This study was conducted in two contexts. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the mechanisms of behaviour change observed as a result of the pilot safe food-handling media campaign. Models can assist curriculum developers to conceptualize the development process by pinpointing These results indicate that the FSLs were effective in helping JHS students retain knowledge and skills on food safety. The two large abattoirs were categorised as medium risk, while the two small abattoirs were categorised as high risk regarding the three groups of indicator microorganisms. 2009-04-25T11:06:04+02:00 Shadowhunters Seelie Queen Cast, Tel:+33 972 46 62 06 A great part of the book-length literature on curriculum, over 400 volumes appearing in, The paper looks at traditional curriculum implementation strategies, claiming that they have been divided into two polarized perspectives: fidelity/implementation and adaptive implementation. The SCD Model (see Fig. The SCD Model (see Fig. It considers that the curriculum evolves rather than being planned precisely. Allan A. Glatthorn Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 125 N. West Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314-2798 The Author ALLAN A. GLATMORN is Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, where he teaches and conducts research in super- vision, curriculum, and school leadership. WebKey author Glatthorn (naturalistic model) 33. WebA Naturalistic Model for Curriculum Development DECKER F. WALKER Stanford University This paper presents a model of curriculum development as it is practiced in Presentation Survey Quiz Lead-form E-Book. 24 0 obj << /Count 14 /First 14 0 R /Last 15 0 R /Type /Outlines >> Understanding by Design Model. stream Skilbeck's Model of School-based Curriculum 13 Development 3.1 Situational Analysis 31 3.2 Objectives 43 3.3 Design 47 3.4 Implementation 55 3.5 Evaluation 64 4. Similarly, Glatthorns (1984) "differentiated supervision" calls for "self-directed development" as one form of assistance to teachers. Chapter 2 explains the process of reflecting district goals in the curriculum. Pearson correlation and Path-coefficient analysis further indicated that Maillard reaction was mainly responsible for the NEB of CAFCs. Tent Rental Bowling Green, Ky, Tap here to review the details. Home; Documents; Part III Overview of Curriculum Design and Development; prev. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, Va. ISBN-0-87120-143-7 87 118p. Further technical information can be found HERE IAAF CECS Level II Event. Glatthorn Model contains the following eight steps: 1. << /BaseFont /ZapfDingbats /Name /ZaDb /Subtype /Type1 /Type /Font >> Marsh and Stafford (1988:2) confirm that the word curriculum comes from the Latin root meaning racecourse and, for many, the school curriculum is just that a race to be run, a series of obstacles or hurdles (subjects) These actions are anchored on the overall aim of producing high school graduates who are educated on food safety, thus, are empowered in taking measures to protect themselves from FBDs. As a result, a monitoring team was tasked to ensure that the schools strictly follow hygienic practices and conform to the quality standards in handling and serving food (Philippines Department of Education, 2005, Philippines Department of Education, 2008). 1) is a linear and a descriptive approach that features three phases of development where a endobj Foodborne disease (FBD) outbreak is a global concern that impacts not only the economic status of a certain community (Majowicz et al., 2015; McLinden et al., 2014), but also its public health (Adesokan et al., 2015; Angolo, 2011; Azanaw et al., 2019; Brinkman & Kruse, 2015; Finger et al., 2019; Limon, 2021a; Limon, 2021b; Guerra et al., 2016, World Health Organization, 2020; Young et al., 2015). endobj (I!OxV~cGSbBvK>LHP%20&S`Ca9Xq\U\)a8BYKaw ]N:q9CvUPy/}.Qcjp m Despite the increasing cases of foodborne disease outbreaks involving high school students in the Philippines, the country's basic education lacks a dedicated space for food safety education (FSED). An appendix contains a bibliography of resources for the subject fields of art, business, English/language arts, foreign language, health, home economics, mathematics, music, reading, science, social studies, and technology. CHAPTER 1 She believed that teachers who teach or implement the curriculum should participate in developing it. Read Pinar et al. In order for learning and teaching to continually improve they must be evaluated regularly. In food supply chain, there are regulatory limitations on the use of chemicals for cleaning processing lines since the healthiness of the commodities must be guaranteed if accidently traces of these detergents and sanitizers pass to them. Stake out the territory ; define course parameters ; define learning audience ; define learning activities ; 3. endobj These data were analyzed using content analysis, descriptive statistics, and Fleiss' kappa statistics. 