group of people, a corporation or a human being under law. Hopefully, one day, someone will actually write something coherent to explain all this. the registration of a birth under the provisions of the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 is simply a recording of the event of the birth there is no creation of a bond, stock or trust. The pretty blue BC is pretty and blue because it's on bond paper, and it's more like a certificate of incorporation, or possibly a bond, or related to a trust formed after one is born and uses the same given name and family name of the baby, but the names become the first and last name of a trust or bond or corporation. Instruction 3 - At the top of the page you will see DELAYED QUOTES. Under the UCC/Redemption Process, the secured party does not obtain the actual application for a Certificate of Live Birth. Well I know it's a challenge with computers taking over and all but, to be quite frankly and a lil straightforward "get a job" could be an enjoyable 1, or if it's one you hate use your hatred of that job and turn it into productivity, and by golly if u can do that u should be successful at even your most hated job. Why would they do this? And if anyone cannot see it, they are either brain dead, sick state of insanity, or live on another planetary body, which btw, this one is flat. These documents must be delivered by certified (or registered) mail and must be filed with both the state of residence as well as the Secretary of the Treasury. We'll make sure that you'll have your certified official copy as soon as possible. Any way I will have to talk to him a little more. You Are The Beneficiary of Your Birth Certificate Trust The Birth Certificate is the primary bond for its value is unlimited and it was created for the benefit of the United States of America where legal title will remain and equitable title stays with the company as collateral to JAMES A WILLIAMS TRUST and James Williams the individual surety to insure that the company pays their obligations (debt . As "Proof" pointed out, you have provided no evidence for your wild claims while "cherrycrime26" only claims to be revealing a controversial conspiracy theory. Apparently there's a scam based on the false a. The final copy is received by the Department of Commerce even though the documents themselves are not kept in their offices. This is done through the Secretary of the Treasury and recorded by the financial institution through the Treasury tax and loan (TTL) account. Will Filing UCC Financing Statements and Change/Amendments Cover All Commercial Activity, Civil Cases, and Also Criminal Actions? Since the true knowledge of this process is making its way out to the United States population, the number of people filing has incrementally increased. of investigating it works and theres rules you have to follow do not try to fake ,fraud or scam then,your okay.this comes from the feds.be honest and real then you'll be able to REMOVE YOUR DEBTS ,THATS DEBTS get it.you cant make money .. you get debts removed and SETTLED!!!! That averages out to over three hundred and fifty seven thousand people who found a way around this ruse every year. 1. This study will look at some of the main subjects that are discussed about the redemption process. you will need is any court case numbers for any active cases you have, the social security card of your corporate citizen status [United States Citizen], and a copy of your birth certificate. thinkfree.ca appears to be down. I knew I world find the web sight that did not charge and tells the truth not tidbits of truth trying to get money to help someone to file all this. Request savings bonds held by the government in your name and owed to you. It gets complicated, but you must become your own agent in commerce by becoming a Secured Party. They use the FBI to aid them in their attempts to admonish and stop the presentments of any Bill of Exchange documents delivered by the secured party to the secretary. Big waste of time and energy. I really enjoyed reading it. It seems that over twenty five million Americans have successfully redeemed their strawman and achieved access to their strawman trust account before 26 May 2003. Yes, you may redeem a bond to the estate of the last decedent on a bond. The Secured Party Applicant Has to be Filed in the State or Region of Their Birth. Would love to hear anything. Access Your Master Straw Man Account - A.W.A.R.E They are just money and muscle. Birth Certificates; You're Pledged by the Federal Government as The law is a very complex subject, so hopefully you have the next twenty years to do your own research and study. It is a fact that every single living, breathing human being in the United States is bonded and used in commercial activities by the Corporation of the United States which has received them. Hence the saying "we are owned by the system".LITERALLY. NON-NEGOTIABLE RE: CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH # 1234-12345 ACCEPTED FOR VALUE and EXEMPT FROM LEVY DEPOSITED TO US TREASURY AND CHARGED TO JOHN H DOE AND 123-45-6789. The first question to discuss is the question of the birth certificate. The most important part of the redemption of your strawman is filing your UCC with the birth state or UCC regional office, the