8 0 obj How do you make sense of all these terms? Nowadays educators and curriculum developers acknowledge that understanding of curriculum and approaches to curriculum, Summaries English The purpose of this study was to determine whether the different value positions claimed by Macdonald to be inherent in his three curriculum development models resulted in, B ackground: Deliberative mode of curriculum development has been hailed as one effective way of developing schoolbased curriculum. WebThe Curriculum Models and Definitions Glatthorn (naturalistic model) Glatthorn Naturalistic Model (Ornstein & Hunkins, 1993, p. 274; Glatthorn, 1987, p. 89+) 1. ! " Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. Curriculum development and implementation -- ch. The participants' testimonies supported these results. Its participatory, egalitarian and discursive characteristics have, Curriculum development in its institutionalized forms has undergone considerable rethinking since the 1960s. Author: tensay-fekede. Click here to review the details. Control analyses of selected fungal extracts by HPLC-MS/MS for PTA and PAX qualitatively confirmed the EIA results, poor quantitative agreement could be attributed to the presence of penitrems other than PTA, and to PAX analogues, respectively. Stake out the territory: 3. Technical-Scientific OR Naturalistic. The SCD Model (see Fig. How do you ensure that a school districts goals, How do you improve mathematics or some other. Interventions from the education sector, which works closely with adolescents, must be implemented to educate them about food safety. capable to produce PTA, PAX, and ergoline alkaloids, either alone or in combination, appear to be quite common as contaminants on foods at the retail or production level. Evidence of this claim is that only 20.20% of the, The conduct of benchmarking activities, firmly anchored on the principles underpinning Glatthorn's SCD Model, revealed the fact that the USA food safety curriculum demonstrates effective practices that can be adapted in the Philippine educational setting to heighten the awareness and to harness the skills of people on proper handling and preparation of food. When ~ - they are reasonably congruent with each other, student achievement is improved. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. However, food safety is not integrated in the Philippine curriculum. Risk categorisation of abattoirs based on their hygiene process performances has been suggested as an essential component of a risk-based meat safety assurance system. Herein, a soluble tetramine phthalocyanine indium-decorated reduced graphene oxide (rGO-InTAPc) nanocomposite was prepared via non-covalent functionalization and used to construct a novel electrochemical sensor for sensitive determination of rutin in Tartary buckwheat tea. John Paul C. Vallente: Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Methodology, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing original draft, Writing review & editing. Two large-scale and two small-scale poultry abattoirs, located in Serbia, were subjects of the study aiming to investigate the usefulness of testing for pathogens and indicator microorganisms for abattoir risk categorisation. 23 0 obj 15 0 obj Drying at the programmed temperature (80-60-50C) could effectively decrease the browning of CAFC. Capsule Pharmacy Fremont Covid Vaccine, 2. WebAligning the Curriculum Several different types of curriculum are at work in the school. WebThe Curriculum Models and Definitions Glatthorn (naturalistic model) Glatthorn Naturalistic Model (Ornstein & Hunkins, 1993, p. 274; Glatthorn, 1987, p. 89+) 1. In this concise, well-organized guide to developing high Moreover, the model highlights the use of multiple sources in developing curriculum standards. Principals need to implement the curriculum with the help of teachers in an actual school setting and find out if the curriculum achieved its goal. Results of the statistical analysis yielded weighted mean, standard deviation, and Fleiss' kappa of 1.001.19 (=0.97), 1.001.23 (=0.96), 1.001.62 (=0.94), and 1.331.38 (=0.96) in personal health and hygiene, hazards in food, cleaning and sanitation, and good manufacturing practices, respectively. # $ % &. 20 0 obj Webmodels 'repetitive and/or cyclic' (Further Education Curriculum Review and Development Unit, 1981) do not entirely address these problems. Glatthorn, Allan A. subsequent development model 3rd model community-based learning model (PLCs) Providing Staff Development Recommended. The demands of schools and educational systems today are such that teachers with practical curriculum skills are Stake out the territory define course parameters define learning audience define learning activities 3. Schools for the Twenty-first Century: leadership Imperatives for Educational Reform . Stake out the territory define course parameters define learning audience define learning activities 3. << /Count 8 /Kids [ 13 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R 47 0 R 48 0 R 49 0 R 50 0 R 51 0 R ] /Parent 8 0 R /Type /Pages >> Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. Under optimized conditions, the rGO-InTAPc sensor displayed a linear dependence for rutin concentration ranging from 0.005 to 100M with a detection limit of 2.0nM (S/N=3). Glatthorn, Allan A. Glatthorns process offers a variety of advantages over other models. A workshop on writing "Rencana Pembelajaran Semester" (RPS) and "Satuan Acara Ch. 5 0 obj In this program, the students will be sent to local partner food industries so they can demonstrate the competencies they learned from school into authentic work situations. module 5.. aj. Models of Curriculum Development.PPT - Chapter 7- Doc Preview. 18 0 obj In view of recent talk of "teaching children rather than subject matter," it is perhaps worth recalling that teaching is a triadic, This country's most challenging writer on education presents here a distillation, for the general reader, of half a decade's research and reflection. 97-121 in Ronald S. Brandt, ed., Education in a New Era. Report. Glatthorn, 1987, p. 273) The Tyler model has several advantages: It is relatively easy to understand and apply. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. The sequencing of content 4. This kind of written curriculum needs to be pilot tested or tried out in sample schools to determine its effectiveness. The EIA for ergoline alkaloids yielded positive results (0.00020.4g/mL) in isolates from dairy products and from walnuts, but not from citrus fruits. Results showed that the FSLs obtained a weighted mean of 1.121.03 that signifies high validity with =0.96at p<.05. << /Count 5 /Kids [ 87 0 R 88 0 R 89 0 R 90 0 R 91 0 R ] /Parent 8 0 R /Type /Pages >> Improving a field of study -- ch. For the TechVoc track in SHS, DepEd and TESDA work in close coordination (Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track specializations may be taken between Grades 9 to 12. 14 (DepEd, 2005), also called Instruction to Ensure Consumption of Nutritious and Safe Food Schools, which enforces various provisions to increase awareness on the importance of food safety, to intensify advocacy on food safety and to design a food safety handbook an intervention that was not realized. Abattoirs were categorised as low, medium or high risk based on criteria set by regulation for pathogens and criteria set by authors for indicator microorganisms considering differences between poultry and red meat carcass processing. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT In the current curriculum of the country, basic education is now composed of 13 levels kindergarten level, 6 grade levels in elementary, 4 in JHS, and 2 in Senior High School (SHS). Glatthorn, Allan A. Results indicated that perceived risk and habit play an important role in safe food-handling behaviour change. endobj Glatthorn, Curriculum Leaderhsip. In the 17-year time period, there were a total of 63 outbreaks, 4354 hospitalizations, 635 home medications, and 38 reported deaths. part iii overview of curriculum design and development. These findings have implications for content development of future public health messages related to safe food-handling. 