Secretary of the Treasury. If you look into history you will see that the claims are relevant and because they are in debt they can not play apart in commerce so they use there citizens as collateral. He just cannot come out and say you can do this. Click on Research. Each side has equally viable points. Indeed, our situation is as George F. Will wrote "we honor [Thomas] Jefferson, but we live in [Alexander] Hamilton's country". I would think that when a ss# is issued a strawman account is created. @cherrycrime26 I read this and can't believe it. Instruction 6 - You will be directed to a page that allows you to put that CUSIP number in a search on the left side of the page. Do your homework before trying to implement these things. There are no documented, proven cases but only theories of how the UCC and other law might be interpreted. Is the Redemption Process an Attempt to Gain Something for Nothing from the Treasury Department? Justin Clark can u hook me up with the guy? and a four-digit Custodian's No. Word to the wise: do u use your body? Phone 251-275-3363 Fax 251-275-3271. They are all in it together. I've been researching this issue for several years. The majority of lawyers view the entire UCC process only in terms of litigation, and adjudication. There is an old saying by Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797): All that is required to allow evil to flourish is that too many good men do nothing.. 1) Can you please re-confirm that in no way is a Bond, Gilt or any other form of valuable consideration attached to a Birth Certificate, Certificate of Live Birth or any other document created from the information provided either by the parents of a child or under section 17(2) of the Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths Act (Scotland): how can i get access to the video that was removed by Youtube? 1641, 3002 and the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act. The person that filed the document is the secured party when it comes to the UCC filing. Hey, great hub. Thanks for writing and sharing. This needs to be done by the secured party and it must be sent through Certified (or Registered) mail directly to the Secretary of the Treasury to be discharged. There has been a long time plan by global bankers to create a New World Order. Surely the number of people filing UCC financing statements have risen dramatically since 2003. But this idea that you can just file some papers and go through some very complex system to free yourself from any you have taken on is a bit absurd. "We the People" Are Continuing to Gain Knowledge and Information. Every state within the United States has UCC filing offices. They are all going to hell. By these placement actions the government has kept the details so vague and hard to reference that no person could remedy himself without persistent research. Do not be fooled by these. he is good. If you file east of the Mississippi, the documents are sent to Cincinnati, Ohio. Hence the title of Uniform Commercial Code. The best thing that can be done is learn as much about Law that you can. Do not fall victim to their schemes. triggasam@gmail.com on September 22, 2014: I am a black human, child of God(consciousness), in which my soul(consciousness) is my true nature, becoming one with a physical representation of soul(body). Once the county birth record is received by the federal government, the bond is created. Getting back to the supposed value of the birth certificate this is the facts as I ascertained them. This means there are funds borrowed against these accounts. Do not pay someone to teach you the process or to file for you. Contacting the secretary of state and filling a UCC-1 financing statement and listing the property as collateral on the statement. I know that the courts use contracts to get the persons signature to be in an agreement with the court. This story is a variation of the older Bogus Sight Drafts/Bills of Exchange Drawn on the Treasury scam. The birth certificate is the governments document of title for its new property. %PDF-1.3 Determine which month the bond was issued in. stephenson county jail records - changing-stories.org The United States has been partitioned into six UCC regions. Type in the Birth Number on the Birth Certificate, the first three numbers then dash, next 2 #'s then dash and then the final numbers. This shows that those people who have followed the correct procedures in filing their UCC documents using the redemption process have not committed any crime. jinlei123 from I was in China on June 28, 2011: Wow! They sell this information, Another way they screw us over, sort of speak. Because people care only about their own butt, and that came from a steady diet fed to them by corporate mass media to turn everyone into a parasitic cockroach, who put more value on worthless IOU promise to pay FIAT money, than they do about their own life and the life of planet earth. Your STRAWMAN I.D. To verify how much you are worth as a corporate entity of the UNITED STATES, simply take your birth certificate and Social security number to your local stock broker and ask him to look up your numbers. what this whole thing started out to be a money grab/control thing by the Rockefellers and has since destroyed our 'selves'. The claim can then