1) is a linear and a descriptive approach that features three phases of development where a curriculum is embedded with prescribed standards based on a set sequence of curriculum development activities. Curriculum theory is defined as a set of associated educational concepts that provides a systematic and illuminating view of curricula phenomena (Glatthorn, Measures of perceived risk related to safe food-handling, safe food-handling habit, and safe food-handling behaviour were collected prior to and following the pilot safe food-handling media campaign. The chart in Exhibit 12.1 is designed to help you identify your perceptions regarding the 10 indicators to appraise curriculum effectiveness in your school building or district. Its participatory, egalitarian and discursive characteristics have helped to generate the much-needed synergy and ownership feeling among the curriculum team members that lead to curriculum success. << /A 41 0 R /C [ 0.0 0.0 1.0 ] /Next 42 0 R /Parent 7 0 R /Title (Front) >> WebModels of Curriculum Development Technical Nontechnical (Holistic) Technical Models Tyler Taba Hunkins Nontechnical Models Naturalistic Deliberation Six-Phase Deliberation Postmodern Tylers Model Four Questions Linear Tabas Model Teacher Participation Seven Steps Diagnosis of needs Formulation of objectives Selection of content The program of experiences 3. The benchmarking efforts undertaken in this study is one of the phases in Glatthorns (1998) Standards-Based Curriculum Development (SCD) Model, on which the succeeding actions performed in this study were anchored. This project was. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The approaches in this category are humanistic and reconceptualist as this category prefers child centered and problem centered designs One of the most Recognized Nontechnical/Nonscientific Models is Allan Glatthorns model: Naturalistic Model Glatthorn Model contains the following eight steps: 1. Chapter 6 reviews the standard model for developing new courses and then explains a naturalistic model that emphasizes quality of learning. Allan A. Glatthorn (19242007) was a major contributor to the third and fourth editions; his research used in the preparation of the first and second editions of Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation: A Step-by-Step Guide was the foundation for the third edition. Develop the course examination: 8. Developing a Quality Curriculum 62346th Edition. The Boulevard Hotel Los Angeles, It is a naturalistic model in the sense that it was constructed to represent phenomena and relations observed in actual curriculum projects as faithfully as possible with a few terms and principles.1 The field of curriculum already can boast an outstandingly successful model of curriculum development based on the work of a generation of curriculum theorists from Franklin Bobbitt to Ralph W, Curriculum development is a complex, problematic and challenging field. These. This strategy of rutin detection will address a long-standing analytical challenge to establishing facile and sensitive methods for quality monitoring in tea drinks. Glatthorn Naturalistic Model (Ornstein & Hunkins, 1993, p. 274; Glatthorn, 1987, p. 89+) 1. Expert Help. WebReviews the strengths of various curriculum orientations over the last 50 years and offers an outline of a new curriculum for the future. WebThe curriculum was pilot tested in 5 schools using a pretest, posttest, and follow-up test assessment model. 2$NBzMe;E{o:mMj-;Fr~>_^TL qUga"CQ!e(1,;,`esGhF O x5d }..'+$`]}d/ << /Differences [ 24 /breve /caron /circumflex /dotaccent /hungarumlaut /ogonek /ring /tilde 39 /quotesingle 96 /grave 128 /bullet /dagger /daggerdbl /ellipsis /emdash /endash /florin /fraction /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /minus /perthousand /quotedblbase /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft /quoteright /quotesinglbase /trademark /fi /fl /Lslash /OE /Scaron /Ydieresis /Zcaron /dotlessi /lslash /oe /scaron /zcaron 160 /Euro 164 /currency 166 /brokenbar 168 /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine 172 /logicalnot /.notdef /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu 183 /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine 188 /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters 192 /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ] /Type /Encoding >> The inclusion of two locales in this study allows for a more comprehensive representation of FSED. EDUCATION, BANJARA HILLS,HYD. This paper presents a model of curriculum development as it is practiced in modern curriculum projects. Assess the alternatives - evaluate current approaches 2. Standards-based Curriculum Development Model. Give recognition to the importance of music, arts, literature, health education & humanities. A similar incident happened to 113 students who were poisoned due to contaminated spaghetti served during a school party (Coconuts Manila, 2018). WebNaturalistic Driving Assessments of Driver Distraction and Fatigue Presented by: Thomas A. Dingus, Ph. Illinois Baseball Schedule, A recent safe food-handling media campaign was piloted in Busselton, Western Australia, and was found to lead to improvements in half of the safe food-handling behaviours targeted; however, safe food-handling knowledge did not increase. > R dO ) {x~ out of 14. Glatthorns model is an example of a linear and rational curriculum Moreover, the electrochemical response can be dramatically expanded by the enrichment effect of rutin through the adsorption of - stacking. Questions addressed in this chapter include the following: CHAPTER 12. endobj Relationship between Education and Philosophy. Curriculum Planning And Development is important course for students. x>H D(? Adding 0.03%0.05% sodium bisulfite showed the best effect on the NEB of CAFC, followed by 0.12% ferulic acid and 0.08% phytic acid. SuperWaterBuffaloMaster242. Preassessment of entry skills 2009-04-25T11:06:04+02:00 Curriculum change/ Curriculum Change Process / Issues in Curriculum Change, Problems and issues in curriculum development, NON-SCIENTIFIC MODELS OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT, Aims, goals and objective purpose in curriculum development, The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University), Wheelers model of curriculum development, Specific Approaches To Curriculum Development, TRA 2010: Course team approaches to task design - Adam Unwin, International business & economics online workshop, Chapter 8 Developing an Instructional Strategy. A set of materials A sequence of courses/projects A set of performance objectives A course of study Slideshow 360948 by deon. There were 174 purposively selected participants in this study. WebIn this design, the curriculum is organized around the needs, interests, abilities, and aspirations of students. What is a program? Develop a constituency: 4, Build the knowledge base: 5. Use promo code RAVEN25for25% off and free shipping! endobj He is the author of numerous professional books, several of which have been published by Corwin. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Naturalistic Model (Glatthorn) - Florida Gulf Coast University (IW). WebWhat It Means to Be a Curriculum Leader 3 01-Glatthorn-45626:01-Glatthorn-45626 5/23/2008 12:51 PM Page 3. He was the Distinguished Research Professor of Education (Emeritus) in the College of Education of East Carolina University, where he advised doctoral students, chaired dissertations, and taught courses in supervision and curriculum. 25 0 obj Change location, (19242007) was a major contributor to the third and fourth editions; his research used in the preparation of the first and second editions of, School Safety, Student Discipline, & Bullying Prevention, Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation, Publish or Perish - The Educator's Imperative, Quality Teaching Through Professional Development, CCPA Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Subject matter (content) 2. WebNaturalistic Model (Glatthorn) Deliberation Model Six-phase Deliberation Model Conversational Approach Postmodern Models Developing a Curriculum Curriculum The availability of rapid systems to detect its accidental presence is therefore useful to speed up the control and apply corrective actions. Allan Glatthorn (2000) describes seven types of curriculum operating in the schools: 1. recommended curriculum - proposed by scholars and professional organizations 2. written curriculum - appears in school, district, division or country documents 3. taught curriculum - what teachers implement or deliver in the classroom and schools More formally, the term curriculum evaluation, when defined by Glatthorn, Boschee, Whiteheard, & Boschee (2012), is the assessment of the merit and worth of 6. In the body of literature focused on curriculum development in the Philippines, no study has applied the SCD Model yet to bring about amendments in the existing curriculum and development of instructional materials. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. << /D [ 13 0 R /FitH -32768 ] /S /GoTo >> Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. Chapter 4 - what is-leadership Rajat Gupta. These variables were considered in formulating contextualized learning competencies in food safety for JHS students. These incidents may be associated to the lack of food safety knowledge and awareness among students and teachers in various schools, and the lack of long-term solution that could effectively address the problem. 12 0 obj Advocates of the design emphasize that attention is paid to what is known about human growth, development, and learning. 2009-04-25T09:33:31+02:00 Hello, would you like to continue browsing the SAGE website? 