be discharged when the proper documents are forwarded through the Secretary of the Treasury to the UCC contract trust which remains filed with the Analysis and Control Division of the IRS. An incredible readthanks for the information - I will let you know how it turns out ;). Well i don't know if the controversy is true or not, but if their is any way my birth certificate is worth 1 million dollars, then its worth filling out a UCC-1. They lie, lie deceive, murder, kidnap, human trafficking, sex slaves, pedophilia, genocide/ecocide, and I can make a prima facie case just on what any common sense person oughta know just by observing, that the entire profit loss corporate system of how we maintain the security of our lives, is in itself the very component in which all civilizations, empires and ecosystems collapse. Do we live in a place that is run by people and with a system in place that honors what it mans to live i truth, peace, harmony and balance? If this is not done by July 1, 2002, it would result in the loss of their original filing date and also their status as the secured party by the Secretary of the Treasury. This bond is also known by the human's name in capital letters. The government is spending the future and enslaving its citizens with taxes. Unredeemed U.S. Savings Bonds: Questions and Answers Also look into Secured Party Creditors, that is what your becoming, in essence a private banker. Gross Federal Debt is the total debt owed by the United States federal government. Don't want to sound mean, but exactly how are you going to file this very complicated UCC-1, or whatever else needs to be filed, when your article shows that you have a hard time constructing coherent and meaningful sentences? Redemption requests may also be sent to the Treasury Retail Securities Site at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. I will have to look into this further. This information is then disseminated throughout the various federal, state, and county district levels. 2. Finance activities take place in financial systems at various scopes, thus the field can be roughly divided . Yes you do not need a locense to travel nor a license to get married it is all a fraud we are all under the al morrocan nation . stream We are all adults. Birth Certificates, Bonds, Negotiable Instruments, Banknotes and Your It is a strawman that is created to be used in all legal and financial matters. Birth Certificate Bond | PDF | Uniform Commercial Code - Scribd This means that the process is only to be used for an "Accepted For Value" answer to any commercial claim. We are all fighting to survive while they sit back and make money off of us. What people don't seem to get, especially by some of these comments is the obvious. Qualified Applicant. Any actions you take and all repercussions you receive will be your responsibility alone. Therefore you have to look into who you are what your nationality is etc in order to claim it. 4 0 obj ISSUE DATE: March 9, 2010 BOND . Use caution when attempting to receive benefits through the United States Treasury. Once a person files a UCC form, and it is registered by a states UCC office, the filing of that document becomes a legal document. There are some employees at the Department of the Treasury who continue to misdirect many of the documents that is presented by a secured party to the Secretary of the Treasury by mislabeling them as Treasury Securities (they are not Treasury Securities). This number is the number of the CUSIP that is on the bond that the social security account is linked to. Anyhow in order to cancel such contract/contracts (ie ss card rmv anything with your strawman name) you will need to claim your birth right from citizen to sovereign. Didge from Southern England on May 22, 2012: Quality hub! Kudos to the time and effort you put in my friend to speak the truth of how every man woman and child on this planet, has been fleeced to the point of being nothing more that a parasitic energy being people like the Satanic and vile piece of cow dung Rothschild family have been getting away with ecocide and genocide along with his side kick the Bush and Clinton family. It is the bond on a commercial entity. They will endorse as to their witnessing the creation of both the child, and a commercial document. They have all confessed that not one single properly filed UCC Form has been turned down or prosecuted under any criminal laws. Instruction 1 Go to www.fidelity.com . A lot of information, love it! The government is utilizing both their name and assets to trade in drugs, crude oil and various other commodities. It does not deal with the title at all. This contract establishes the freeborn child to a status of "ward of the state.". Thats why there has to be a loophole, aka remedy. Some want to cash in! This is the strawman. This is the biggest crock of sh*t I've ever read in my life. Right now, even though they have no legal right or claim or lien, the bankers control your "title" / birth . SEC.gov | HOME All that is required to allow evil to flourish is that too many good men do nothing. are aware of this..there must be some human being out there that has a procedure for the UKPlease forward as this is the only way of bring down the banks-- as they have enslaved many nations through the IMF. Is it a contract, giving the state control over everything associated with the individual named on the certificate? Depending on when it was issued it will be either in blue or black. In order to do the process with your birth certificate, you will have to do it with perfection or you can go to jail because the government doesn't like the fact that you're challenging them. Then on the next page go down and click on blue Find Symbol. 3. From what I have been able to learn, the discharge of claims in the public sector whether federal or state claims, issued by the Internal Revenue Service are easily discharged with a simple computer entry and transfer of credit and debt through the computer using the IRS Technical Support Division. And I also learned that you do NOT need a drivers license to travel (only for commercial purposes only). The ucc is business people not people trying to get out of traffic tickets or to say the law has no authority. How to Redeem Savings Bonds: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow But truly understand what it is that you are getting yourself into. This is human trafficking conducted by people within the government structure. Hey has anyone fully completed the process? PRIVATE REGISTERED BOND FOR SETOFF. A Savings Bond Calculator is simply a tool that you can use to check the value of any bonds that you do actually have in your possession. Just because"????" Creation of Your Estate The Credit-Based Hidden Financial System. Click on it and then click on the QUOTE option. The party that filed the UCC first, or the one who consummated it first? Instruction 7 - What will appear next is a page that says BOND RESULTS. Yes there will be obstacles & hurdles along the way, freedom is not free, however stay on the yellow brick road & you'll do just fine. If they reference their original filing, they could maintain the original date of filing which would then be filed with the Secretary of the Treasury. I have both their BC and SS card. Read "The Redemption Manual 4.5 Edition" on McCutcheons Ink website. When a child is born, a document is prepared which is an authorization to produce a Certificate of Live Birth. I'll be writing some similar hubs to help provide some more pieces of the puzzle for thinking people. I understand the concept I just can't seem to find The Correct Knowledge on the Actual Correct way to implement this strategy. If the paperwork that you file is erroneous, you may end up with legal troubles. If you feel someone is trying to scam you or place liens on your property, my best advice would be to contact your local FBI Office. If the UCC filing complies with all the stipulations of those rules and procedures, then by law the document needs to be recorded. On the UCC1 application has a question about the Birth certificate and the state Birth certificate issued. Birth Certificate Bond - a Freedom of Information - WhatDoTheyKnow In exchange for an initial payment, known as the premium, the insurer promises to pay for loss caused by perils covered under the policy language. Nice job! I have never heard of anything like this before. All it can do is verify whether the denomination and issue date are compatible with one another. Your birth certificate is not a bond worth millions of dollars. Commercial laws allow for you to cancel and rescind this simple contract UCC3-203 and to make a Claim in recoupment [Reparations] for fraud committed upon you when you were and infant [See UCC 3-305]. The Story I have read a lot about commercial redemption but it has all been around the US. 6. How to Cash a Savings Bond of a Deceased Parent - Money Inc As a U.S. citizen you must know that there is no monetary value adhered to your birth certificate or to your social security number. The two . Birth Certificate Bond. There is a National UCC Administration which the states, the Protectorates and the District of Columbia have formed. The STATE/GOVERNMENT are acting in fraud because they are benefiting from your birth certificate bond/trust. I don't have a USA Birth certificate, what another form can I use? Many retirees do all three. Type in the Birth Number on the Birth Certificate, the first three numbers then dash, next 2 #s then dash and then the final numbers. It is evidence that there has been a commercial contract set up. Don't get me wrong, I thank you a lot for all this information, but each and every piece of information available online only explains the situation, not a single one explains how to actually do it. Debt is death. If you research the Congressional Records of 1933 you will understand how the office of the Secretary of the Treasury is actually in control of the financial office of the Corporation of the United States. In recent times the same serial number of the bond is stamped on the back of a Social Security Card. (ie loans, car note, housing payment etc) I would think that anyone receiving info would do there own due diligence as for if they go out with half information and get burned who's fault is that. Here are some important points to know concerning the administration and purpose of the TSD! There are some Financial Institutions that do not maintain a TTL account. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on April 03, 2012: I have not heard anything like this either. on June 02, 2012: A Little TRUTH, Thank You for the comment. Your Birth Certificate Is Traded on the Stock Exchange - You Are a How to see your bonds from your birth certificate fidelity - YouTube PDF The Birth Certificate Bond Explained - educationcenter2000 going to know who is who? Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. Comes to find out that everything in this article was true and that we are being used by the government like toys. You have piqued my curiosity. Once processed through the Federal Reserve System and/or the Department of the Treasury, these transactions are bonded. I don't have to repeat it so Ive created a link to your article. Good Morning, I wanted to know if you have heard of people who are in prison using the redemption process to get out of prison? thanks to cip1883. Wow, this is interesting. If something sounds too good to be true, your instincts might be correct. Such action is further confirmed in USC Title XII, Title XXVIII, Sec. Instruction 2 - You will see a tab in the upper left hand corner the tab for RESEARCH. All property is considered to be owned by the Corporation of the United States. The Savings Bond Calculator is merely a tool to calculate the value of a bond based on an issue date and denomination entered. You will not have to deal in Court jurisdictions and stay out of the area of controversy. Along with coins, banknotes make up the cash or bearer forms of all modern money. and all corporations and sold it to the Federal Government who cashed it into the Federal Reserve treasury and used the money to create a government bond in your straw man legal fiction company . just want to do it right the 1st time. Gather Required Documents: To cash in your bond, you'll need to provide the government with a copy of the birth certificate and other necessary identification documents. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on September 23, 2011: @Lazaro Thanks, I'm actually trying to find out the process myself, but no one seems to know :). These procedures set up by the government were put in place so that the secured party could reclaim a part of what is rightfully theirs under the U.S. Constitution. You can not expect to go to the very same people committing the fraud and expect them to give you info. I'll do it. We need to start taken action. This is the person named in the record. . Then they are forwarded to the Bureau of Public Debt rather then sending them to the Analysis and Control Division of the IRS and the UCC Contract Trust. But you have to claim to be and file a UCC lien on yourself and your property. Your birth certificate is worth close to a million dollars and can be loaned out from a bank as many as 9 times, making your birth certificate worth almost 9 million dollars. ", UCC Contract Trusts and Direct Treasury Accounts. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. STRAWMAN. It becomes part of the public record. It's just. All you need to do is give us a call at (888) 238-9714. Cash In On Your U.S. Birth Certificate!! - HubPages When your birth certificate was monetized and converted into a UNITED STATES Government Bond shortly after your birth by your Mother, your net worth became unlimited, into Billions. Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. If This Is Done This Whole Charade of Control and Ownership Will End! Free your mind and go forth and become a Sovereign sentient being of God, that you were intended to be! Despite the blockage of information as well as being told false information "We The People" are continuing to gain knowledge and information regardless of being the target of threats and blackmail. The bond is sold over and over and over again to investors just like residential and commercial mortgages are, which in turn can be worth a lot of . Follow these steps to cash in your bond: 1. Savings Bond Redemptions Frequently Asked Questions - FRBservices.org to be free of this chains of bon. The way to correctly have claims discharged with the IRS as well as in the public sector using the UCC contract trust is to present by the secured party a bonded registered Bill of Exchange, and this needs to be sent straight to the Secretary of the Treasury. Hey Dario, great job my man. Will the filing of an uniform commercial code (UCC) financing statement, addendum and/or change statement/amendment include all transactions, civil matters, as well as any criminal activity? I thought that this article was a bit out there, but your response has convinced me there's some real truth to this worth exploring. Thanks for this information. Click on Quote. There are claims that every American has a prepaid account worth 1 million dollars. The parents and/or the doctor are given an application which is ultimately a commercial contract. At birth, average value bonds were created from your birth certificate. The UCC department employees of each state become the curators and are compelled to follow very specific procedures and rules. Therefor, since "they", confiscated our actual real money,(gold), in 1933, which is ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL, for any government to do,they had to provide a redemption process, that would require "them", to pay, all of our debts.
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