3. << /Count 5 /Kids [ 82 0 R 83 0 R 84 0 R 85 0 R 86 0 R ] /Parent 8 0 R /Type /Pages >> All junior high school (JHS) students are consumers of food, and as consumers, they have a role in preventing foodborne diseases (FBD) by properly preparing and handling of food. And to your new HOME! Ten isolates from all types of food were also positive in the PAX-EIA (0.0044g/mL). Despite directives and issuances from DepEd that sought to decrease the prevalence of FBDs in basic education schools, many adolescent-aged students remain vulnerable. Education NON-SCIENTIFIC MODELS OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT GLATTHORNS MODEL (NATURALISTIC MODEL) SANA FATIMA Follow TEACHER << /Count 48 /Kids [ 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R 24 0 R ] /Type /Pages >> << /Count 5 /Kids [ 57 0 R 58 0 R 59 0 R 60 0 R 61 0 R ] /Parent 8 0 R /Type /Pages >> This competitive EIA, based on rabbit anti-PTA polyclonal antibodies and a PTA-bovine serum albumin conjugate, yielded a mean standard curve detection limit of 220ng/mL. The preparation method, particularly the precipitating agents used in the synthesis of NiO nanostructures strongly influenced their morphology and porosity. << /Subtype /XML /Type /Metadata /Length 3641 >> This book is a manual for educators to use in curriculum planning and development. NSC . NiO nanoflowers showed the best catalytic activity towards H2O2, a linear range that extends up to 4mM and a LOD of 5M (3sd of the blank signal) were obtained. There was also a significant difference (t=2.74, p<.05) between the participants' laboratory performance 12 months and 24 months after training. The profession as a whole might gain much from such persons, but, as Dewey observed, "the successes of, significance those decisions governing selection of content. Hmo0)$T << /Count 5 /Kids [ 77 0 R 78 0 R 79 0 R 80 0 R 81 0 R ] /Parent 8 0 R /Type /Pages >> endobj Curriculum development should involve a collaborative process that includes input from the state, district leaders, school administrators, classroom teachers, and parents. << /Count 5 /Kids [ 72 0 R 73 0 R 74 0 R 75 0 R 76 0 R ] /Parent 8 0 R /Type /Pages >> In what I term floating quotes, popularized quotes that have no direct, cited sources, David P. Gardner is reported to have said: We learn simply by the exposure of living. Based on the progressive philosophy where the needs and interests of individual learners and the needs of the society are the main concerns 3. WebCurriculum is an educational program with four basic elements 1. endobj Prior to his university assignments, he was a high school teacher and principal. endobj Check out the new look and enjoy easier access to your favorite features, This book is a manual for educators to use in curriculum planning and development. Chapter 4 discusses improving a program of studies at a given level through aligning goals, achieving balance and curricular integration, improving skills, achieving open access, and responding to student needs. 14 0 obj WebCurriculum - Robert S. Zais 1976 Curriculum Development and Design - Murray Print 2020-08-07 This book has been written to provide a current, practical, Australian-based approach to designing and developing curriculum. This study argues that the present K to 12 curriculum of the country must dedicate a space for the teaching and learning of food safety education (FSED) so that food safety knowledge and practices become part of a students lifelong repertoire. This also places the researchers at a vantage point where they could examine the food safety curriculum through diverse perspectives. Non-enzymatic browning (NEB) is the major quality deterioration of Choerospondias axillaris fruit cake (CAFC) occurred during drying. The SlideShare family just got bigger. stream Only a very weak statistical association was found between indicator counts and Salmonella presence on chilled carcasses. Study Resources. CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACH IN LEARNING (VYGOTSKY), BLOOMS TAXONOMY V/S ANDERSON KRATHWOHLS TAXONOMY, HAVIGHURSTS THEORY OF DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS, Topic 1.2 Law and Legal InstitutionsinMedieval India HinduDynasties.pptx, Types of Pile Foundation based on function.pptx, Guiding-My-Child-in-Choosing-the-Right-Career.pptx, images b heart paper complete_ change fig numbers.pptx, No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. Curriculum refers to the desired consequences of instruction. in the development of district mathematics guides.
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